In December 1993, Professor Yang was appointed as the Director of the Failure Mechanics Laboratory of the Ministry of Education in China. He served as the Department Head of Engineering Mechanics from 1997 to 2004, and the Executive Dean of Aerospace School from May to September of 2004 at Tsinghua University. From 1999 to 2004, he was endowed as a Yangtze Professor of the Chinese Ministry of Education. He chaired the Academic Committee of Tsinghua University from April 2004 to August 2006. From September 2004 to July 2006, he served as the Director-General of the Academic Degrees Committee of State Council of China, and also as the Head of Directorate of Graduate Education in the Ministry of Education in China. Since August 2006, he has taken the position of the President of Zhejiang University. In 2001, Professor Yang was elected as a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Astronautics. He was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2003, and elected by its members in 2008 as the head of the Technological Science Division. Professor Yang became a member of TWAS in 2004. He has been invited to be guest professors and scientists in many leading universities in USA, UK, France, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Professor Yang’s other honors and awards include the “May Fourth Youth Medal” from Beijing Municipal Government and the Chinese Youth Award of Science and Technology in 1988, the State Council Special Government Allowance in 1992, the National Excellent Teacher Award in 1993 as one of the 10 best teachers nominated by Beijing Municipal Government, the Chinese Young Scientists Award and the title of “National Young and Mid-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions” in 1994, and the National Mayday Medal in 2002. Recipient of the 2008 Award for Mathematics and Mechanics by Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation. Professor Yang’s current academic services include Council Member of China Association of Science and Technology, Convener of the Mechanics Discipline-appraising Group of the Academic Degrees Committee, and Specially-invited Board Member of Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Internationally, Professor Yang is on the General Assembly of International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and serves as the Chairman of Far East and Oceanic Fracture Society (2004-2008). He is one of the four regional editors of Composite Science and Technology, the international journal with the highest IF in the field of composite materials. He serves in other editorial boards of international journals such as Int. J Fracture, Fatigue & Fract. Eng. Mats. & Structs., J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Modeling Simu. Mater. Sci. Eng. and Archives Appl. Mech.
Professor Yang has made important contributions in the fields of Fracture Mechanics, Mechatronic Reliability, and Micro/Nanomechanics. He has authored and co-authored 11 books and 189 technical papers in internationally refereed journals with more than 1600 citations in SCI.