Xiang Li

Ph.D, M.Eng. B.Eng
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Phone: | +86 (0)571 8827 6240 |
Email: | xiang.li@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Research Institute |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Room 336, Western 7# Building
Zhejiang University, Xi’xi Campus
148 Tianmushan Road
Hangzhou, China 310028
Professional Activities
Member, UK Society of Biomaterials (UKSB)
Member, European Society of Biomaterials (ESB)
Ph.D. – University College London, Biomedical Materials and Engineering, 2009. 4
M. Eng – Queen Mary College, University of London, Materials Science Engineering, 2004
B. Eng – Northeastern University, Materials Forming and Controlling, 2003
Working Experience
2010.9 -, Academic Staff, Department of Materials and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
2009. 5-2010. 9, Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, U.K.
Research Interests
Biomedical materials processing; Advanced prosthetic materials; Micro/nano capsulation; Nanofibre and nano hollow fibre processing.
Publication List
1. Li X., Huang J. and Edirisinghe M.J., Novel patterning of nano-bioceramics: template-assisted electrohydrodynamic atomisation spraying. Journal of Royal Society Interface, vol. 5, pp. 253-257, Feb 2008.
2. Li X., Huang J. and Edirisinghe M.J., Development of template-assisted electrohydrodynamic atomization spraying for nanoHA patterning. Key Engineering Materials, vols. 361-363, pp 585 -588, Feb 2008.
3. Li X., Ahmad Z., Huang J. and Edirisinghe M.J.. Electrohydrodynamic coating of metal with nano-sized hydroxyapatite. Journal of Biomedical Materials and Engineering, vol. 17, pp. 335-346, 2007
4. Li X., Huang J. and Edirisinghe M.J., Development of nano-hydroxyapatite coating by electrohydrodynamic atomization spraying. Journal of Material Science: Materials in Medicine vol. 19, pp. 1545-1551, 2007.
5. Li X., Koller G.P., Huang J., Di Silvio L., Renton T., Edirisinghe M.J., Esat M. and Bonfield W., Effect of heat treatment of nano-hydroxyapatite coatings prepared using electrohydrodynamic deposition. International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials, Vol. 2, pp. 477 – 493, 2009.
6. Li X., Koller G.P., Huang J., Di Silvio L., Renton T., Esat M., Bonfield W., Edirisinghe M., A Novel Jet-based nHA Patterning Technique for Osteoblast Guidance. Journal of Royal Society Interface, vol. 7, pp. 189-197, 2010.
7. Li X., Huang J., Edirisinghe M.J., Bonfield W., An electrically-driven jetting technique for diverse high-resolution surface structures of nanometre hydroxyapatite crystals. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces vol 82, pp 562-570, 2011.
8. Wang X.L., Li X., Stride E. and Edirisinghe M.J., Fabrication of nano-porous chitosan membranes. Nano, vol.5, pp. 53-56.2010.
9. Wang X.L., Li X., Stride E., Huang J., Edirisinghe M.J., Schroeder C., Waller D. Donald A., Best S.M., Cameron R., Novel preparation and characterization of porous alginate films. Carbonhydrate Polymer, vol. 79, pp. 989-997, 2010.
10. Heppe G., Li X., Edirisinghe M., Bonfield W., Esat M. and Huang J., Novel patterning of nanosilicon substituted hydroxyapatite. Bioceramics vol 22, pp 35-38, 2009.
11.Thian E.S., Li X., Huang J., Edirisinghe M., Bonfield W., Best S.M., Electrospray deposition of nanohydroxyapatite coatings: A strategy to mimic bone apatite mineral. Thin Solid Film vol. 519, pp 2328-2331, 2011.
12. Xiao Z., Ren Z.H., Liu Z.Y., Wei X., Xu G., Liu Y., Li X., Shen G., Han G.R., Single-crystal nanofibers of Zr-doped new structured PbTiO3: hydrothermal synthesis, characterization and phase transformation. Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 21, pp 3562-3564, 2011.
Conference List
- Li X., Huang J. and Edirisinghe M.J., Template-assisted electrohydrodynamic atomization spraying for patterning of nanoHA. Oral presentation accepted by the 20th International Symposium of Ceramics in Medicine, University of Nantes, France, 2007 October.
- Li X., Koller G.P., Di Silvio L., Renton T., Esat M., Bonfield W., Edirisinghe M.J. and Huang J., A new way of creation of surface topography of hydroxyapatite for medical implant. Oral presentation accepted by the 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials, Lausanne, C.H., 2009 September.
- Li X., Huang J., Edirisinghe M.J., Template-assisted electrohydrodynamic atomization spraying for patterning of nanoHA. Oral presentation accepted by the 14th CSCST-UK & CSI-CS annual conferences, University of Birmingham, U.K., 2007 October.
- Li X., Huang J. and Edirisinghe M.J., Development of template-assisted electrohydrodynamic atomization spraying for nanoHA patterning. Poster presentation accepted by UK Society for Biomaterials 6th Annual Conference, King’s College, U.K., 2007 July.
- Li X., Huang J. and Edirisinghe M.J., Development and optimisation of nano-hydroxyapatite coating by electrohydrodynamic atomisation spraying. Poster presentation accepted by the 21th European Conference on Biomaterials, Brighton, U.K., 2007 September.
- Li X., Koller G.P., Edirisinghe M.J., Bonfield W., Di Silvio L., Esat M. and Huang J., Electrohydrodynamic atomisation spraying of hydroxyapatite with controlled surface morphology to enhance cellular response. Poster presentation accepted by 8th World Biomaterials Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2008, May.
- Edirisinghe M., Li X., Ahmad Z., Nangrejo M., Electric field assisted co-axial multi-needle processing of biomaterials with emphasis on bioceramics, Invited talk at 11th International Conferences and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, 21st- 25th June 2009, Krakow, Poland.
- Heppe G., Li X., Edirisinghe M., Bonfield W., Esat M. and Huang J., Novel patterning of nanosilicon substituted hydroxyapatite. Oral presentation accepted by the 22nd International Symposium of Ceramics in Medicine, South Korea, 2009 Oct.
- Sebbowa T., Li X., Huang J., Edirisinghe M., Morphology control of TiO2 thin films obtained using electrohydrodynamic atomization. Oral presentation accepted by the 23rd European Conference on Biomaterials, Tampere, Finland, 2010 September.
Patent List
Li X., Huang J., Edirisinghe M.J., Bonfield W. and Esat M. ‘A novel method of creating an interlocked (high bond strength) bioactive coating on metallic substrates for orthopaedic applications’, UK 0821927.1, December 2008.