Luo Zhongyang

Professor, Department of Energy Engineering
Doctoral Tutor
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2440 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 1616 |
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Office: | Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus |
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Other Appointments
Dean, Department Energy Engineering
Director, State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization
Professional Activities
Leading Scientist, Fundamental Research on Agricultural Waste to High-grade Fuel. National 973 program .2007-2011.
Team Leader, Fundamental Research on Biomass Liquefaction .Key Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2006-2009 .
Team Leader, EU- China Cooperation Project on CCS (COACH). EU project. 2006.7-2009.12..
Team Leader, Fundamental Research on Biodiesel Production. EU project. 2006-2007.
Team Leader, Research on the Mercury (Hg) Emission Control of Coal-fired Power Plant in China, 863 International Program , 2005-2007.
Research on the key technology during the industrialization for research and development of Copper, lead, zinc, tin gangue. Key Project of the National Ninth-Five Year Research Programme of China
PH.D. - Zhejiang University, Engineering Thermophysics, 1982.8~1988.9,
M.S. - Zhejiang University, Engineering Thermophysics, 1982.9~1984.7
B.S. - Zhejiang University, Thermal Power, 1978.9~1982.7
Working Experience
2009-, Dean, Department of Energy Engineering
2007-2009, Executive Dean, Collage of Mechanical and Energy Engineering , Zhejiang University
2005-2006, Director, ZJU-KTH Clean Energy Research Center
2005-, Director, Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization
1996-2007, Executive Director, Institute for Thermal Power Engineering, Zhejiang University
1996-2005, Director, Clean Energy and Environment Engineering Key Lab of Ministry of Education,
1993-1996, Vice Director, Institute for Thermal Power Engineering, Zhejiang University
1994-, Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
1991-1994, Associate Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
1988-1991, Lecturer, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
1982-1988, Assistant, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
Awards and Honors
China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists
First Prize of Scientific and Technological Award of Zhejiang Province, 2006
Second Prize of National Natural Science Award, 2005
Second Prize of Science and Technology Awards by the Ministry of Education, 2005
Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Zhejiang Province, 2001, 2000
Research Interests
Clean Energy Utilization Technology
Energy-Saving Technology
International Projects
- Sino-Canada Clean Coal Technology demonstration Center, CIDA, Canada
- High Effective Heat Exchanger, LAN-heat Corporation, U.S.A
- Development of CFB Firing Indigenous Chinese Coals, CIDA, Canada
- Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion technology, Korea Institute of Energy Research
- Stone Coal Combustion Test, Ebara Corporation, Japan
- Green Plan for China-Low Emission Environment Protection, CCUJ, Japan
7 Research on Biomass Gasification, Shell Foundation
8 Advance Technology on Biomass, Toyota Foundation
Publication List
More than 700 academic papers have been published. The attached list corresponds to the main contributions since 2003 in the field concerned.
1.XU Fei;LUO Zhongyang; CAO, Wei; WANG, Peng; WEI, Bo; GAO, Xiang; FANG, Mengxiang; CEN, Kefa Simultaneous oxidation of NO, SO2 and Hg0 from flue gas by pulsed corona discharge. Journal of Environmental Sciences, v 21, n 3, p 328-332, 2009
Enrichment of heavy metals and organic pollutants in fly ash emitted from CFB during the combustion of coal blended with petroleum coke
2.Hou, Quanhui; Luo, Zhongyang; Wang, Peng; Xu, Fei; Yu, Chunjiang; Cen, Kefa Source: Huanjing Kexue Xuebao / Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, v 28, n 9, p 1848-1853, September 2008
3. Dan Luo, Zhongyang Luo*, Chunjiang Yu and Kefa Cen. Study on Agglomeration and Densification Behaviors of Gadolinium-Doped Ceria Ceramics. Journal of Rare Earths, Volume 25, Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 163-167
4.Luo Zhongyang*,Hu Changxing,Zhou, Jinsong,Cen Kefa, Stability of mercury on three activated carbon sorbents .FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY 2006,Vol.87(8):679-685
5.Wang WengLong, Luo ZhongYang, Shi Zhenglun, Cen KeFa, Experimental study on cement clinker co-generation in pulverized coal combustion boilers of power plants.WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH 2006,Vol.24(3):207-214
6.Zhongyang Luo*, Xuecheng Wu,Qinhui Wang,Qiong Gao,Mengxiang Fang,Kefa Cen,Particle rotation characteristics in CFB riser. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering(China) .2005,Vol.56(10):1869-1874
7. Zhongyang Luo*,Shurong Wang , Kefa Cen .A model of wood flash pyrolysis in fluidized bed reactor.RENEWABLE ENERGY 2005,Vol.30(3):377-392 2005.4.1
8. Zhongyang Luo*,Shurong Wang ,Yanfen Liao, Kefa Cen. Mechanism study of cellulose rapid pyrolysis .INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 2004,Vol.43(18):5605-5610
9.Zhongyang Luo*,Shurong Wang ,Yanfen Liao, Jingsong Zhou, Yuling Gu, Kefa Cen. Research on biomass fast pyrolysis for liquid fuel. Biomass and Bioenergy,2004,Vol. 26(5):455-462
10. Qinhui Wang, Zhongyang Luo,Mingjiang Ni, Kefa Cen.Particle population balance model for a circulating fluidized bed boiler.Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 93, Issue 2, 15 June 2003, P121-133
Main Books Published:
1.《Theory, Design and Operation of Coal Fired Circulated Fluidized Bed Boiler》Edited by Kefa Cen, Mingjiang Ni, Zhongyang Luo et al, Electricity Power Press, ISBN7-80125-458-9, 1997
2.《Theory and Technology of Gas-solid Separation》Edited by Kefa Cen, Mingjiang Ni, Jianghua Yan, Zhongyang Luo et al,Zhejiang University Press, ISBN7-308-02095-9/TK?011,1999
3.《Combustion Theory and Pollutants Control》
Edited by Kefa Cen, Qiang Yao, Zhongyang Luo, et al,Mechanical Industry Press, 1999
4.《Combustion Theory》Edited by Kefa Cen, Qiang Yao, Zhongyang Luo, Xuantian Li, Zhejiang University Press , ISBN7-308-02629-9/O .257 2002.12