Li Lei

Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering


Phone: +86 571 8795 1410
Fax: +86 571 8795 1410
Office: Cao Guang Biao Building

Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027


Ph.D. – Zhejiang University, Materials Science and Engineering, 2006
B.S. – Zhejiang University, Materials Science and Engineering, 2001

Working Experience

2008-, Assistant professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University
2006-2008, Postdoctor, College of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University


Research Interests

Dielectric and ferroelectric materials
Microwave materials and measurement
Magnetoelectric composites

Current Projects

  1. Evaluation of Microwave Dielectric Properties of Giant Permittivity Materials, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2009.1-2011.12
  2. A Modified Metal Resonant Cavity Method for Accurately Evaluate Microwave Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Dielectrics, Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010.6-2012.6


Publication List

1) W. Zhang, L. Li & X.M. Chen, Oxygen pressure dependence of structure and electrical properties of pulsed laser deposited Ba(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 thin films, J. Appl. Phys., 108 [4] 044104 (2010-8).
2) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Disk-Ring Multiferroic Heterostructures Coupled Through Normal Stresses”, Appl. Phys. A, 98 [4] 761-764 (2010-3).
3) W. Zhang, L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Effects of oxygen vacancy on ferroelectricity in Ba(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O-3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition”, J. Appl. Phys., 106 [10] 104108 (2009-11).
4) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Extrinsic Microwave Dielectric Properties of Layered Ceramics”, Ferroelectrics, 387 [1] 7-17 (2009-10).
5) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Ba2Ti9O20-Ba1.85Sm4.1Ti9O24 Layered Dielectric Resonators with Adjustable Effective Dielectric Constant”, Mater. Lett., 63 [2] 252-254 (2009-1).
6) Y.Y. Liu, X.M. Chen, X.Q. Liu & L. Li, “Microstructures and Electric Characteristics of SrNdCoO4 Ceramics with K2NiF4 Structure”, J. Electroceram., 21[1-4] 706-710 (2008-12).
7) L. Li, S.Y. Wu, X.M. Chen & Y.Q. Lin, “Frequency-dependent Magnetoelectric Coefficient in a Magnetostrictive-Piezoelectric Composite as a Complex Quantity”, J. Phys. D, 41[12] 125004 (2008-6).
8) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Magnetoelectric Characteristics of a Dual-Mode Magnetostrictive/Piezoelectric Bilayered Composite”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92[7] 072903 (2008-2).
9) L. Li, Y.Q. Lin and X.M. Chen, “CoFe2O4/Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 Disk-Ring Magnetoelectric Composite Structures,” J. Appl. Phys., 102[6] 064103 (2007-9).
10) L. Li, X.M. Chen, L. Ni and M.S. Fu, “Evaluation of microwave dielectric properties of giant permittivity materials by a modified resonant cavity method,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 91 [9] 092906 (2007-8).
11) Y.Y. Liu, X.M. Chen, X.Q. Liu and L. Li, “Dielectric relaxations in Ca(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 complex perovskite ceramics,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 [26] 262904 (2007-6).
12) Y.Y. Liu, X.M. Chen, X.Q. Liu and L. Li, “Giant dielectric response and relaxor behaviors induced by charge and defect ordering in Sr(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 ceramics,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 [19] 192905 (2007-5).
13) L. Li, X.M. Chen & X.C. Fan, “Microwave Dielectric Characteristics and Finite Element Analysis of MgTiO3-CaTiO3 Layered Dielectric Resonators”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 26 [15] 3265-3271 (2006-11).
14) L. Li, X. M. Chen & X. C. Fan, “Microwave Dielectric Properties of MgTiO3/SrTiO3 Layered Ceramics”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 26 [13] 2817-2821 (2006-9).
15) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Effects of Stacking Scheme on Microwave Dielectric Characteristics of Ca(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 Layered Dielectric Resonators”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89 [8] 2514-2520 (2006-8).
16) X.C. Fan, X.M. Chen & L. Li, “FEM Simulation of Microwave Dielectric Properties for Biphase Ceramics”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 26 [10-11] 2179-2183 (2006-8).
17) L. Li, X.M. Chen & X.C. Fan, “Characterization of MgTiO3-CaTiO3 Layered Microwave Dielectric Resonators with TE01? Mode”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89 [2] 557-561 (2006-2).
18) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Adhesive-Bonded Ca(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3/Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 Layered Dielectric Resonators with Tunable Temperature Coefficient of Resonant Frequency”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89 [2] 544-549 (2006-2).
19) L. Li, X.M. Chen & X.C. Fan, “Microwave Dielectric Characteristics of MgTiO3/CaTiO3 Layered Ceramics”, J. Electroceram., 15 [3] 209-214 (2005-12).
20) L. Li, X.M. Chen & X.Q. Liu, “P-E Relations of Ferroelectric/ Antiferroelectric Layered Ceramics in Pb(Nb,Zr,Sn,Ti)O3 System”, Mater. Res. Bull., 40 [7] 1194-1201 (2005-7).
21) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Ferroelectric/Antiferroelectric Layered Ceramics in PbTiO3-PbZrO3 System”, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 108 [3] 200-205 (2004-5).
22) X.M. Chen, L. Li & X.Q. Liu, “Layered Complex Structures of MgTiO3 and CaTiO3 Dielectric Ceramics”, Mater. Sci. Eng. B., 99 [1-3] 255-258 (2003-5).


Conference List

1) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Evaluation of Microwave Dielectric Properties of High-Loss Materials by a Modified Resonant Cavity Method”, 6th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications (MMA2010), September 1-3, 2010, Warsaw, Poland.
2) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Evaluation of Microwave Dielectric Properties of High-Loss Dielectric Materials by a Modified Resonant Cavity Method”, the Joint Conference of 7th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity and 7th Asian Meeting on ElectroCeramics (AMF-AMEC-2010), June 28-July 1, Jeju, Korea.
3) L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Layered Dielectric Resonators and Their Applications”, 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PacRim 8), May 31-June 5, 2009, Vancouver, Canada (Invited).
4) L. Li, X.M. Chen and X.C. Fan, “Layered Microwave Dielectric Resonators”, 5th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications (MMA2008), November 1-4, 2008, Hangzhou, China (Invited).
5) L. Li, X.M. Chen and X.C. Fan, “Ca(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 Layered Dielectric Resonators”, 5th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC-5), December 11-14, 2006, Bangkok, Thailand.


Patent List

L. Li & X.M. Chen, “Layered Microwave Dielectric Ceramics with Middle Dielectric Constant and Their Preparation”, China Invention Patent, ZL 2006 0050627.3, 2008.3.5.