Wu Xuecheng

Associate Professor, Department of Energy Engineering
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2805 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 1616 |
Email: | wuxch@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | Room 328, Institute for Thermal Power Engineering |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Ph.D. – Zhejiang University, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, 2007
B.S. – Zhejiang University, Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, 2001
Working Experience
2009-, Associate Professor, the State Key laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, the Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
2007-2009, Post Doctor, Assistant Professor, the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, the Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
2005 - 2006, Visiting scholar, CNRS UMR 6614/CORIA, Rouen University, France
Research Interests
Advanced optical diagnostics of multiphase flow and combustion
Current Projects
- 2009.1-2011.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, No. 50806067): Three-dimensional measurement method for micro fluidics based on digital micro holographic technique
- 2009.1-2013.12, the National Basic Research Program of China (grants 2009CB219802): Digital holographic measurement of coal powder in pipe.
- 2010.9-2011.12, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: particle 3D diagnostics with digital hologaphy using backward scattering mode.
Publication List
Recent Publications
[1]. Wu Y. C., Wu X. C., Chen L. H., Wang Z. H., Pu S. L., Zhou H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Velocity Measurement of Microchannel Flow with Micro-PIV using Optical Flow Estimation. International workshop of Automobile, Power and Energy Engineering (APEE 2011). Wuhan, China; 2010(accepted).
[2]. Wu X. C., Wu Y. C., Wang Z. H., Chen L. H., Wu H., Zhou H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Expansion of digital holography measurement area in particle field. International workshop of Automobile, Power and Energy Engineering (APEE 2011). Wuhan, China; 2010(accepted).
[3]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Wu Y. C., Chen L. H., Zhou H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Numerical investigation of near-field off-axis scattering in-line recording particle holography. 15th Int Symp on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 07-10 July, 2010.
[4]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Qu R. Y., Gu M. L., Xu J. P., Chen L. H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Off-axis scattering particle holography: a numerical study. The 27th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2010 Xi'an, China; 2010: 584-587.
[5]. Wu X. C., Wang H., Pu S. L., Pu X. G., Yuan Z. F., Chen L. H., Cen K. F. Particle identification and location measurement in digital in-line holography. Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 2010, 44(4): 765-770(in chinese).
[6]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Chen L. H., Cen K. F. Sizing of particles smaller than 5 μm in digital holographic microscopy. Optics Letters, 2009, 34(7): 857-859.
[7]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Rotation speed measurement of moving particles in a CFB riser. Particuology, 2009, 7(4): 238-244.
Selected Publications
[1]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Chen L. H., Cen K. F. Sizing of particles smaller than 5 μm in digital holographic microscopy. Optics Letters, 2009, 34(7): 857-859.
[2]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Cen K. F., Ren K. F., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X. Sizing of irregular particles using a near backscattered laser Doppler system. Applied Optics, 2007, 46(36): 8600-8608.
[3]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Theoretical and experimental investigations on particle rotation speed in CFB riser. Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63(15): 3979-3987.
[4]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Experimental investigation of interparticle collision in the upper dilute zone of a cold CFB riser. International Journal of Multiphase flow, 2008, 34(10): 924-930.
[5]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Experimental study of particle rotation characteristics with high-speed digital imaging system. Powder Technology, 2008, 181(1): 21-30.
[6]. Wu X. C., Cen K. F., Luo Z. Y., Wang Q. H., Fang M. X. Measurement on particle rotation speed in gas–solid flow based on identification of particle rotation axis. Experiments in Fluids, 2008, 45(6): 1117-1128.
[7]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Tian C., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Experimental study on the spatial distribution of particle rotation in the upper dilute zone of a cold CFB riser. Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A, 2008, 9(7): 922-931.
Full Publications
[1]. Wu X. C., Wang H., Pu S. L., Pu X. G., Yuan Z. F., Chen L. H., Cen K. F. Particle identification and location measurement in digital in-line holography. Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 2010, 44(4): 765-770(in chinese).
[2]. Wu Y. C., Wu X. C., Chen L. H., Wang Z. H., Pu S. L., Zhou H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Velocity Measurement of Microchannel Flow with Micro-PIV using Optical Flow Estimation. International workshop of Automobile, Power and Energy Engineering (APEE 2011). Wuhan, China; 2010(accepted).
[3]. Wu X. C., Wu Y. C., Wang Z. H., Chen L. H., Wu H., Zhou H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Expansion of digital holography measurement area in particle field. International workshop of Automobile, Power and Energy Engineering (APEE 2011). Wuhan, China; 2010(accepted).
[4]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Wu Y. C., Chen L. H., Zhou H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Numerical investigation of near-field off-axis scattering in-line recording particle holography. 15th Int Symp on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 07-10 July, 2010.
[5]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Qu R. Y., Gu M. L., Xu J. P., Chen L. H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Off-axis scattering particle holography: a numerical study. The 27th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2010 Xi'an, China; 2010: 584-587.
[6]. Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Wu X. C., Grehan G., Cen K. F. Mesure de l'indice de réfraction en Holographie de Gabor. Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, CFTL 2010. Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France; 2010.
[7]. Grehan G., Wu X., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Lebrun D., Brunel M., Coetmellec S., Allano D., Cen K. Holographie et Micro-holographie : Un étalon numérique. Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, CFTL 2010. Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy; 2010.
[8]. Chen L. H., Wu X. C., Cen K. F. Quantitative research of evolved gas rate by TGA-FTIR. Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science) 2009, 43(7): 1332-1336(in chinese).
[9]. Wu X. C., Pu X. G., Pu S. L., Yuan Z. F., Cen K. F. Particle sizing for gas-solids flow withdigital in-line holography. CIESC Journal, 2009, 60(2): 310-316(in chinese).
[10]. Wu X. C., Pu S. L., Pu X. G., Chen L. H., Yuan Z. F., Cen K. F. Effects of scale parameter of wavelet on the numerical reconstruction of particle hologram. ACTA Photonica Sinica, 2009, 38(11): 2963-2967(in chinese).
[11]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Rotation speed measurement of moving particles in a CFB riser. Particuology, 2009, 7(4): 238-244.
[12]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Chen L. H., Cen K. F. Sizing of particles smaller than 5 μm in digital holographic microscopy. Optics Letters, 2009, 34(7): 857-859.
[13]. Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Gréhan G., Wu X. C., Chen L. H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Measurement of position, size and refractive index of particles by digital microhologaphy in micro-channel. Asian Aerosol Conference AAC09. Bangkok, Thailand; 2009.
[14]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Tian C., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Experimental study on the spatial distribution of particle rotation in the upper dilute zone of a cold CFB riser. Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A, 2008, 9(7): 922-931.
[15]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Experimental investigation of interparticle collision in the upper dilute zone of a cold CFB riser. International Journal of Multiphase flow, 2008, 34(10): 924-930.
[16]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Theoretical and experimental investigations on particle rotation speed in CFB riser. Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63(15): 3979-3987.
[17]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Study of Particle rotation speed measurement method based on cross-correlation of gray distribution. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2008, 28(8): 71-76(in chinese).
[18]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Experimental study of particle rotation characteristics with high-speed digital imaging system. Powder Technology, 2008, 181(1): 21-30.
[19]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Gréhan G., Ren K. F., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Imaging-based correlation velocimetry and its application to dense gas-liquid flow. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2008, 59(1): 71-76(in chinese).
[20]. Wu X. C., Cen K. F., Luo Z. Y., Wang Q. H., Fang M. X. Measurement on particle rotation speed in gas–solid flow based on identification of particle rotation axis. Experiments in Fluids, 2008, 45(6): 1117-1128.
[21]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Cen K. F., Ren K. F., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X. Sizing of irregular particles using a near backscattered laser Doppler system. Applied Optics, 2007, 46(36): 8600-8608.
[22]. Wang Q. H., Gao Q., Shi H. X., Wu X. C., Luo Z. Y., Cen K. F. Formation , structure andmotion of clusters in circulating fluidized bed. Jounal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 2006, 40(1): 118-122(in chinese).
[23]. Mao Y. R., Fang M. X., Wu X. C., Luo Z. Y., Wang Q. H., Cen K. F. Thermogravimetric testand simulation of coal tar under oxygen-Enrichment atmosphere. Thermal Power Generation, 2005, 34(3): 22-24(in chinese).
[24]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Gao Q., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Measurement of particlerotation in CFB riser with high-speed digital video camera technique. 2005, 25(17): 72-77.
[25]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Gao Q., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Experimental research on particle rotation characteristics in CFB riser. 8th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hangzhou, 2005.5, 2005: 97-104.
[26]. Luo Z. Y., Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Gao Q., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Particle rotation characteristics in CFB riser. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2005, 56(10): 1869-1874 (in Chinese).
[27]. Luo Z. Y., Mao Y. R., Wu X. C., Fang M. X., Wang Q. H., Ni M. J., Cen K. F. Test study onand analysis of burning behavior for coal under atmophere of O2/CO2. Thermal Power Generation, 2004, 33(6): 14-18(in chinese).
[28]. Mao Y. R., Fang M. X., Luo Z. Y., Wu X. C., Cen K. F. Calcination and desulfurization of limestone under O2/CO2 atmosphere. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2004, 32(3): 323-328(in chinese).
[29]. Mao Y. R., Fang M. X., Wang Q. H., Wu X. C., Luo Z. Y., Ni M. J., Cen K. F. Experimentalresearch on pollutant emission of coal combustion in a circulating fluidized bed test-facility under O2/CO2 atmosphere. Power Engineering, 2004, 24(3): 411-415(in chinese).
[30]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Modelling of effects of operationparameters on entrained flow coal gasification(II): Model prediction and analysis, Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 2004, 38(11): 1483-1489(in chinese).
[31]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Modelling of effects of operationparameters on entrained flow coal gasification(I): Model establishment and validation, Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 2004, 38(10): 1362-1365&1386(in chinese).
[32]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Kinetic model prediction for variouscoal gasification schemes in a fluidized bed(II): model prediction and analysis, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2004, 32(3): 292-296(in chinese).
[33]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Kinetic model prediction for variouscoal gasification schemes in a fluidized bed(I): Model establishment and validation, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2004, 32(3): 287-291.
[34]. Wu X. C., Cheng L. M., Wang E. Y., Luo Z. Y., Cen K. F. Investigation on premixed combustion in porous medium burner. Power System Engineering, 2003, 19(1): 37-40(in chinese).
[35]. Mao Y. R., Fang M. X., Luo Z. Y., Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Ni M. J., Cen K. F. Experimental research on coal/char combustion in O2/CO2 mixed atmosphere. Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment, Shanghai, China, 2003.
[36]. Wang E. Y., Cheng L. M., Wu X. C., Luo Z. Y., Cen K. F. Experimental research on premixedcombustion in gradually-varied porous media, 2002, 36(6): 685-689&712(in chinese).
Conference List
[1]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Wu Y. C., Chen L. H., Zhou H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Numerical investigation of near-field off-axis scattering in-line recording particle holography. 15th Int Symp on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 07-10 July, 2010.
[2]. Wu X. C., Gréhan G., Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S., Qu R. Y., Gu M. L., Xu J. P., Chen L. H., Qiu K. Z., Cen K. F. Off-axis scattering particle holography: a numerical study. The 27th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2010 Xi'an, China; 2010: 584-587.
[3]. Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Luo Z. Y., Gao Q., Fang M. X., Cen K. F. Experimental research on particle rotation characteristics in CFB riser. 8th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hangzhou, 2005.5, 2005: 97-104.
[4]. Mao Y. R., Fang M. X., Luo Z. Y., Wu X. C., Wang Q. H., Ni M. J., Cen K. F. Experimental research on coal/char combustion in O2/CO2 mixed atmosphere. Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment, Shanghai, China, 2003.