Zhou Jingsong

Professor, Department of Energy Engineering
PH.D Supervisor


Phone: +86 571 8795 2041
Fax: +86 571 8795 1616
Email: zhoujs@zju.edu.cn

Institute for Thermal Power Engnieering
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027


Ph.D. – Zhejiang University, Engineering Thermophysics, 1996
B.S. – -Zhejiang University, Power Energy Engineering, 1991

Working Experience

1996-1998,Lecturer, Zhejiang University
1998-2002, Associate Professor, Zhejiang University
2002-current, Professor, Zhejiang University

Awards and Honors

New Century Excellent Talents in University, 2008
Zhejiang Province New Century 151 Talent Project, 2010
The Second Class National Awards for Technology Invention, 2008, Semi-dry flue gas cleaning technology for removal of multipollutants in power plant boiler
The First Class Zhejiang Awards for Science and Technology, 2009, The fundamental research on thermo-chemical conversion of biomass into high quality fuels
The First Class Zhejiang Awards for Scientific and Technical Progress, 2006, Semi-dry flue gas cleaning technology with circulating suspension multi-level humidification
The Second Class MOE Awards for Scientific and Technical Progress, 2005, Clean Utilization of low-grade fuel based on circulating fluidized bed technology


Research Interests

Mercury emission and its control during coal combustion, biomass gasification


Current Projects

  1. Transformation Mechanics and Emission Reduction of Mercury in Coal Combustion Chinese, National Natural Science Foundation, 2000-2002, finished
  2. Mercury Transformation and its Control for Coal-Fired Utilization, Chinese National Basic Research Priorities Program, 1999-2003, finished
  3. Advanced Mercury Control Technology on the Basis of Semi-Dry Method, Chinese High Tech Research and Development (863) Program, 2002-2004, finished
  4. Mercury Emission Measurement and Control in China, International cooperation project, USA-EPA/NETL, 2005.7-2007.7, finished
  5. Investigation on Stack Emission of Persistent Organic Pollutants and other Toxic Pollutants from Cement Kilns in China, MEP/US-EPA, 2006.12-2007.6, finished
  6. Monitoring of Mercury, Arsenic and Selenium from Stack Gas and Traditional Pollutants of Modified Cement Kilns, in Shangdong Province, MEP/US-EPA, 2008.9-2008.12,finised
  7. Biomass Gasification for Distribution Gas Supply in Rural Area China, TOYOTA Foundation, 2000-2002, finished
  8. Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification Technology for Gas in Zhejiang Province, Shell Foundation, 2000.03-2006.7 finished


Publication List

Recent Publications

  1. Hua Xiao-Yu, Zhou Jin-Song, Li Qiankun, Luo Zhong-Yang, Cen Ke-Fa, Gas-phase elemental mercury removal by CeO2 impregnated activated coke, Energy and Fuels, 2010, 24(10) 5426-5431(SCI/EI)
  2. Zhou Jinsong, Chen Qing, Zhao Hui, Cao Xiaowei, Mei Qinfeng, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa Biomass-oxygen gasification in a high-temperature entrained-flow gasifier, Biotechnology Advances, 2009, 27(5), 606-611(SCI/EI)
  3. Sheng He, Jinsong Zhou, Yanqun Zhu, Zhongyang Luo, Mingjiang Ni, Kefa Cen, Mercury oxidation over a vanadia-based selective catalytic reduction catalyst, Energy and Fuels, 2009, 23(1), 253-259(SCI/EI)
  4. Changxing Hu,Jinsong Zhou, Sheng He, Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen, Effect of chemical activation of an activated carbon using zinc chloride on elemental mercury adsorption, Fuel Processing Technology 2009, 90, 812–817(SCI/EI)

Selected Publications

  1. Hua Xiao-Yu, Zhou Jin-Song, Li Qiankun, Luo Zhong-Yang, Cen Ke-Fa, Gas-phase elemental mercury removal by CeO2 impregnated activated coke, Energy and Fuels, 2010, 24(10) 5426-5431(SCI/EI)
  2. Zhou Jinsong, Chen Qing, Zhao Hui, Cao Xiaowei, Mei Qinfeng, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa Biomass-oxygen gasification in a high-temperature entrained-flow gasifier, Biotechnology Advances, 2009, 27(5), 606-611(SCI/EI)
  3. Sheng He, Jinsong Zhou, Yanqun Zhu, Zhongyang Luo, Mingjiang Ni, Kefa Cen, Mercury oxidation over a vanadia-based selective catalytic reduction catalyst, Energy and Fuels, 2009, 23(1), 253-259(SCI/EI)
  4. Changxing Hu,Jinsong Zhou, Sheng He, Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen, Effect of chemical activation of an activated carbon using zinc chloride on elemental mercury adsorption, Fuel Processing Technology 2009, 90, 812–817(SCI/EI)
  5. Zhou Jinsong, Luo Zhongyang, Hu Changxing, Cen Kefa,Factors impacting gaseous mercury speciation in postcombustion, Energy and Fuels, 2007, 21(2), 491-495(SCI/EI)
  6. HU Chang-xing, Zhou Jin-song, LUO Zhong-yang, HE Sheng, WANG Guang-kai, CEN Ke-fa, Effect of oxidation treatment on the adsorption and the stability of mercury on activated carbon, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18(6):1161-1166 (SCI)

Full Publications

  1. Hua Xiao-Yu, Zhou Jin-Song, Li Qiankun, Luo Zhong-Yang, Cen Ke-Fa, Gas-phase elemental mercury removal by CeO2 impregnated activated coke, Energy and Fuels, 2010, 24(10) 5426-5431(SCI/EI)
  2. Zhou Jinsong, Chen Qing, Zhao Hui, Cao Xiaowei, Mei Qinfeng, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa Biomass-oxygen gasification in a high-temperature entrained-flow gasifier, Biotechnology Advances, 2009, 27(5), 606-611(SCI/EI)
  3. Sheng He, Jinsong Zhou, Yanqun Zhu, Zhongyang Luo, Mingjiang Ni, Kefa Cen, Mercury oxidation over a vanadia-based selective catalytic reduction catalyst, Energy and Fuels, 2009, 23(1), 253-259(SCI/EI)
  4. Changxing Hu,Jinsong Zhou, Sheng He, Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen, Effect of chemical activation of an activated carbon using zinc chloride on elemental mercury adsorption, Fuel Processing Technology 2009, 90, 812–817(SCI/EI)
  5. Zhou Jinsong, Luo Zhongyang, Hu Changxing, Cen Kefa,Factors impacting gaseous mercury speciation in postcombustion, Energy and Fuels, 2007, 21(2), 491-495(SCI/EI)
  6. HU Chang-xing, Zhou Jin-song, LUO Zhong-yang, HE Sheng, WANG Guang-kai, CEN Ke-fa, Effect of oxidation treatment on the adsorption and the stability of mercury on activated carbon, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18(6):1161-1166 (SCI)
  7. ZHOU Jinsong, HU Changxing,LUO Zhongyang, CEN Kefa, Factors impacting gaseous mercury speciation in postcombustion, Energy and Fuels, 2007, 21(2),491-495
  8. HU Changxing, ZHOU Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, HE Sheng, WANG Guangkai, CEN Kefa, Effect of oxidation treatment on the absorption and the stability of mercury on activated carbon, Journal Of Environmental Sciences-China, 2006, 18(6), 1161-1166
  9. LUO Zhongyang, HU Changxing, ZHOU Jinsong, CEN Kefa, Stability of mercury on three activated carbon sorbents, Fuel Processing Technology, 2006, 87(8),679-685
  10. REN Jianli, ZHOU Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, ZHONG Yingjie, CEN Kefa, Forecasting model for mercury emission by coal-fired power plants, Power Engineering, 2005, v 25, n 4, p 587-592(In Chinese)
  11. ZHOU Jinsong, LIU Yajun, LUO Zhongyang, CEN Kefa, Effects of solid acid and alkali catalysts on catalytic cracking of biomass tar, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 2005, v 39, n 7, p 1047-1051(In Chinese)
  12. GAO Hongliang, ZHOU, Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, WU Xujie, HU Changxing, NI Minjiang, CEN Kefa, Effect of NO on the speciation of mercury in coal-fired flue gases, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2004, v 25, n 6, p 1057-1060 ( In Chinese)
  13. GAO Hongliang, ZHOU Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, WU Xujie; Ni Mingjiang; Cen Kefa, Effect of hydrogen chloride on speciation distribution of mercury in coal-fired flue gases, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 2004, v 38, n 6, p 765-769(In Chinese)
  14. GAO Hongliang, ZHOU, Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, WU Xujie, NI Minjiang, CEN Kefa, Effect of sulfur dioxide on the speciation of mercury in flue gases, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2004, Vol.24, No.2, P. 204-2099( In Chinese)
  15. REN Jianli, ZHOU Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, CEN Kefa, An experimental study on activated carbon sorbents for gas-phase mercury removal from flue gas, Proceedings of the chinese society for electrical engineering , 2004, Vol.24, No.2, P. 171-1759( In Chinese)
  16. ZHOU, Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, WU Xujie, GAO Hongliang, CEN Kefa, Experimental study on mercury emission and control for cfb boilers, Thermal Power Generation, 2004, Vol.33, No.1, P.72-759( In Chinese)
  17. REN Jianli, ZHOU Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, CEN Kefa, Investigation into mercury transformation mechanisms in laboratory combustion systems, Energy and the Environment - Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and the Environment, 2003, Shanghai, Vol.2, P. 955-960
  18. ZHOU Jinsong, LUO Zhongyang, REN Jianli, CEN Kefa, Mercury Transport During Coal Combustion and Pyrolysis, The 26th Int. Tech. Conf. on Coal Utilization and Fuel, 2001, Clearwater, FL, P. 419-427