Wang Zhihua

Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Institute for Thermal Power Engineering
Department of Energy Engineering
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization
Phone: | +86 571 8795 3162 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 1616 |
Email: | |
Office: | Institute for Thermal Power Engineering 326 |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Other Appointments
Director, Zhejiang University-Lund University International Centre for Laser Diagnostics in Energy Science
Professional Activities
Fellow, China Association for Hydrogen Energy
Ph.D. – Zhejiang University, Engineering Thermophysics, 2005
B.S. – Zhejiang University, Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, 2000
Working Experience
2005-2007, Lecture, Post doctor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
2007- , Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University
2008 - 2010, Visiting researcher, Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University, Sweden
Awards and Honors
National Science and Technology Progress Award, Second prize, 2009
Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Award, First prize, 2007
Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Award, First prize, 2004
Nominated for National Top 100 Outstanding doctoral thesis Award, 2008
Research Interests
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Combustion
Coal Combustion and Related Emission Control
Hydrogen Production by Sulfur-Iodine thermal chemical cycle
Current Projects
- "Combustion mechanism investigation of low heating value syngas flame by DNS and PLIF technology", National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- "SI thermal chemical cycle for large scale H2 production and H2SO4 polygeneration process investigation", Chinese National Programs for High Technology Research and Development (863 program).
- "Fundamental research on nano-metal fuels combustion mechanism", Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Eduction of China.
Publication List
- Wang, Z. H., Lv, Y., He, P., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Fully explicit implementation of direct numerical simulation for a transient near-field methane/air diffusion jet flame, Computers & Fluids, 2010, 39(8):1381-1389.
- Wang, Z. H., Li, B., Ehn, A., Sun, Z. W., Li, Z. S., Bood, J., Alden, M., et al., Investigation of flue-gas treatment with O-3 injection using NO and NO2 planar laser-induced fluorescence, Fuel, 2010, 89(9):2346-2352.
- Wang, Z. H., Jiang, S. D., Zhu, Y. Q., Zhou, J. S., Zhou, J. H., Li, Z. S. and Cen, K. F., Investigation on elemental mercury oxidation mechanism by non-thermal plasma treatment, Fuel Processing Technology, 2010, 91(11):1395-1400.
- Wang, Z. H., He, P., Lv, Y., Zhou, J. H., Fan, J. R. and Cen, K. F., Direct Numerical Simulation of Subsonic Round Turbulent Jet, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2010, 84(4):669-686.
- Wang, Z. H., Wen, Z. C., Xu, J. R., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Theoretical Study on Destruction Mechanism of 2,3,7,8-TCDD by O-3 and NO3, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2010, 23(3):303-309.
- Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H., Zhu, Y. Q., Wen, Z. C., Liu, J. Z. and Cen, K., Simultaneous removal of NOx, SO2 and Hg in nitrogen flow in a narrow reactor by ozone injection: Experimental results, Fuel Processing Technology, 2007, 88(8):817-823.
- Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H., Wen, Z. C., Liu, J. Z. and Cen, K., Effect of mineral matter on NO reduction in coal reburning process, Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(4):2038-2043.
- Wang, Z. H., Fan, J. R., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Direct numerical simulation of hydrogen turbulent lifted jet flame in a vitiated coflow, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(15):2147-2156.
- Wang, Z., Zhou, J. and Cen, K., Visualization of nonpremixed hydrogen jet flame in a vitiated coflow by DNS, Journal of Visualization, 2007, 10(2):136-136.
- Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H., Wang, Q. H., Fan, J. R. and Cen, K. F., Thermodynamic equilibrium analysis of hydrogen production by coal based on Coal/CaO/H2O gasification system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2006, 31(7):945-952.
- Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H., Fan, J. R. and Cen, K. F., Direct numerical simulation of ozone injection technology for NOx control in flue gas, Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(6):2432-2438.
- Wen, Z. C., Wang, Z. H., Xu, J. R., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Mechanism and Kinetics of the Ethylene Removal in Flue Gas by Ozone Injection, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 22(8):6325-6334.
- Lv, Y., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Full-Scale Numerical Investigation of a Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR) System in a 100 MW Utility Boiler with Complex Chemistry and Decoupling Approach, Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24:5432-5440.
- Lv, Y., Wang, Z. H., Pei, H., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Topological analysis of methane lean premixed flame in turbulent jet flow by direct numerical simulation, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(13):1231-1239.
- Chen, Y., Wang, Z. H., Zhang, Y. W., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Platinum-ceria-zirconia catalysts for hydrogen production in sulfur-iodine cycle, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(2):445-451.
- Zhang, Y. W., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H., Liu, J. Z. and Cen, K. F., Experimental study of Ni/CeO2 catalytic properties and performance for hydrogen production in sulfur-iodine cycle, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(14):5637-5644.
- Zhang, Y. W., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H., Liu, J. Z. and Cen, K. F., Catalytic decomposition of hydrogen iodide over pre-treated Ni/CeO2 catalysts for hydrogen production in the sulfur-iodine cycle, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(21):8792-8798.
- Zhang, Y. W., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Ceria as a catalyst for hydrogen iodide decomposition in sulfur-iodine cycle for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(4):1688-1695.
- Wen, Z. C., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Quantum chemical study on the catalytic mechanism of Na/K on NO-char heterogeneous reactions during the coal reburning process, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, 2009, 10(3):423-433.
- Wen, Z. C., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., A Theoretical Study on the Mechanism and Kinetic of the Reaction between Ozone and Benzene, Ozone-Science & Engineering, 2009, 31(5):393-401.
- Lv, Y., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Development and Validation of a Reduced Mechanism for Urea-based SNCR Process based on QSS Graph, Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(7):3605-3611.
- Lv, Y., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H. and Cen, K. F., Reduced Mechanism for Hybrid NOx Control Process, Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23:5920-5928.
- Jiang, S. D., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H., Wen, Z. C. and Cen, K. F., A quantum chemistry study on reaction mechanisms of SO2 with O-3 and H2O2, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, 2009, 10(9):1327-1333.
- Zhang, Y., Wang, Z. H., Zhou, J. H., Liu, J. Z. and Cen, K. F., Effect of preparation method on platinum-ceria catalysts for hydrogen iodide decomposition in sulfur-iodine cycle, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(2):602-607.
Conference List
- Wang, Z., Zhou, J., Cheng, J., Zhou, H. and Cen, K., Experimental study for NOx reduction using four Chinese pulverized coals, 2005 ASME Power Conference, April 5, 2005 - April 7, 2005, Chicago, IL, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2005, pp. 1417-1420.
- Z.H. Wang, Z.J. Zhou, J.H. Zhou, K.F. Cen, Experimental research on coal reburning process for NOx reduction, European Combustion Meeting 2009, April 14-17, 2009, Vienna, Austria.
- Zhihua Wang, Yu Lv , Zhijun Zhou, Weijuan Yang, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen, Numerical study of SNCR process in 410t/h coal-fired boiler, 10th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, 2010, May 4-7, Mugla, Turkey.
- Yu Lv, Zhihua Wang, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen, Direct Numerical Simulation of a Lean Methane-air Premixed Jet Flame, 10th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, 2010, May 4-7, Mugla, Turkey.
- Z.H. Wang, P. He, L. Yang, Y. Lv, Y.Q. Zhu, Z.S. Li, K.F. Cen, M. Alden, Investigation Of Near-Field Characteristics For Biomass-Derived Syngas Jet Flame By Direct Numerical Simulation And Plif Measurement, The 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, August 1-6, 2010, Beijing, China
Patent List
- NOx control method and equipment through reburning method for pulverized coal fired boiler, Patent in China, ZL 2005 1 0061122.2
- Hydrogen Production method by Sulfur Iodine thermal chemical cycle, Patent in China, ZL 2005 1 0061121.8.
- Mercury control by O3 oxidization in coal-fired boiler, Patent in China, ZL 2005 1 0061123.7.
- NOx control by O3 in coal fired boiler flue gas, Patent in China, ZL 2005 1 0061120.3.