Wang Qinhui

Professor, Department of Energy Engineering
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2802 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 1616 |
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Office: | Institute for Thermal Power Engineering |
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization of China
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Professional Activities
Member of a council, Chinese Society of Particulogy
Vice director of Fluidization Study Committees, Chinese Society of Particulogy
Commissioner, Thermal Power chapter, Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE)
Ph.D.- Zhejiang University, China, 1997.4
M. D.- Zhejiang University, China, 1994.3
B.Sc.- Southeast University, China, 1991,
Working Experience
2003 - Professor, Institute for Thermal Power Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
2007.3-2007.6, isiting scholar, Purdue University, USA
1999 -2003, Associate Professor, nstitute for Thermal Power Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
1997 -1999, Assistant Professor, Institute for Thermal Power Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
Awards and Honors
- Excellent Ph degree student in Zhejiang Province, 1997
- Excellent staff of Zhejiang University, 2003
- Supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, China. 2009
- The first class Awards of Zhejiang Province for scientific and Technology Progress. Flue gas treatment system with circulating fluidized bed, 2007
- The Second Prize, Awards of Minister of Education of China for Scientific and Technology Progress, 2005(Clean integrated utilization with circulating fluidized bed combustion technology for low grade solid fuel)
- The Second Prize, Awards of Zhejiang Province for Scientific and Technical Progress, 2001(Clean combustion and high efficiency ash utilization technology for low grade coal)
- The Second Prize, Awards of Zhejiang Province for Scientific and Technical Progress, 2000(Devolopment and Application of Dedusting and Desulfurization of Flue Gas)
- The Third Prize, Awards of Minister of Education of China for Scientific and Technical Progress, 1999(Research on the Nonlinear Phenomena in fluidized bed combustion technology)
- The First Class Awards of Zhejiang Province for Scientific and Technical Progress, 2009(Mechanism on the biomass to high quality fuel by thermal chemical conversion)
Research Interests
Coal (biomass) combustion and gasification, circulating fluidized bed combustion and gasification
Coal multiproduction technology, pollutants removal and gas solid multiphase flow.
Current Projects
- Coal gas, steam, tar co-generation with circulating fluidization bed technology
- Coal/biomass chemical looping gasification process
- Development of low grade coal circulating fluidized bed combustion boiler
- Application of Biomass circulating fluidization bed combustion technology
Publication List
Selected Publications
1. Books: co-authored by Qinhui Wang
[1] Luo Zhongyang, Wang Qinhui, Fang Mengxiang, Cen Kefa. Coal Multi-generation System of Gas, Steam and Power and it’s application. Beijing: Chemical Industrial Press, 2004.4, ISBN 7-5025-5423-8 (in Chinese)
[2] Zhao Weijie, Wang Qinhui, Zhang Wenzheng, Liu Pengxiang. Design and Application of Control System on Circulating Fluidization Bed Boiler. China Electric Power Press, 2009.1 ISBN 978-7-5083-7789-6 (in Chinese)
2. Part of Main Papers in recent years
[1] Long Han, Qin Hui Wang, Ma Qiang, Yu Chunjiang, Luo Zhongyang,Influence of CaO additives on wheat-straw pyrolysis as determined by TG-FTIR analysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 88 (2010), pp. 199-206
[2] XuechengWu, QinhuiWang, Zhongyang Luo, Mengxiang Fang, Kefa Cen. Rotation speed measurement of moving particles in a CFB riser. Particuology, 7 (2009) 238–244
[3] Long Han, Qinhui Wang, Qiang Ma, Chunjiang Yu, Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen. Kinetics study on CaO carbonation reaction at pressurized conditions . Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering. 2009 Vol. 29 (14): 41-46
[4] Xuecheng Wu, Qinhui Wang*, Zhongyang Luo, Mengxiang Fang, Kefa Cen. Experimental investigation of interparticle collision in the upper dilute zone of a cold CFB riser. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 924–930
[5] Xuecheng Wu, Qinhui Wang?, Zhongyang Luo, Mengxiang Fang, Kefa Cen. Theoretical and experimental investigations on particle rotation speed in CFB riser. Chemical Engineering Science 63 (2008) 3979 – 3987
[6] Xue-cheng WU, Qin-hui WANG?, Chen TIAN, Zhong-yang LUO, Meng-xiang FANG, Ke-fa CEN. Experimental study on the spatial distribution of particle rotation in the upper dilute zone of a cold CFB riser. J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(7):922-931
[7] Wu, X.C., Wang, Q.H., Luo, Z.Y., Fang, M.X., Cen, K.F., 2007. Experimental study of particle rotation characteristics in CFB with high-speed digital imaging system. Powder Technology 2008,180, 21-30
[8] Jian Guan, Qinhui Wang, Xiaomin Li, Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen. Thermodynamic analysis of a biomass anaerobic gasification process for hydrogen production with sufficient CaO. Renewable Energy 32 (2007) 2502–2515
[9] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Particle population balance model for a Circulating Fluidized bed boiler. Chemical Engineering Journal,93/2, 2003: 121-133
[10] WANG Qinhui LUO Zhongyang Fang Mengxiang NI Mingjiang CEN Kefa. Development of a new external heat exchanger for a circulating fluidized bed boiler. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 42, 2003: 327-335
[11] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Li Xuantian, Fang Mengxiang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. A Mathematical Model for a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) Boiler. Energy,Vol. 24, 1999, pp633~653
[12] Fang Mengxiang, Luo Zhongyang, Li Xuantian, Wang Qinhui, Cen Kefa. A Multi-product Cogeneration system Using Combined Coal Gasification and Combustion. Energy 35.(3)203,1998
[13] WANG Qinhui LUO Zhongyang NI Mingjiang CEN Kefa. Model Prediction of the Operating Behavior of A Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, Journal of Zhejiang University Science,vol. 3(2), 2002: 251-257
[14] M. Fang, C. Yu, Z. Shi, Q. Wang, Z. Luo, K. Cen. Experimental research on solid circulation in a twin fluidized bed system. Chemical Engineering Journal,94(3),2003:171-178
[15] Shi Hui-xian, Wang Qin-hui, Wang Can-xing, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa. PIV measurement of the gas-solid flow pattern in a CFB riser. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 6 (2003), 39-44
[16] Wang Zhihua, Zhou Junhu, Wang Qinhui,et al. Thermodynamic equilibrium analysis of hydrogen production by coal based on Coal/CaO/H2O gasification system. Hydrogen Energy (will published in 2006).
[17] Wang Qinhui, Fang Mengxiang, Luo Zhongyang, Li Xuantian, Hu Guoxin, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Research on steam gas co-generation technology. Journal of Zhejiang University, 31(2), 1997: 253-260 (In Chinese)
[18] Wang Qinhui, Fang Mengxiang, Li Xuantian, Hu Guoshan, Luo Zhongyang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Retrofit of a 75t/h pulverized-coal-fired boiler into a 100t/h circulating fluidized bed boiler, Journal of Zhejiang University, 31(5), 1997: 628-634 (In Chinese)
[19] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Li Xuantian, Cheng Leming, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. An overall mathematical model of CFB boiler and comparison of model predictions with test results. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 19(2), 1998: 251-255 (In Chinese)
[20] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Li Xuantian, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Test on Cyclone and Solids Recycle of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler. Power Engineering, 18(1), 1998: 48-53 (In Chinese)
[21] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Li Xuantian, Fang Mengxiang, Cheng Leming, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Modeling of NO and N2O formation and decomposition in circulating fluidized bed boiler. Journal of fuel chemistry and technology, 26(2), 1998: 108-113 (In Chinese)
[22] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Li Xuantian, Fang Mengxiang. Testing and model on sulfur retention of circulating fluidized bed boiler. Proceeding of the CSEE (Chinese society for electrical engineering), 19 (2), 1999: 5-9 (In Chinese)
[23] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Experimental research for characteristics of fluid dynamics and combustion in circulating fluidized bed boiler furnace. Power Engineering, 19(3), 1999: 11~17 (In Chinese)
[24] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Li Xuantian, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Characteristics of fluid dynamics and combustion in a circulating fluidized bed boiler furnace-Theory and model. Power Engineering, 19(4), 1999: 269-274 (In Chinese)
[25] Cheng Leming, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Shi Zhenglun, Fang Mengxiang, Cen Kefa, Shan Ziliang. Developments and operation experiences of a novel ash cooler (fluidized-moving beds ash cooler). Power Engineering, 20(6), 2000: 974~979 (In Chinese)
[26] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Experimental investigation of factors affecting the thermal efficiency of circulating fluidized bed boiler. Boiler Technology, 32(2), 2001: 21-27 (In Chinese)
[27] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Particle residence time distribution on a circulating fluidized bed . Combustion Science and Technology, 7(4),2001: 221-225 (In Chinese)
[28] Shi Huixiang, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, CEn KEfa. The application of PIV in gas-solid multiphase flow. Power Engineering, 22(1), 2002:1589-1593 (In Chinese)
[29] Wang QinHui, Shi Zhengzhan, Luo Zhongyang, Cheng Leming, Li Xuantian, Cen KEfa. Research on new ash cooler for fluidized bed boiler. Thermal Power Generation,31(3), 2002: 25-28 (In Chinese)
[30] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Development of a 12MW multi-generation of gas, steam and powerDevelopment of a 12MW multi-generation of gas, steam and power. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,30(2)2002:141-146 (In Chinese)
[31] Liu Jing, Wang Qinhui,Luoyang, Cen Kefa. Design and research on a 600MWe supercritical circulating fluidized bed boiler. Power Engineering, 23(1), 2003: 2179-2184 (In Chinese)
[32] Wang Qinhui, Sheng Xun, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa. New near zero emissions coal utilization technology with combined gasification and combustion. Power Engineering, 23(5), 2003: 2711-2715 (In Chinese)
[33] Wang Qinhui, Zhao Xiaodong, Shi Huixian, Wang Canxing. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR THERMAL ENERGY AND POWER, 18(4),2003:378-381 (In Chinese)
[34] Wu Xuecheng, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Cen Kefa. Modeling on effects of operation parameters on entrained flow coal gasification (II): model prediction and analysis. Journal of Zhejiang university (Engineering Science), 38(11),2004.11:1483-1489 (In Chinese)
[35] Wu Xuecheng, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Cen Kefa. Modeling on effects of operation parameters on entrained flow coal gasification (I): (I): model established and validation. Journal of Zhejiang university (Engineering Science), 38(11),2004.11: 1361-1365 (In Chinese)
[36] Wu Xuecheng, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Cen Kefa. Kinetic model prediction for various coal gasification schemes in a fluidized bed I. model establishment and validation. Journal of fuel chemistry and technology, 32(3), 2004: 287-291 (In Chinese)
[37] Wu Xuecheng, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Cen Kefa. Kinetic model prediction for various coal gasification schemes in a fluidized bed II. Model prediction and analysis. Journal of fuel chemistry and technology, 32(3), 2004: 292-296 (In Chinese)
[38] Qin Hong, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Experimental on H2S removal by limestone in fluidized bed gaisifer. Journal of Zhejiang university (Engineering Science), 38(7), 2004.7: 882-887 (In Chinese)
[39] Qin Hong Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Effect of calcinations parameters on removing H2S in fluidized bed by limestone. Power System Engineering. 20(4), 2004: 5-8 (In Chinese)
[40] Shi Huixian, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa. PIV measurement on the effect of clusters on the gas-solid flow pattern in a circulating fluidized bed riser. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 26(6), 2005: 582-586 (In Chinese)
[41] Wang Zhihua, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Zhou Junhu, Fan Jianren, Cen Kefa. Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production by new coal utilization technology with combined gasification and combustion. Proceedings of the CSEE, 25(12), 2005:91-97 (In Chinese)
[42] Pu Shiliang, Denis Lebrun, Wang Qinhui,Cen Kefa, Ren Kuanfang. Application of digital Holography to CFB measurement. Proceedings of the CSEE, 25(15), 2005:111-115 (In Chinese)
[43] Wu, Xue-Cheng Wang, Qin-Hui; Luo, Zhong-Yang; Gao, Qiong; Fang, Meng-Xiang; Cen, Ke-Fa. Measurement of particle rotation in CFB riser with high-speed digital video camera technique. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, v 25, n 17, Sep 1, 2005, p 72-77
Conference List
[1] Wang Qinhui, Tian Chen, Liu Yanpeng, Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen. Effects of ash formation of coal particle properties during fluidized bed combustion. Circluting Fluidization bed Thechnology IX, (Proceedings of the 9th International conference on CFB, May 13-16, 2008, Hamburg, Germany, Edit by J. Werther etal.
[2] Qiang Ma, Qinhui Wang, Long Han,Chunjiang Yu, Zhongyang Luo,TG-FTIR analysis on sawdust catalytic pyrolysis with CaO, 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology(ICEET09),2009 Oct,Guilin, China:606-609
[4] Long Han, Qinhui Wang, Qiang Ma, Jian Guan, Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen. Hydration reactivation of CaO based sorbent for cyclic calcination carbonation reactions. In: Proceeding of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Ed. By Yue Guanxi et al, Xi’an, May 18-20, 2009: pp.726-732
[5] Wang Qinhui, Zhou Jinsong, TU Jin, Luo Zhongyang, Li Xuantian, Fang Mengxinag, Cheng Leming, Ni Mingjiang, cen Kefa. Residence Time in Circulating Fluidized Bed, In: Mooson Kwauk and Jinghai Li, Circulating Fluidized Bed V. Beijing, China, 1996, Beijing: Science Press, 1997: 128-133
[6] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Study on Influential Parameters for A Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler. Fluidization X, Edited by: M. Kwauk, J. Li, W. Yang. United Engineering Foundation, May 20-25,2001, Beijing, pp277-284
[7] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Design of a 12MW Tri-cogeneration System of Gas, Heat and Power, In: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on fluidized bed combustion. Edited by: Donald W., Geiling, P. E., ASME, May 13-16, Reno, Nevada, Paper No. FBC01-0082
[8] Shi Huixian WANG Qinhui Wang Canxian LUO Zhongyang NI Mingjiang CEN Kefa. PIV measurment of the gas-solid flow pattern in a CFB riser. In: Circulating Fluidized Bed VII, ed. by J. R. Grace, J. Zhu and Hugo de Lasa, Niagara Falls, Canada, May 5-8, 2002: 161-168
[9] Wu Xuecheng, Wang Qinhui, Gao Qiong, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, CEn Kefa. Experimental Research on Particle rotation characteristics in CFB riser. In: Circulating Fluidized Bed VII, Ed. By Kefa Cen, Hangzhou, May 10-13, 2005: 97-104
[10] Shi Huixian, Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa. Axial velocity distribution of particle along the radial direction in dilute phase of riser. In: Circulating Fluidized Bed VII, Ed. By Kefa Cen, Hangzhou, May 10-13, 2005: 90-96
[11] Wang Qinhui, Guanjian, Shenxun, Wang ZHihua, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa. New Near Zero Emissions Coal Utilization Technology with Combined Gasification and Combustion. In: Proceeding of the 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Ed. By C. S. Cheung et al., Hongkong, Dec. 15-17, 2004: Paper 245.
[12] Fang, Mengxiang, Wang, Qinghui, Yu, Chunjiang, Shi, Zhenglun, Luo, Zhongyang, Cen, Kefa. Development of gas steam and power multi-generation system. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, 2005, p 37-48
[13] Kefa Cen,Yan Jianhua, Wang Qinhui, Zhouhao, Wang Fei, Chen Linhong. Application of some measurement techniques for multiphase flows in energy & environment engineering. The 4th International Symposium on Measurement techniques for multiphase flows. Eds Hongjiang Zhang, Zekui Zhou, Zhiyao Huang, Shimin Wang, Hangzhou, China, Sep. 10-12, 2004: 40-68 (Invited paper)
[14] Hong Qin, Qinhui Wang, ZHongyang Luo, Mengxiang Fang, Mingjiang Ni, Kefa Cen. Experiments on H2S sorption by limestone in a fluidized bed gasifier. In: ed. Kangmin Chen, Timothy W. Tong, Gerard Sarlos. Proceeding of the international conference On energy and environment. Dec. 2003, Shanghai: 1172-1177
[15] Wang Qinhui, Luo Zhongyang, Fang Mengxiang, Li Xuantian, Ni Mingjiang, Cen Kefa. Characteristic of fluid dynamic and combustion in a circulating fluidized bed boiler furnace. Circulating Fluidized Bed VI,Edited by J. Werther, DECHEMA e. V., Germany, 1999: p985-990
Patent List
1.Hydrogen from solid fuel with near zero emission by anaerobic gasification. China patent No. ZL 2003 1 0108667.5, Authorization Date: 2006.1.11
2. Anti-erosion structure for the wall of the circulating fluidization bed reactors, China Patent, No. ZL200810059851.8, Authorization Date: 2008.2.22
3.New external heat exchanger control by pneumatic for a circulating fluidized bed boiler. China patent No. 01139180.4, Authorization Date: 2004.12.22
4. Removal technology of mercury emission by the semidry reaction during coal combustion. China patent No. 03142050.8, Authorization Date: 2005.09.21
5.Semidry flue gas decontamination facility with circulating fluidized bed technology, China patent No. 00131524.2, Authorization Date. 2005.01.19
6.Impacting liquid column flue gas decontamination device. China patent No. 00131523.4, Authorization Date: 2003.8.13
7.Ash cooler with fine particle selection. China patent No. 00119175.6, Authorization Date: 2003.10.15
8. Pneumatic control ash recycle device for circulating fluidized bed boiler, ZL 2004100370950, Authorization Date: 2007.3.14
9. Thermal, power, gas and tar co-generation system with circulation fluidized bed technology, ZL200610154581X, Authorization Date: 2010.1.20