Lu Yongxiang

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
President, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Phone: +86 571 8795 1275
Fax: +86 571 8795 1275
Office: The Eleventh Teaching Building

Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027


Other Appointments

Professor Lu is currently holding a number of academic appointments, including Honorary Professorship of the University of Hong Kong.


Professional Activities

Member, Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1993
Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1991
Fellow, Third World Academy of Sciences 1990
President, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
Foreign Member, Korea Academy of Science and Technology, 1999
Member of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina,2005
Corresponding Member of the Australian Academy of Science in 2005,
Honorary Senator of the Technical University of Berlin of Germany, 2004
Foreign Member, Korea Academy of Science and Technology, 1999
Honorary Foreign Member, Hungary Academy of Science and Technology, 2004
Honorary Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineers of United Kingdom, 2004
Honorary Foreign Member, Korea Academy of Science and Technology, 1999



Ph.D. – Technical University of Aachen, Germany, 1981
B.S. – Zhejiang University, Mechanical Engineering, 1964

Working Experience

1997- President, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1994-1997 Permanent Vice President, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1988-1995 President, Zhejiang University
1985-1987 Vice President, Zhejiang University
1983-1984 Professor and Head of Institute of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University
1981-1982 Associate Professor and Head of Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University
1964-1979 Teaching Assistant and Lecturer, Zhejiang University


Awards and Honors

Honorary Doctor of Engineering, UNSW, Australia, 2009
Honorary Doctor of Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, Australia, 2008
Honorary Doctor of Engineering, University of Hong Kong, 2007
Honorary Doctor of Engineering, University of Minnesota, US, 2006;
Honorary Doctor of Engineering, National University of Engineering, Peru, 2006
Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa of Linkoping University, Sweden, 2006
Honorary Doctor Degree of Engineering Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukrine, 2005
Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, Loughborough University, UK,2004
Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Nottingham of United Kingdom, 2004
Honorary Doctor of Law, Melbourne University of Australian, 2003
Honorary Doctor of Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003
Honorary Doctor of Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 1997
Honorary Doctor of Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 1995
Humboldt Fellowship, Technical University of Aachen, Germany, 1979


Research Interests

Electro-hydraulic Control Engineering
Fluid Transmission and Control
Publications and Patents
Achieved about 25 patents in China, Europe and USA, and published at home and abroad over 250 papers in research and engineering education and 5 monographs