Gu Changdong
Associate Professor,
Department of Materials Science and Science
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2856 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 2859 |
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Office: | Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus |
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Professional Activities
Reviewer:the journals of Nanotechnology,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Thin Solid Films, Langmuir, Colloids and Surfaces A,
Journal of Solid State Chemistry,
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, etc.
Ph.D. – Jilin University, Department of Materials Science and Science, 2004-2007
M.S. – Jilin University, Department of Materials Science, 2002-2004
B.S. – Jilin University, Chemical Engineering and Techniques, 1996-2000
Working Experience
2009-, Faculty, Department of Materials Science and Science, Zhejiang University
2007-2009, Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
2000-2002, Engineer, Shandong XiaoYa Electrical Appliance Co., LTD
Awards and Honors
“Synthesis, microstructures, and mechanical properties of electrodeposited nanostructured Ni and Ni-Co alloys”?-----the Excellent Doctoral Thesis of Jilin University and Jilin province, respectively (2009).
Baosteel Education Award, 2006.
Research Interests
Fabrication and mechanical property of nanocrystalline metals
Electrodeposition and electroless plating
Surface wettability
Electrode materials for Lithium ion battery
Application of ionic liquid
Current Projects
- Controllable electrodeposition of nanocrystalline metals from DES and their mechanical properties, National Natural Science Foundation of China (51001089), 2011-2013
Publication List
Recent Publications
[1] Gu CD, You YH, Yu YL, Qu SX, Tu JP. Microstructure, nanoindentation, and electrochemical properties of the nanocrystalline nickel film electrodeposited from choline chloride-ethylene glycol. Surface and Coatings Technology 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2011.04.098.
[2] Gu CD, Zhang J, Tu JP. A strategy of fast reversible wettability changes of WO3 surfaces between superhydrophilicity and superhydrophobicity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2010;352:573.
[3] Gu CD, Xu XJ, Tu JP. Fabrication and Wettability of Nanoporous Silver Film on Copper from Choline Chloride-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010;114:13614.
[4] Gu CD, Tu JP, Zhang TY. Deposition and wettability of silver nanostructures on Si(1 0 0) substrate based on galvanic displacement reactions. Applied Surface Science 2010;257:1779.
[5] Zhou Y., Gu CD, Zhou JP, Cheng LJ, Liu WL, Qiao YQ, Wang XL, Tu JP. Effect of carbon coating on low temperature electrochemical performance of LiFePO4/C by using polystyrene sphere as carbon source. Electrochimica Acta 2011;56:5054.
[6] Zhang J, Wang XL, Xia XH, Gu CD, Zhao ZJ, Tu JP. Enhanced electrochromic performance of macroporous WO3 films formed by anodic oxidation of DC-sputtered tungsten layers. Electrochimica Acta 2010;55:6953.
Selected Publications
[1] Gu CD, Xu XJ, Tu JP. Fabrication and Wettability of Nanoporous Silver Film on Copper from Choline Chloride-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010;114:13614.
[2] Gu CD, Zhang TY. Electrochemical Synthesis of Silver Polyhedrons and Dendritic Films with Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Langmuir 2008;24:12010.
[3] Gu CD, Lian JS, Jiang ZH, Jiang Q. Enhanced tensile ductility in an electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni. Scripta Materialia 2006;54:579.
[4] Gu CD, Lian JS, He JG, Jiang ZH, Jiang Q. High corrosion-resistance nanocrystalline Ni coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology 2006;200:5413.
[5] Gu CD, Lian JS, Li GY, Niu LY, Jiang ZH. Electroless Ni-P plating on AZ91D magnesium alloy from a sulfate solution. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2005;391:104.
Full Publications
[1] Zhang J, Wang XL, Xia XH, Gu CD, Zhao ZJ, Tu JP. Enhanced electrochromic performance of macroporous WO3 films formed by anodic oxidation of DC-sputtered tungsten layers. Electrochimica Acta 2010;55:6953.
[2] Shen XX, Gu CD, Lian JS, Jiang Q, Jiang ZH, Qin LY. Tensile-relaxation behavior of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni. Journal of Applied Physics 2010;108.
[3] Liu DG, Tu JP, Hong CF, Gu CD, Mao SX. Two-phase nanostructured carbon nitride films prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering and thermal annealing. Surface & Coatings Technology 2010;205:152.
[4] Liu DG, Tu JP, Hong CF, Gu CD, Mai YJ, Chen R. Improving mechanical properties of a-CNx films by Ti-TiN/CNx gradient multilayer. Applied Surface Science 2010;257:487.
[5] Hong CF, Tu JP, Liu DG, Li RL, Gu CD. The electrochemical and mechanical properties of Ti incorporated amorphous carbon films in Hanks' solution. Applied Surface Science 2010;256:4859.
[6] Hong CF, Tu JP, Gu CD, Zheng XH, Liu DG, Li RL, Mao SX. The Effect of Stress Relaxation on the Microstructure and Hardness Evolution of Pure Amorphous-Carbon and C/Ti Multilayer Films. Advanced Engineering Materials 2010;12:920.
[7] Gu CD, Zhang J, Tu JP. A strategy of fast reversible wettability changes of WO3 surfaces between superhydrophilicity and superhydrophobicity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2010;352:573.
[8] Gu CD, Xu XJ, Tu JP. Fabrication and Wettability of Nanoporous Silver Film on Copper from Choline Chloride-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010;114:13614.
[9] Gu CD, Tu JP, Zhang TY. Deposition and wettability of silver nanostructures on Si(1 0 0) substrate based on galvanic displacement reactions. Applied Surface Science 2010;257:1779.
[10] Ping ZX, He YD, Gu CD, Zhang TY. Electroless plating of Ni-P coatings on carbon steel in a stirred bed of glass balls. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2009;39:879.
[11] Gu CD, Xu H, Zhang TY. Fabrication of high aspect ratio through-wafer copper interconnects by reverse pulse electroplating. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2009;19:065011.
[12] Gu CD, Ren H, Tu JP, Zhang TY. Micro/Nanobinary Structure of Silver Films on Copper Alloys with Stable Water-Repellent Property under Dynamic Conditions. Langmuir 2009;25:12299.
[13] Gu CD, Cheng C, Huang H, Wong T, Wang N, Zhang T-Y. Growth and Photocatalytic Activity of Dendrite-like ZnO@Ag Heterostructure Nanocrystals. Crystal Growth & Design 2009;9:3278.
[14] Ping ZX, He YD, Gu CD, Zhang TY. Mechanically assisted electroplating of Ni-P coatings on carbon steel. Surface & Coatings Technology 2008;202:6023.
[15] Jiang ZG, Zhang HZ, Gu CD, Jiang Q, Lian JS. Deformation mechanism transition caused by strain rate in a pulse electric brush-plated nanocrystalline Cu. Journal of Applied Physics 2008;104:053505.
[16] Gu CD, Zhang TY. Electrochemical Synthesis of Silver Polyhedrons and Dendritic Films with Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Langmuir 2008;24:12010.
[17] Lian JS, Gu CD, Li GY, Jiang Q. Strain rate sensitivity and activation volume of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni and Ni-Co alloys. RARE METALS 2007;26:134.
[18] Gu CD, Lian JS, Jiang Q, Zheng WT. Experimental and modelling investigations on strain rate sensitivity of an electrodeposited 20nm grain sized Ni. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 2007;40:7440.
[19] Gu CD, Lian JS, Jiang Q, Jiang ZH. Ductile-brittle-ductile transition in an electrodeposited 13 nanometer grain sized Ni-8.6 wt.% Co alloy. Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 2007;459:75.
[20] Gu CD, Lian JS, Jiang Q. Layered nanostructured Ni with modulated hardness fabricated by surfactant-assistant electrodeposition. Scripta Materialia 2007;57:233.
[21] Gu CD, Li J, Lian JS, Zheng GQ. Electrochemical synthesis and optical properties of ZnO thin film on In2O3 : Sn (ITO)-coated glass. Applied Surface Science 2007;253:7011.
[22] Niu LY, Jiang ZH, Li GY, Gu CD, Lian JS. A study and application of zinc phosphate coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology 2006;200:3021.
[23] Lian JS, Li GY, Niu LY, Gu CD, Jiang ZH, Jiang Q. Electroless Ni-P deposition plus zinc phosphate coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology 2006;200:5956.
[24] Lian JS, Gu CD, Jiang Q, Jiang ZH. Strain rate sensitivity of face-centered-cubic nanocrystalline materials based on dislocation deformation. Journal of Applied Physics 2006;99:076103.
[25] Li GY, Niu LY, Jiang ZH, Gu CD, Lian JS. Direct electroless Ni-P deposition on AM50 magnesium alloy from sulfate bath TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 2006;16:S65.
[26] Gu CD, Lian JS, Jiang ZH, Jiang Q. Enhanced tensile ductility in an electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni. Scripta Materialia 2006;54:579.
[27] Gu CD, Lian JS, Jiang ZH. High strength nanocrystalline Ni-Co alloy with enhanced tensile ductility. Advanced Engineering Materials 2006;8:252.
[28] Gu CD, Lian JS, He JG, Jiang ZH, Jiang Q. High corrosion-resistance nanocrystalline Ni coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology 2006;200:5413.
[29] Gu CD, Lian JS, Li GY, Niu LY, Jiang ZH. Electroless Ni-P plating on AZ91D magnesium alloy from a sulfate solution. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2005;391:104.
[30] Gu CD, Lian JS, Li GY, Niu LY, Jiang ZH. High corrosion-resistant Ni-P/Ni/Ni-P multilayer coatings on steel. Surface & Coatings Technology 2005;197:61.
[31] Gu CD, Lian JS, Jiang ZH. Multilayer Ni-P coating for improving the corrosion resistance of AZ91D magnesium alloy. Advanced Engineering Materials 2005;7:1032.
Conference List
“Fabrication and Wettability of Nanoporous Silver Film from Deep Eutectic Solvents” presented in 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids and Green Processes, Dalian, September 07-10, 2010.
Patent List
“A solution and its use of the electroless Ag coating on Si substrate”, No. 200910155118.0, China.