Zhao Yang

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
PH.D Supervisor
Phone: | +86 571 8820 8752 |
Fax: | +86 571 8820 8752 |
Email: | ceyzhao@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | Anzhong Building A815, Zijingang Campus |
Other Appointments
Professional Activities
Associate Editor of the Journal “Spatial Structures” (in Chinese)
Member of Spatial Structures Committee, China Civil Engineering Society
Member of International Association for Shells & Space Structures
Member of drafting group of four Chinese codes: Technical specification for Space Grid Structures, Technical specification for Membrane Structures, Technical specification for Steel Arch Structures, Specification for Design of Reinforced Concrete Shell Structures
1987.09 ~ 1991.07 BEng, Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
1991.09 ~ 1994.03 MSc, Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
1997.05 ~ 2001.05 PhD, Department of CSE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Working Experience
1994.03 ~ 1996.05 Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University
2001.05 ~ 2006.12 Associate Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University
2001.10 ~ 2002.01 Research Associate, Department of CSE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2006.12 ~ Present Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University
Awards and Honors
The First-Prize of Science and Technology Progress Prize of CSCEC (2008)
The First-Prize of Science and Technology Progress Prize of Ministry of Education (2007)
Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education (2007)
Best Paper, The Fourth National Conference on Modern Structural Engineering (2004)
Research Interests
Analysis, behavior and design of long-span spatial structures and thin-shell structures
Current Projects
Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education(NCET-07-0759)
Stability Behavior of Thin Metal Cylindrical Shells under Differential Settlement, National Natural Science Foundation of China(50778159)
Experimental Study of Sun Valley Steel Joints for the Expo Axis Project, East China Architecture Design and Research Institute
Publication List
Recent Publications
- Xiang XA, Tian W, Zhao Y, et al (2010). Improved nonlinear force density method accounting for 2-dimensional deformations of membrane element. Engineering Mechanics, 27(4): 251-256 (in Chinese)
- Cao QS, Zhao Y (2010). Buckling strength of cylindrical steel tanks under harmonic settlement. Thin-Walled Structures, 48(6): 391-400
- Zhao Y, Tian W, Su L, et al (2010). Stability analysis of Sun Valley steel structure for the Expo Axis project. Journal of Building Structures, 31(5): 27-33 (in Chinese)
- Chen M, Xing D, Zhao Y, et al (2010). Experimental research and finite element analysis on joints of Sun Valley steel structre for the Expo Axis project. Journal of Building Structures, 31(5): 34-41 (in Chinese)
- Tian W, Xiang XA, Zhao Y, et al (2010). Nonlinear FEA of stability bearing capacity of shuttle-shaped steel lattice columns with bending moment. Journal of Building Structures, 31(5): 42-48 (in Chinese)
- Yu WJ, Zhao Y, FU XY, et al (2010). Pushover analysis of National Swimming Center. Journal of Building Structures, 31(S1): 293-298 (in Chinese)
- Xiang XA, Zhao Y, Dong SL (2010). Force density method based on multi-coordinate-system for form-finding of tensile structures. Engineering Nechanics, 27(12): 64-71 (in Chinese)
- Tian W, Zhao Y, Xiang XA, et al (2010). Stability behavior of shuttle-shaped steel lattice columns with bening moment. Journal of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering, 32(6): 22-27 (in Chinese)
- Fu XY, Gu L, Zhao Y, et al (2009). Structural Design of National Swimming Center Water Cube. China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing, China (in Chinese)
- Selected Publications
- Dong SL, Luo YZ, Zhao Y, et al (2006). Analysis, Design and Construction of New Spatial Structures. China Communications Press, Beijing, China (in Chinese)
- Xiang XA, Zhao Y, Dong SL (2008). Geometric constitution of space frames based on space-filling polyhedron. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 42(1): 105-110 (in Chinese)
- Xing L, Zhao Y, Fu XY, et al (2007). Experimental study on steel tube moment connections with modified cover-plated reinforcement. China Civil Engineering Journal, 40(12): 1-7 (in Chinese)
- Zhao Y, Yu J,Ye J (2006). Structural behavior of column-supported steel silos with engaged columns. Engineering Mechanics, 23(11): 63-69 (in Chinese)
- Chen XC, Zhao Y, Dong SL (2006). Wind-induced vibration response for space lattice structures based on the pseudo excitation method. Journal of Computational Mechanics, 23(6): 684-689 (in Chinese)
- Chen XC, Zhao Y, Dong SL (2006). Identification and selection of dominant vibration-modes contributory to wind-induced vibration response for large-span space lattice structures. Journal of Building Structures, 27(1): 9-15 (in Chinese)
- Zhao Y, Cao QS, Xie XY (2006). Floating-roof steel tanks under harmonic settlement: FE parametric study and design criterion. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 7(3): 398-406
- Zhao Y (2005). Buckling behaviour of imperfect ring-stiffened cone-cylinder intersections under internal pressure. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 82(7): 553-564
- Zhao Y, Chen XC, Dong SL (2005). Strength and stability analysis of circular steel arches in a long-span spheroidal shell structure. China Civil Engineering Journal, 38(5): 15-23 (in Chinese)
- Dong S L, Zhao Y (2004). Pretensioned long-span steel space structures in china. International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 9(1): 25-36
- Zhao Y, Teng JG (2004). Buckling experiments on steel silo transition junctions. I: Experimental results. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 60(12): 1783-1801
- Zhao Y, Teng JG (2004). Buckling experiments on steel silo transition junctions. II: Finite element modeling. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 60(12): 1803-1823
- Zhao Y, Teng JG (2003). A stability design proposal for cone-cylinder intersections under internal pressure. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 80(5): 297-309
- Zhao Y, Teng JG (2001). Buckling experiments on cone-cylinder intersections under internal pressure. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 127(12): 1231-1239
Patent List
A cover-plated reinforcing method for moment connections of steel tubes, Chinese patent (200810004356.7)