Zhang Ze

Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Academician, Chinese Academy of Science
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2797 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 2797 |
Email: | zezhang@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | The Cao-Guang-Biao Building |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Other Appointments
Director, Center of Electron Microscopy
Professional Activities
Member of Chinese academic of Sciences
President of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society
Vice president of Chinese Physics Society
Vice president of Chinese Materials Society
Vice president of Chinese Analysis & Measurement Society
Ph.D. – Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1987
M. S – Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1983,
B.S. – Department of Physics, Jilin University, 1980
Working Experience
2010-, Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Director, Center of Electron Microscopy, Zhejiang University
2003-2009, Professor and Vice president of Beijing University of Technology
1995 -2001, Professor and the Director of the Beijing Laboratory of Electron Microscopy,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
1996-2000, Executive Secretary of the China Association for Science and Technology, China (Till June of 2001)
1994.3-1994.6, Visiting Scientist in the Electron Microscopy Center of the University of Antwerp (RUCA), Belgium
1991. 11-1992. 5, Visiting Scientist in Lehigh University, USA
1988.5-1990.12, Guest Scientist at the Institute of Solid Physics, at the Research Center, Jüelich, Germany
Awards and Honors
China "Qiushi Extinguished Young Scientists " Award, 1995
Chinese Academy "Natural Science Awards", third class, 1994
Chinese Academy "Natural Science Awards", second class, 1992
"Chinese Young Scientist Awards", in Physics, 1992
Beijing "Young Scientist Awards", 1988
“National Science & Technology Awards for Young Scientists”, 1988
First Class of "National Natural Science Awards”, 1987
National "C. S. Wu Physics Awards", 1987
Research Interests
1. The relationship of microstructure and physical properties of low-dimensional nanostructures
2. Microstructures of defects in the complex metallic alloy phases
3. Microstructure and growth mechanism of nanostructures
Current Projects
- On study of microstructure and property of advanced materials and new characterization methods
- On Study of Reliability and Key Technology of Aluminium Alloy on Carbodies of CRH Highspeed Train
Publication List
Recent Publications
- E. Ma, Z. Zhang, "Reflections from the glass maze", Nat. Mater., 2011, 24 (1), 10-11
- K. Zheng, C. C. Wang, Y. Q. Cheng, Y. H. Yue, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, Z. W. Shan, S. X. Mao, M. M. Ye, Y. D. Yin, E. Ma, "Electron-beam-assisted superplastic shaping of nanoscale amorphous silica", Nat. Commun., 2010, 1, 1-8
- L. H. Wang, X. D. Han, P. Liu, Y. H. Yue, Z. Zhang, E. Ma, "In Situ Observation of Dislocation Behavior in Nanometer Grains", Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010, 105 (13), 135501
- S. C. Mao, J. F. Luo, Z. Zhang, M. H. Wu, Y. Liu, X. D. Han, "EBSD studies of the stress-induced B2-B19 ' martensitic transformation in NiTi tubes under uniaxial tension and compression", Acta Mater., 2010, 58 (9), 3357-3366
- Y. Cheng, N. Yan, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, T. Zhang, Z. T. Song, B. Liu, S. L. Feng, "Thermally induced phase separation of Si-Sb-Te alloy", J. Non-cryst. Solids., 2010, 356 (18-19), 884-888
Selected Publications
- K. Zheng, C. C. Wang, Y. Q. Cheng, Y. H. Yue, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, Z. W. Shan, S. X. Mao, M. M. Ye, Y. D. Yin, E. Ma, "Electron-beam-assisted superplastic shaping of nanoscale amorphous silica", Nat. Commun., 2010, 1, 1-8
- L. H. Wang, X. D. Han, P. Liu, Y. H. Yue, Z. Zhang, E. Ma, "In Situ Observation of Dislocation Behavior in Nanometer Grains", Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010, 105 (13), 135501
- X. D. Han, S. L. Zheng, Y. F. Zhang, K. Zheng, S. B. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. N. Zhang, X. Q. Liu, G. Chen, Y. J. Hao, X. Y. Guo, “Polarization Driven Covalently-Bonded Octahedral-Twinning and Backbone-Peripheral-Helical Nanoarchitectures”, Nano Lett. 8, 2258 (2008)
- W. Zhou, K. Zheng, L. He, R. M. Wang, L. Guo, C. P. Chen, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, “Ni Ni3C Core–Shell Nanochains and Its Magnetic Properties One-Step Synthesis at Low Temperature”, Nano Lett. 8, 1147 (2008)
- Y. F. Zhang, X. D. Han, K. Zheng, Z. Zhang, X. N. Zhang, J. Y. Fu, Y. Ji, “Direct Observation of Super-Plasticity of Beta-SiC Nanowires at Low Temperature”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 17, 3435 (2007)
- X. D. Han, K. Zheng, Y. F. Zhang, X. N. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and Z. L. Wang, “Low-Temperature In Situ Large-Strain Plasticity of Silicon Nanowires”, Adv. Mater. 19, 2112 (2007)
- X. D. Han, Y. F. Zhang, K. Zheng, X. N. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Y. J. Hao, X. Y. Guo, J. Yuan, and Z. L. Wang, “Direct Observation of Low-Temperature Large Strain Plasticity and Atomic Mechanisms of Ceramic SiC Nanowires”, Nano Lett. 7, 452 (2007)
- X. D. Han, Z. Zhang and Z. L. Wang, “Experimental nanomechanics of one-dimensional nanomaterials by In situ microscopy”, Nano: breif reports and reviews 2, 249 (2007)
- Z. M. Zeng, J. F. Feng, Y. Wang, X. F. Han, W. S. Zhan, X. G. Zhang, Z. Zhang, “Probing Spin-Flip Scattering in Ballistic Nanosystems”, Physical Review Letters 97, 106605 (2006)
- Y. H. Chen, W. Sun and Z. Zhang, “Approximant phases, phason planes and domain-boundary networks in Al-Ni-Rh alloys”, Phil. Mag. Lett. 86, 817 (2006)
- H. Tian, W. Sun, and Z. Zhang, “Determination of atomic structure of phason planes in the ξ‘-Al-Pd-Mn phase”, Phil. Mag. Lett. 86, 309 (2006)
- Z. Zhang, M. Wollgarten and K. Urban, "Analysis of dislocations in icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe alloy by transmission electron microscopy", Phil. Mag. Lett. 61, 125 (1990)
- Z. Zhang and K. Urban, "Transmission electron microscope observations of dislocations and stacking faults in a decagonal Al-Cu-Co alloy", Phil. Mag. Lett. 60, 97 (1989)
- Z. Zhang, H. Q. Ye and K. H. Kuo, "A new icosahedral phase with m35 symmetry", Phil. Mag. A 52, L49 (1985)
Full Publications
- E. Ma, Z. Zhang, "Reflections from the glass maze", Nat. Mater., 2011, 24 (1), 10-11
- K. Zheng, C. C. Wang, Y. Q. Cheng, Y. H. Yue, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, Z. W. Shan, S. X. Mao, M. M. Ye, Y. D. Yin, E. Ma, "Electron-beam-assisted superplastic shaping of nanoscale amorphous silica", Nat. Commun., 2010, 1, 1-8
- L. H. Wang, X. D. Han, P. Liu, Y. H. Yue, Z. Zhang, E. Ma, "In Situ Observation of Dislocation Behavior in Nanometer Grains", Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010, 105 (13), 135501
- S. C. Mao, J. F. Luo, Z. Zhang, M. H. Wu, Y. Liu, X. D. Han, "EBSD studies of the stress-induced B2-B19 ' martensitic transformation in NiTi tubes under uniaxial tension and compression", Acta Mater., 2010, 58 (9), 3357-3366
- Y. Cheng, N. Yan, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, T. Zhang, Z. T. Song, B. Liu, S. L. Feng, "Thermally induced phase separation of Si-Sb-Te alloy", J. Non-cryst. Solids., 2010, 356 (18-19), 884-888
- K. Zheng, X. D. Han, L. H. Wang, Y. F. Zhang, Y. H. Yue, Y. Qin, X. N. Zhang, and Z. Zhang, “Atomic Mechanisms Governing the Elastic Limit and the Incipient Plasticity of Bending Si Nanowires”, Nano Lett. 9, 2471 (2009).
- X. L. Du, Z. X. Mei, Z. L. Liu, Y. Guo, T. C. Zhang, Y. N. Hou, Z. Zhang, Q. K. Xue, and A. Y. Kuznetsov, “Controlled Growth of High-Quality ZnO-Based Films and Fabrication of Visible-Blind and Solar-Blind Ultra-Violet Detectors”, Adv. Mater. 21, 1 (2009).
- K. Wang, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, L. C. Wu, B. Liu, Z. T. Song, S. L. Feng, “Synthesis and characterization of phase change memory Cells”, Sci. China Ser. E-Technol. Sci. 52, 2724 (2009).
- K. Wang, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, L. C. Wu, B. Liu, Z. T. Song, S. L. Feng, “Achieving Multiple Resistance States in Phase-Change Memory Cell”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 074501 (2009).
- D. F. Zhang, H. Zhang, L. Guo, K. ZHeng, X. D. Han, and Z. Zhang, “Delicate control of crystallographic-facet-oriented Cu2O nanocrystals and its correlated adsorption ability”, J. Mater. Chem 19, 5220 (2009).
- W. Sun, J. P. Wang and Z. Zhang, “Structural Defects in Al-Ni-Rh and Al-Pd-Fe Crystalline Approximant Phases”, Z. Kristallogr. 224, 75 (2009).
- C. J. Jia, L. D. Sun, F. Luo, X. D. Han, L. J. Heyderman, Z. G. Yan, C. H. Yan, K. Zheng, Z. Zhang et al, “Large-Scale Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanorings”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 16968 (2008)
- X. D. Han, S. L. Zheng, Y. F. Zhang, K. Zheng, S. B. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. N. Zhang, X. Q. Liu, G. Chen, Y. J. Hao, X. Y. Guo, “Polarization Driven Covalently-Bonded Octahedral-Twinning and Backbone-Peripheral-Helical Nanoarchitectures”, Nano Lett. 8, 2258 (2008).
- W. Zhou, K. Zheng, L. He, R. M. Wang, L. Guo, C. P. Chen, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, “Ni Ni3C Core–Shell Nanochains and Its Magnetic Properties One-Step Synthesis at Low Temperature”, Nano Lett. 8, 1147 (2008).
- P. F. Xing, Y. X. Chen, S. S. Yan, G. L. Liu, L. M. Mei, K. Wang, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, “High temperature ferromagnetism and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Fe-doped In2O3 films ”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 022513 (2008).
- Y. Qin, X. N. Zhang, K. Zheng, H. Li, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, “Unusual Catalyst-free Epitaxial Growth of Silicon Nanowires”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 063104 (2008).
- Y. Cheng, X. D. Han, X. Q. Liu, K. Zheng, Z. Zhang et al, “Self-Extrusion of Te-Nanowire from Si-Sb-Te Thin Films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 183113 (2008).
- D. Lan, Y. R. Wang, X. L. Du, Z. X. Mei, Q. K. Xue, K. Wang, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, “Large scale fabrication of periodical bowl-like micropatterns of single crystal ZnO”, Crystal Growth & Design 8, 2912 (2008).
- K. Wang, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, T. Li, M. Zhang, H. Yan, “Fabrication, Characterization, and the Rectifying Properties of the Interfacial Structural Controlled LaSrMnO-Si Heterojunctions”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 014315 (2008).
- T. Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. T. Song, B. Liu, S. L. Feng, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, B. Chen, “Comparison of the crystallization of Ge–Sb–Te and Si–Sb–Te in a constant-temperature annealing process”, Scrip. Mater. 58, 977 (2008).
- S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Y. B. Tian, J. F. Luo, Z. Zhang, Y. Ji, M. H. Wu, “In situ EBSD investigations of the asymmetric stress-induced martensitic transformation in TiNi shape memory alloys under bending”, Mater. Sci. Engi. A 498, 278 (2008).
- J. X. Deng, Y. F. Tian, S. S. Yan, Q. Cao, G. L. Liu, Y. X. Chen, L. M. Mei, G. Ji, Z. Zhang, “Magnetism of amorphous Ge1-xMnx magnetic semiconductor films ”, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 013905 (2008).
- G. Ji, Z. Zhang, Y. X. Chen, S. S. Yan, Y. H. Liu, and L. M. Mei, “Current spin polarization and spin injection efficiency in ZnO-based ferromagnetic semiconductor junctions”, Acta Metall.Sin. 22, 153 (2008).
- H. M. Wu, W. Sun, Z. Zhang, L. Liu, and T. Zhang, “SEM study of quasi-crystallized Zr65Cu12.5Ni10Al7.5Ag5 amorphous alloys at initial stage”, Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 37, 823 (2008).
- G. Ji, S. S. Yan, Y. X. Chen, Q. Cao, W. Xia, Y. H. Liu, L. M. Mei, Z. Zhang, “Spin injection from ferromagnetic semiconductor CoZnO into ZnO”, J. Mater. Tech. 24, 415 (2008).
- Y. F. Zhang, X. D. Han, K. Zheng, Z. Zhang, X. N. Zhang, J. Y. Fu, Y. Ji, “Direct Observation of Super-Plasticity of Beta-SiC Nanowires at Low Temperature”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 17, 3435 (2007).
- X. D. Han, K. Zheng, Y. F. Zhang, X. N. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and Z. L. Wang, “Low-Temperature In Situ Large-Strain Plasticity of Silicon Nanowires”, Adv. Mater. 19, 2112 (2007).
- X. D. Han, Y. F. Zhang, K. Zheng, X. N. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Y. J. Hao, X. Y. Guo, J. Yuan, and Z. L. Wang, “Direct Observation of Low-Temperature Large Strain Plasticity and Atomic Mechanisms of Ceramic SiC Nanowires”, Nano Lett. 7, 452 (2007).
- X. D. Han, Z. Zhang and Z. L. Wang, “Experimental nanomechanics of one-dimensional nanomaterials by In situ microscopy”, Nano: breif reports and reviews 2, 249 (2007).
- Y. Wang, X. N. Wang, Z. X. Mei, and X. L. Du, J. Zou, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, X. N. Zhang and Z. Zhang, “Epitaxial orientation of Mg2Si(110) thin film on Si(111) substrate ”, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 126102 (2007).
- S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang and M. H. Wu, “The nano- and mesoscopic cooperative collective mechanisms of inhomogenous elastic-plastic transitions in polycrystalline TiNi shape memory alloys”, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 103522 (2007).
- Y. F. Tian, Y. P. Zhang, Shi-shen Yan, G. L. Liu, Y. X. Chen, L. M. Mei, G. Ji and Z. Zhang, “Electrical transport properties of (CoxAl1-x)2O3-v oxide magnetic semiconductor and corresponding Co–Al2O3 granular films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 013509 (2007).
- Y. Z. Liu, H.T. Yuan, Z. Q. Zeng, X. L. Du, X. D. Han, Q. K. Xue, Z. Zhang, “Inversion domain boundary in a ZnO film”, Phil. Mag. Lett., 87, 687 (2007)
- X. Q. Liu, X. D. Han and Z. Zhang, L. F. Ji and Y. J. Jiang, “The Crystallographic Structure of High Temperature Phase Ta2O5”, Acta Mater., 55, 2385 (2007).
- W. Sun, Y. H. Chen and Z. Zhang, “Defect-modulated structures in Al-Ni-Rh crystalline approximants”, Philo. Mag.87, 2815 (2007).
- X. Q. Liu, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, L. F. Ji and Y. J. Jiang, “Structural correlations of the enhancement of dielectric permittivity in the (Ta2O5)0.92(TiO2)0.08 system”, Appl. Phys. Lett.90, 211904 (2007).
- H. D. Li, X. N. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. X. Mei, X. L. Du and Q. K. Xue, “Epitaxial growth of CaO films on MgO(001)surface: Strain relaxationat the CaO/MgO heterointerface”, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 046103 (2007).
- X. N. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. X. Mei, J. Dong, Z. Q. Zeng, H. T. Yuan, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, X. N. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. F. Li and W. Lu, “Low-temperature interface engineering for high-quality ZnO epitaxy on Si(111)substrate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 151912 (2007).
- H. D. Li, X. N. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. X. Mei, X. L. Du and Q. K. Xue, “Structure stability of epitaxial MgO-CaO solid-solution films:effect of diffusion”, J. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 106102 (2007).
- Y. Z. Liu, Q. Y. Xu, H. Schmidt, L. Hartmann, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, X. D. Han, and Z. Zhang, “Co location and valence state determination in ferromagnetic ZnO:Co thin films by atom-location-by-channeling-enhanced-microanalysis electron energy-loss spectroscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 154101 (2007).
- J. F. Luo, S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, J. Wu, and M. H. Wu, “Crystallographic mechanisms of fracture in a textured polycrystalline TiNi”, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 043526 (2007).
- Y. Z. Liu, X. D. Han and Z. Zhang, “Potential mapping of ZnO by off-axis electron holography”, Phil. Mag. Lett., 87, 103 (2007).
- Z. M. Zeng, J. F. Feng, Y. Wang, X. F. Han, W. S. Zhan, X. G. Zhang, Z. Zhang, “Probing Spin-Flip Scattering in Ballistic Nanosystems”, Physical Review Letters 97, 106605 (2006).
- Y. H. Chen, W. Sun and Z. Zhang, “Approximant phases, phason planes and domain-boundary networks in Al-Ni-Rh alloys”, Phil. Mag. Lett. 86, 817 (2006).
- H. Tian, W. Sun,and Z. Zhang, “From phason planes to superstructures in an Al-Pd-Mn alloy”, Phil. Mag. Lett. 86, 539 (2006).
- H. Tian, W. Sun, and Z. Zhang, “Determination of atomic structure of phason planes in the ξ‘-Al-Pd-Mn phase”, Phil. Mag. Lett. 86, 309 (2006).
- Z. Zhang, H. Tian, Y. H. Chen, and W. Sun, “Special planar defects in the structural complex metallic alloys of Al-Pd-Mn and Al-Ni-Rh”, International Journal of Materials Research (Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde), July, 1001 (2006).
- S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, M. H. Wu, “In situ TEM study of the thickness impact on the crystallization features of a near equal atomic TiNi thin film prepared by planar magnetron sputtering”, Mater. Trans. JIM 47, 536 (2006).
- S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, M. H. Wu, Z. Zhang et al, “Effect of cyclic loading on apparent young's modulus and critical stress in nano-subgrained superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys”, Mater. Trans. JIM 47, 735 (2006).
- Z. X. Mei, Y. Wang, X. L. Du, Z. Q. Zeng, M. J. Ying, H. Zheng, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, and Z. Zhang, “Growth of In2O3 single-crystalline film on sapphire (0001) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy”, J. Crystal Growth 289, 686 (2006).
- H. Q. Song, L. M. Mei, S. S. Yan, X. L. Ma, J. P. Liu, Y. Wang and Z. Zhang, “Microstructure, ferromagnetism, and magnetic transport of Ti1-xCoxO2 amorphous magnetic semiconductor”, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 123903 (2006).
- X. N. Zhang, C. R. Li, Z. Zhang, “Controlling the growth direction of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures by changing the oxygen content in the reaction atmosphere”, Appl. Phys. A 82, 33 (2006).
- Y. Wang, Z. M. Zeng, S. Rehana, X. F. Han, X. C. Sun, Z. Zhang, “Microstructure investigation on barrier shapes of double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions”, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 054510 (2006).
- Y. Z. Liu, M. J. Ying, X. L. Du, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, “The 30 degrees rotation domains in wurtzite ZnO films”, J. Crystal Growth 290, 631 (2006).
- B. Dai, J. W. Cai, W. Y. Lai, Y. Z. Liu, Z. Zhang, F. B. Meng, Y. X. Li, “Large enhancement of exchange bias in CoFe/CrPt films through interfacial Mn addition”, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 073902 (2006).
- Q. Wei, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, “The substructures of martensite in a TiNiHf10 high temperature shape memory alloy”, Materials Letter 60, 3054 (2006).
- Y. Wang, Z Zhang, ZM Zeng, XF Han, “Electron holography investigation of the barrier of magnetic tunnelling junctions”, Acta Phys. Sin., 55, 1148 (2006).
- T Dai, YZ Liu, Z Zhang, “Electron holography determination of the growth polarity of GaN/AlGaN multi-quantum well structure”, Acta Phys. Sin., 55, 5829 (2006).
- F. F. Li, R. Sharif, L. X. Jiang, X. Q. Zhang, X. F. Han,Y. Wang and Z. Zhang, “Thermal stability of Ir-Mn/Co-Fe-B/Al-O/Co-Fe-B tunnel junctions”, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 113710 (2005).
- S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, J. F. Luo, Z. Zhang, “Microstructure and texture evolution of ultra-thin TiNi hot-rolled sheets studied by automated EBSD”, Mater. Lett. 59, 3567 (2005).
- W. Lü, C. R. Li, Z. Zhang, “Study of band structure InxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells by high-resolution electron microscopy and electron holography”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 041902 (2005).
- Y. Wang, X. L. Du, Z. X. Mei, Z. Q. Zeng, M. J. Ying, H. T. Yuan, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue and Z. Zhang, “Cubic nitridation layers on sapphire substrate and their role in polarity selection of ZnO films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 051901 (2005).
- Z. M. Zeng, X. F. Han, W. S. Zhan, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, S. F. Zhang, “Oscillatory tunnel magnetoresistance in double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions”, Phys. Rev. B 72, 054419 (2005).
- X. D. Han, Y. F. Zhang, X. Q. Liu, and Z. Zhang, Y. J. Hao and X. Y. Guo, “Lattice bending, disordering, and amorphization induced plastic deformation in a SiC nanowire”, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 124307(2005).
- Z. X. Mei, X. L. Du, Y. Wang, M. J. Ying, Z. Q. Zeng, H. Zheng, J. F. Jia, Z. Zhang and Q. K. Xue, “Controlled growth of Zn-polar ZnO epitaxial film by nitridation of sapphire substrate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 112111 (2005).
- C. J. Jia, L. D. Sun, Z. G. Yan, L. P. You, F. Luo, X. D. Han, Y. C. Pang, Z. Zhang, and C. H. Yan, “Single-Crystalline Iron Oxide Nanotubes”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 4328 (2005).
- Q. Y. Xu, R. P. Wang, Z. Zhang, “Role of Ag in La1-xAgxMnO3 maganite perovskite”, Phys. Rev. B 71, 092401 (2005).
- Y. Z. Liu, M. J. Ying, X. L. Du, Z.Q. Zeng, Z.X. Mei, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, Z. Zhang, “Microstructure and polarity of epitaxial ZnO films grown on LSAT(111) substrate studied by transmission electron microscopy”, Phys. Lett. A, 339, 497 (2005).
- B. Dai, J. W. Cai, W. Y. Lai,Y. K. An, Z. H. Mai, F. Shen, Y. Z. Liu, Z. Zhang, “Large exchange bias and high stability of CoFe/CrPt films with L10 CrPt as the pinning layer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 092506 (2005).
- M. J. Ying, X. L. Du, Y. Z. Liu, Z. T. Zhou, Z. Q. Zeng, Z. X. Mei, J. F. Ji, H. Chen, Q. K. Xue, Z. Zhang, “Interface engineering for lattice-matched epitaxy of ZnO on (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3(111)substrate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 202107 (2005).
- X. N. Zhang, Z. Zhang, C. R. Li, “Growth of one-dimensional Ag/Si/SiOx capsule nanostructures by self-assembled SiOx template”, Appl. Phys. A 81, 163 (2005).
- Z. M. Zeng, X. F. Han, G. X. Du, W. S. Zhan, Y. Wang and Z. Zhang, “Magnetoresistance effect of double-barrier magnetic tunneling juction applied in spin transistors”, Acta. Phys. Sin. 54, 3351 (2005).
- Z Zhang, T Zhu, YQ Feng, Z Zhang, “Electron holography investigation on the barrier structures of Co based magnetic tunnel junctions”, Acta Phys. Sin., 54, 5861 (2005).
- J. W. Cai, W. Y. Lai, J. Teng, F. Shen, Z. Zhang, L. M. Mei, “Long-range oscillatory exchange interaction between antiferromagnetic FeMn layers across a Cu spacer”, Phys. Rev. B 70, 214428 (2004).
- Z. X. Mei, Y. Wang, X. L. Du, M. J. Ying, Z. Q. Zeng, H. Zheng, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, Z. Zhang, “Controlled growth of O-polar ZnO epitaxial film by oxygen radical preconditioning of sapphire substrate”, J. Appl. Phys. 96, 7108 (2004).
- Y. Wang, X. L. Du, Z. X. Mei, Z. Q. Zeng, Q.Y. Xu, Q. K. Xue, Z. Zhang, “Defect characteristics of ZnO film grown on (0001) sapphire with an ultrathin gallium wetting layer”, J. Crystal Growth 273, 100 (2004).
- M. J. Ying, X. L. Du, Z. X. Mei, Z. Q. Zeng, H. Zheng, Y. Wang, J. F. Jia, Z. Zhang, Q. K. Xue, “Effect of sapphire substrate nitridation on the elimination of rotation domains in ZnO epitaxial films”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37, 3058 (2004).
- X. N. Zhang, C. R. Li, Z. Zhang, Z. X. Cao, “Self-assembly of Ag/SiOx spherules in triangular pattern on strained surface of primary particles”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 3570 (2004).
- Q. Y. Xu, Y. G. Wang, B. You, J. Du, A. Hu, Z. Zhang, “Electron holography study on the microstructure of magnetic tunnelling junctions”, Ultramicroscopy 98, 297 (2004).
- X. N. Zhang, C. R. Li, Z. Zhang, “One-dimensional growth induced by thermal stress”, Mater. Lett.58, 1917 (2004).
- W. Lü, D. B. Li, C. R. Li, Z. Zhang, “Generation and behavior of pure-edge threading misfit dislocations in InxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells”, J. Appl. Phys. 96, 5267 (2004).
- W. Lü, D. B. Li,C. R. Li, F. Shen, Z. Zhang, “Effect of critical thickness on structural and optical properties of In xGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells”, J. Appl. Phys.95, 4362 (2004).
- F Shen, T Zhu, X Xiang, John Q Xiao, Z Zhang, “An investigation of barrier/electrode interfaces and their related influence on tunnelling magnetoresistance using electron holography”, J. Phys. D 37, 1515 (2004).
- Y. Z. Long, Z. J. Chen, Y. J. Ma, Z. Zhang, A. Z. Jin, C. Z. Gu, L. J. Zhang, Z. X. Wei, M. X. Wan, “Electrical conductivity of hollow polyaniline microspheres synthesized by a self-assembly method”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 2205 (2004).
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