Qiu Limin

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2793 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Limin.Qiu@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Other Appointments
1) Vice Dean, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
2) Vice Chairman, A2 Commission of International Institute of Refrigeration
(A2: Gas Liquefaction and Separation)
3) Board member, International Cryocooler committee
4) Council member, Association of Refrigeration, China
5) Council member, Association of Themophysics, China
6) Council member, Association of Refrigeration, Zhejiang Province, China
7) Deputy director, Committee of Cryogenic Engineering of China
8)Member, Committee of Superconducting Application of China
Ph.D. –Zhejiang University, Department of Energy, 1995
M. S –Zhejiang University, Department of Energy, 1992.6
B.S. – Zhejiang University, Department of Energy, 1992.6
Working Experience
Complete professional background
2002.6~present, Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou, P. R. China.
1999.6~2002.6, Associate Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou, P. R. China.
1997.6~1999.6, Lecturer, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou, P. R. China.
Previous periods of work, study and research abroad
2010.7~2010.8,Guest Researcher, University of Twente, Holland,
2009.8~2009.9, University of Giessen, Germany, (Scientific research on pulse tube coolers)
2007.1: National Institute of Fusion Science, Japan, (Application of Cryocoolers)
Awards and Honor
Professional Period:
International: |
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 2000.
- Karl von Linde Prize, International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), 1999.
Domestic: |
- Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar, 2008 (About 150 scholars a year nationally, about 1000 scholars awarded in total)
- Top 100 excellent doctoral thesis, Department of Education, China, 2000.
- Award of science and technology progresses (the first grade), Zhejiang Province, 2006;
- Award of science and technology progresses for the youth, Chinese Association of Refrigeration, 2005. (1-2 awarded every 2 years nationally)
- Award of science and technology progresses (the second grade), Department of Education, China, 2004
- Award of excellent teacher, Zhejiang University 2001.
- Award of science and technology for the youth, Zhejiang Province, 2000.
- Award of excellent youth, Zhejiang Province, 2000.
- Award of science and technology progresses (the second grade), Zhejiang Province, 1997;
- Award of science and technology progresses (the first grade), Department of Education, Zhejiang Province, 1997;
Research Interests
- Cryocoolers, especially pulse tube coolers
- Thermoacoutics
- Cryogenic heat transfer
- Gas Liquefaction and separation
Publication List
Selected Publications
Prof. Limin QIU specializes in cryogenic engineering, especially in cryocooler and its applications, thermoacoustics, cryogenic heat transfer and gas liquefaction and separation. He published more than 100 Journal papers and 60 International Conference Papers, including some on ICC. He is the holder of more than 50 China patents.
1) Gan Z.H., Fan B.Y. Qiu L.M.*(2010):A two-stage Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler with a cold inertance tube,CRYOGENICS (accepted)
2) Bo Wang, Limin Qiu* , Daming Sun, Kai Wang, Weijuan Yang, Junhu Zhou(2010): Visualization observation of onset and damping behaviors in a traveling-wave thermoacoustic engine by infrared imaging, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (accepted)
3) Daming Sun, Wei Chao, Jiuce Sun, Limin Qiu*(2010): Advances in High Power Stirling-type Pulse Tube Cooler, 21st International Conference of Magnet Technology (MT-21) IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (accepted)
4) Cao XL, Zhang XB, Qiu LM, Gan ZH. (2009): Validation of full cavitation model in cryogenic fluids". Chinese Science Bulletin 54(10): 1633-1640.
5) Qiu L.M., Wang B. , Sun D.M., Liu Y., Steiner T.(2009): A thermoacoustic engine capable of utilizing multi-temperature heat sources, Energy Conversion and Management, 50 (2009) 3187-3192
6) X. J. Zhang, P. Wu, L. M. Qiu, X. B. Zhang, X. J. Tian(2010): Analysis of the nucleation of nanofluids in the ice formation process, Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 130–134
7) Gan Z.H., Dong W.Q., Qiu L.M., Zhang X.B., Sun H., He Y.L., Radebaugh R.(2009): A single-stage GM-type pulse tube cryocooler operating at 10.6 K, Cryogenics, 2009, 49(5): 198-201
8) Gan Z.H., Liu G. J., Wu Y.Z., Cao Q., Qiu L.M., Chen G.B., Pfotenhauer J.M.(2008), Study on a 5.0W/80K single stage Stirling type pulse tube cryocooler. Journal of Zhejiang Univ.-Science A 2008 9(9): 1277-1282
9) Jiao B., Qiu L.M., Lu J.L., Gan Z.H.(2009): Liquid film dryout model for predicting critical heat flux in annular two-phase flow. Journal of Zhejiang Univ.-Science A. 2009 10(3): 398-417
10) Gan Z.H., Li Z.P., Chen J., Dai L., Qiu L.M.*(2009): Design and preliminary experimental investigation of a 4 K Stirling type Pulse Tube Cryocooler with precooling, J Zhejiang Univ Sci A, 2009 10(9) 1277-1284
11) Sun Daming, Qiu Limin, Wang Bo, Xiao Yong(2009): Novel Helmholtz Resonator Used to Focus Acoustic Energy in Thermoacoustic Engine, Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 945-949
12) Zhang X.B., Qiu L.M., Qi H., Zhang X.J., Gan Z.H(2008): Modeling liquid hydrogen cavitating flow with the full cavitation model. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(23):7197-7206
13) X.B. Zhang, L.M. Qiu, Y. Gao and X.J. Zhang *(2008): Computational Fluid Dynamic Study on Cavitation in Liquid Nitrogen, Cryogenics, Volume 48, Issues 9-10, September-October 2008, Pages 432-438
14) B. Jiao, L. M. Qiu *, X. B. Zhang, Y. Zhang (2008): Investigation on the effect of filling ratio on the steady-state heat transfer performance of a vertical two-phase closed thermsoyphon, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume 28, Issues 11-12, August 2008, Pages 1417-1426
15) Daming Sun, Limin Qiu*, Bo Wang, Yong, Xiao, Liang Zhao(2008):Output characteristics of Stirling thermoacoustic engine, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 49, Issue 5, May 2008, Pages 1265-1270
16) Daming SUN, Limin QIU*, Bo WANG, Yong XIAO(2008): Transmission Characteristics of Acoustic Amplifier in Thermoacoustic Engine, Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 913–918
17) ZHANG Xiao-bin, GAN Zhi-hua*, QIU Li-min, LIU Hua-xiang (2008): CFD Simulation on inter-phasing pulse tube Cooler, J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(1):93-98
18) X.J. Zhang, L.M. Qiu, P. Zhang, L. Liu, Z.H. Gan (2008): Performance improvement of vertical ice slurry generator by using bubbling device, Energy Conversion and Management, 49 (2008) 83–88
19) X. B. Zhang, L.M Qiu*, Z.H. Gan, Y.L He (2007): CFD study of a simple orifice pulse tube cooler, Cryogenics (2007) 315–321
20) L.M. Qiu, Y.L. He, Z.H. Gan, X.B. Zhang, G.B. Chen (2007): Regenerator performance improvement of a single-stage pulse tube cooler reached 11.1 K, Cryogenics 47 (2007) 49-55
21) X.B. Zhang, L.M. Qiu, Z.H. Gan, Y.L. He(2007):Effects of reservoir volume on performance of pulse tube cooler,International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 30/1 , January 2007, 11-18
22) X.J. Zhang, L.M. Qiu (2007): Moisture transport and adsorption on silica gel-calcium chloride composite adsorbents, Energy Conversion & Management, Vol 48/1 pp 320-326
23) Limin Qiu, Daming Sun, Yongxiang Tan, Weilin Yan, Ping Chen, Ling Zhao and Guobang Chen(2006):Effect of pressure disturbance on onset processes in a thermoacoustic engine, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol 47/11-12 , July 1383-1390
24) Qiu L.M., He Y.L., Gan Z.H., Chen G.B. (2006): Development of a 4K separate two-stage pulse tube refrigerator with high efficiency. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.51, edited by J. G. Weisend II, 2006 American Institute of Physics ISBN: 0-7354-0317-1: 845-852
25) Qiu L.M., Sun D.M., Tan Y.X., Deng X., and Chen G.B.(2006): Investigation on Gedeon streaming in a traveling wave thermoacoustic engine. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.51, edited by J. G. Weisend II, 2006 American Institute of Physics ISBN: 0-7354-0317-1: 1115-1122
26) L.M. Qiu, Y.L. He , Z.H. Gan , G.B. Chen (2005): A single-stage pulse tube cooler reached 12.6 K, Cryogenics, Vol 45/ 9, 589-644
27) Qiu Limin, He Yonglin, Gan Zhihua, Wang Laihong, Chen Guobang (2005): A separate two-stage pulse tube cooler working at liquid helium temperature, Chinese Science Bulletin Vol 50/10, 1030-1033
28) L.M. Qiu, D.M. Sun, W.L. Yan, P. Chen, Z.H. Gan, X.J. Zhang, G.B. Chen (2005): Investigation on a thermoacoustically driven pulse tube cooler working at 80 K, Cryogenics Vol 45, 380-385.
29) D.M. Sun, L.M. Qiu, W. Zhang, W.L. Yan, G.B. Chen (2005): Investigation on A Traveling-wave Thermoacoustic Heat Engine with High Pressure Amplitude, Energy conversion and management, Vol 46/2, 281-291
30) L.M. Qiu, G. Thummes (2002): Valve timing effect on the cooling performance of a 4 K pulse tube cooler, Cryogenics Vol 42/5 327-333
31) L.M. Qiu, G.B.Chen, N. Jiang (2002): Optimum packing factor of the stack in a standing-wave thermoacoustic prime mover, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol 26/8, 729-735
32) L.M. Qiu, G. Thummes (2002): Frequency characteristics of a 4 K pulse tube cooler, ICEC 2002, Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Grenoble, France, July, 2002, p415-418 .
33) L.M. Qiu, T. Numazawa, G. Thummes(2001):Performance improvement of a pulse tube cooler below 4 K by use of GdAlO3 regenerator material, Cryogenics, Vol 41/9, 693-696
L. M. Qiu, G. Thummes (2001): Two-stage Pulse Tube Cooler for Operation of A Josephson Voltage Standard Near 4K, Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2001, Advance in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 47, p 625-632 (AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 613).