Luo Kun

Professor, Department of Energy Engineering
Phone: | +86 571 8795 1764 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 1764 |
Email: | |
Office: | The First Teaching Building, Room 409 |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Professional Activities
Member, The Combustion Institute
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
PostDoc – Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering, 2007.9-2009.8
Ph.D. – Zhejiang University, Mechanical and Energy Engineering, 2000.9-2005.3
B.S. – Wuhan University, Thermal Power Engineering, 1996.9-2000.7
Working Experience
2011-, Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
2006-2010, Associate Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
2005-2006, Assistant professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
Awards and Honors
Distinguished Paper Award in 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, 2011
National 100 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2007
Science and Technology Award of Zhejiang Province, First Prize, 2007
New Star Plan Award of Zhejiang University, 2006
Research Interests
Computational Fluid Dynamics (Free Shear Flows, Wall-bounded Flows)
Computational Multiphase Reacting Flows (DNS/LES, Coal/Spray Combustion)
Computational Energy Sciences (Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Simulations)
Current Projects
- Direct Numerical Simulations and Experimental Measurements of the Interactions Between Gas-solid Two-Phase Flows and Turbulent Combustion. Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50736006).
- Large Eddy Simulations of Coal Combustion in a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB). Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50976098).
- Advanced Simulations and Experimental Study of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Spray Evaporation and Combustion. Funding from a Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China (No. 2007B4)
Publication List
Selected Publications
- Luo K, Pitsch H, Pai M G, et al. Direct numerical simulations and analysis of three-dimensional n-heptane spray flames in a model swirl combustor. PROC COMB INST, 33:2143-2152, JAN 2011
- Luo K, Wang ZL, Fan JR. Response of force behaviors of a spherical particle to an oscillating flow, PHYSICS LETTERS A, 374(30): 3046-3052 JUL 5 2010
- Luo, K; Fan, JR; Li, WC; et al. Transient, three-dimensional simulation of particle dispersion in flows around a circular cylinder (Re=140-260). FUEL, 88 (7): 1294-1301 JUL 2009
- Luo, K; Wang, Z; Fan, JR; et al. Full-scale solutions to particle-laden flows: Multidirect forcing and immersed boundary method. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 76 (6): Art. No. 066709 Part 2 DEC 2007
- Luo, K; Wang, ZL; Fan, JR. A modified immersed boundary method for simulations of fluid-particle interactions. COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, 197 (1-4): 36-46 2007
- Luo, K; Fan, JR; Cen, KF. Pressure-correlated dispersion of inertial particles in free shear flows. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 75 (4): Art. No. 046309 Part 2 APR 2007
- Luo, K; Fan, JR; Cen, KF. Transitional phenomenon of particle dispersion in gas-solid two-phase flows. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 52 (3): 408-417 FEB 2007
- Luo, K; Klein, M; Fan, JR; et al. Effects on particle dispersion by turbulent transition in a jet. PHYSICS LETTERS A, 357 (4-5): 345-350 SEP 18 2006
- Luo, K; Fan, JR; Cen, K. Modulations on turbulent characteristics by dispersed particles in gas-solid jets. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 461 (2062): 3279-3295 OCT 8 2005
- Luo, K; Fan, HR; Cen, KF. Local-focusing phenomenon and turbulence modulation in particle-laden turbulent jets. PHYSICS LETTERS A, 343 (1-3): 190-198 AUG 1 2005
- Luo, K; Fan, JR; Jin, HH; et al. LES of the turbulent coherent structures and particle dispersion in the gas-solid wake flows. POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 147 (1-3): 49-58 OCT 11 2004
- Luo, K; Fan, JR; Jin, HH; et al. Direct numerical simulation of vortex structures and particle dispersion in turbulent free shear flows. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS, 191 (7): 909-931 JUL 2004
- Luo, K; Yan, J; Fan, JR; et al. On coherent structures in a three-dimensional transitional plane jet. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 51 (4): 386-396 APR 2008
- Fan, JR; Luo, K; Ha, MY; et al. Direct numerical simulation of a near-field particle-laden plane turbulent jet. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 70 (2): Art. No. 026303 Part 2 AUG 2004
- Fan, JR; Luo, K; Zhang, XY; et al. Large eddy simulation of the introduction anti-erosion characteristics of the ribbed-bend in gas-solid flows. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 126 (3): 672-679 JUL 2004
- Fan, JR; Luo, K; Zheng, YQ; et al. Modulation on coherent vortex structures by dispersed solid particles in a three-dimensional mixing layer. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 68 (3): Art. No. 036309 Part 2 SEP 2003
- Yan, J; Luo, K; Fan, JR; et al. Direct numerical simulation of particle dispersion in a turbulent jet considering inter-particle collisions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, 34 (8): 723-733 AUG 2008
- Gui, N; Fan, JR; Luo, K. DEM-LES study of 3-D bubbling fluidized bed with immersed tubes. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 63 (14): 3654-3663 JUL 16 2008
- Gui, N; Fan, JR; Luo, K. Experimental study on collision rates of inertial particles in particulate flows under the effect of gravity. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 62 (22): 6112-6120 NOV 2007
- Wang, ZL; Fan, JR; Luo, K. Numerical Study of Solid Particle Erosion on the Tubes Near the Side Walls in a Duct with Flow Past an Aligned Tube Bank. AICHE JOURNAL, 56 (1): 66-78 JAN 2010
- Wang, ZL; Fan, JR; Luo, K; et al. Immersed boundary method for the simulation of flows with heat transfer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 52 (19-20): 4510-4518 SEP 2009
- Wang, ZL; Fan, JR; Luo, K. Combined multi-direct forcing and immersed boundary method for simulating flows with moving particles. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, 34 (3): 283-302 MAR 2008
Conference List
- Luo K, Pitsch H, Pai M G, et al. Direct numerical simulations and analysis of three-dimensional n-heptane spray flames in a model swirl combustor. 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing , China, August 1-6, 2010
- Luo Kun et al. Spray Flame in an Air-heptane Swirling Combustor. 48th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jan 4-7, 2010.
- Luo Kun et al. Droplet Evaporation and Influence on Turbulence in a Swirl Combustor. 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2010, Tampa, FL, May 30 – June 4, 2010