Xu Shilang

Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Doctoral Tutor
Phone: | +86 571 8820 8676 |
+86 571 8898 1950
Fax: | +86 571 8898 8685 |
Email: | slxu@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | The building of An Zhong on Zijingang Campus, |
Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,310058
Other Appointments
Dean, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University
Director, Institute of Advanced Engineering Structures and Materials
Ph.D. – Dalian University of Technology, Structural Engineering, 1988
M. S – Dalian University of Technology, Structural Engineering, 1982
B.S. – Northwestern Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology, Hydraulic Engineering, 1977
Working Experience
2009.11-Present: Qiushi Chair Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;
Dean of the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou;
Director of the Institute of Advanced Engineering Structures and Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou;
2005-2009.10: Especially Appointed Professor, Appointed by Dalian University of Technology, School of Civil & Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian;
2000-2005: Especially Appointed Cheung Kong Scholar Professor Appointed by the Ministry of Education of China, the post in Structural Engineering, School of Civil & Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.
1995-2000: Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology.
1994-2003: Guest Professor,Institut für Werkstoffe im Bauwesen, Universit?t Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 4, 70550, Stuttgart, Germany
1993-1994: Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Institut für Werkstoffe im Bauwesen, Universit?t Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 4, 70550, Stuttgart, Germany.
1992: | Visiting Professor, Division of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, College of Cardiff, University of Wales, Newport Road, Cardiff CF2 3TB, United Kingdom. |
1990-1991: Associate Professor, Assistant Dean, Department of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.
1982-1990: Lecturer, Deputy Director, Laboratory of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.
1977-1979: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Hydraulic Engineering Structures, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology, Shaanxi Province, P.R. China.
Awards and Honors
- The Prize for Accomplishment in Scientific Researches awarded by Dalian University of Technology,1984.
- The Second Prize, Award of State Education Commission for Science and Technology Progress for “Concrete Fracture and Damage Mechanism”, 1987.
- The First Prize for the Achievement in Research in the State Key Projects on Science & Technology in the Seventh Five-Year-Developing-Plan of China awarded by Guiyang Institute of Hydroelectric Engineering, China, 1988.
- The Third Prize of the Excellent Academic Article Award by the Liaoning Province Science and Technology Commission,1988.
- The Prize of Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation for Young Teacher (research type) in Higher Educational Institutions in China in 1989. (Note: In the year only two persons in Civil Engineering were awarded this prize).
- The Honour of the Outstanding Young Scholar in the Higher Educational Institutions in China awarded by the State Education Commission of the P. R. China in 1990. (Note: In the year total 29 persons in the whole country received the honour and were granted the corresponding research funds. In Civil Engineering field only S. Xu got it).
- Excellent Achievements projects supported by the Natioanl Natural Science Foundation (1986-1990, 1-11-2), Natioanl Natural Science Foundation, The China Science and Technology Press, 1991.
- The Honour of the Scholar with Ph. D. Degree Who Made Outstanding Contributions to Development of Science and Technology awarded jointly by the State Education Commission of the P. R. China and the Academic Degree Committing of the State Council of the P. R. China, 1991.
- The Honour of the Scholar with Ph. D. Degree Who Made Outstanding Contributions in Development of Science and Technology awarded by the Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 1991.
- The First Prize, Award of Department of Energy for Science and Technology Progress for the Sub-project of “Solution for Crack in Dongfeng Arch Dam”, 1991.
- The First Prize for the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Energy Sources of the P. R. China by the Ministry of Energy Sources of the P. R. China ,1992.
- The Second Prize, National Award for Science and Technology Progress for the Sub-project of “ Solution for Crack in High Concrete Dam”, 1992.
- The Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany, 1992.
- The Second Prize of the Excellent Academic Articles Award by the Liaoning Province Science and Technology Commission, 1992.
- The Second Prize, Award of State Education Commission Science & Technology Progress for the “Research on Characteristics of Static and Dynamic Fractures of Concrete”,1996
- The Granted Fund for Outstanding Young Scientist in the State from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1996
- The Third Prize of the National Science & Technology Award by the National Evaluation Commission for Science and Technology Awards of the P. R. China,1999.
- Specially Appointed Professors in "Cheung Kong Scholars Programme” by the State Ministry of Education of China in 2000. In that time, though strong competition only one candidate in the Dalian University of Technology wins this position.
- Distinguished professor for Yangtze River Scholar Award Program by Ministry of Education of P.R.C.
- The Special Allowance from State Council and the Government, 2006
- The First Prize for Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education of China by the Science and Technology Commission of the Ministry of Education of China, 2006
- The Second Prize, Award of Liaoning Province for Science and Technology Progress, 2006
- The Second Prize, Award of Hubei Province for Science and technology Progress, 2007
Research Interests
1. Concrete Fracture Mechanics
2. New Materials and New Material Structure
3. High-performance Composite Structure
4. Hydraulic Structure and Dam Safety Analysis
Current Projects
- Research on carbon nanotubes reinforced mortar
- Dynamic fracture properties of concrete
- Fabricated light and thin wall with long life and self-insulation
Publication List
Full Publications
Monographs: |
- Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao, Research on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, The Press of Dalian University of Technology, 1991;
- Xiaozhong Yu et al, Fracture Mechanics of Rock and Concrete, The Press of Central South University of Technology, 1991 (one of the co-authors) ;
- Shilang Xu et al, Standard Method for Concrete Fracture Testing and Determination of Fracture Toughness, China Machine Press, 2010;
- Shilang Xu, Qinhua Li, Basic Application of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites in Advanced Engineering Structures, Science Press, 2010;
- Shilang Xu, Concrete Fracture Mechanics, Science Press, 2011.
Representative Papers:
English Journal
- Shilang Xu and Ben Barr,A Probability Model of Fracture in Concrete and Size Effect on Fracture Toughness,Magazine of Concrete Research, 47(173) (1995),311-320;
- Shilang Xu, Hans-W. Reinhardt and Murat Gappoev,Mode II Fracture Testing Methods for Highly Orthotropic Materials Like Wood,International Journal of Fracture, 75(2)(1996),185-214;
- H. W. Reinhardt, J. Ozbolt, Shilang Xu and A. Dinku,Shear of Structural Concrete Members and Pure Mode II Testing,Advanced Cement Based Materials,5(1997),75-85;
- Bernd Weiler, Shilang Xu and Utz Mayer,Acoustic Emission Analysis Applied to Concrete Under Different Loading Conditions,Otto Graf Journal,18(1997),255-269;
- Hans W. Reinhardt and Shilang Xu,Experimental determination of KIIc of normal strength concrete,Materials and Structures,31(1998),296-302;
- Shilang Xu and Hans W. Reinhardt,Crack Extension Resistance and Fracture Properties of Quasi-Brittle Softening Materials Like Concrete Based on the Complete Process of Fracture,International Journal of Fracture,92(1998),71-99;
- Shilang Xu and Hans W. Reinhardt,Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials part III: Compact Tension Specimens and Wedge Splitting Specimens,International Journal of Fracture,98(2)(1999),179-193;
- Shilang Xu and Hans W. Reinhardt,Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials, part II: Analytical Evaluating and Practical Measuring Methods for Three-Point Bending Notched Beams,International Journal of Fracture, 98(2)(1999),151-177;
- Shilang Xu and Hans W. Reinhardt,Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials,part I: experimental investigation of crack propagation,International Journal of Fracture,98(2)(1999),111-149;
- Hans W. Reinhardt and Shilang Xu,Crack Extension Resistance Based on the Cohesive Force in Concrete,Engineering Fracture Mechanics,64(5)(1999),563-587;
- Shilang Xu and Hans W. Reinhardt,A Simplified Method for Determining Double-K Fracture Parameters for Three-Point Bending Tests,International Journal of Fracture, 104(2)(2000),181-208;
- Hans W. Reinhardt and Shilang Xu,A Practical Testing Approach to Determine Mode II Fracture Energy GIIF for Concrete,International Journal of Fracture,105(2)(2000),107-125;
- Weiming Liu and Shilang Xu,A New Improved Uzawa Method for Finite Element Solution of Stokes Problem,Computational Mechanics,27(4)(2001),305-310;
- Liming Wang, Haoran Chen and Shilang Xu,Conservation Law and Application of J-Integral in Multi-Materials,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,22(10)(2001),1097-1104;
- Shilang Xu, Hans W. Reinhardt, Zhimin Wu and Yanhua Zhao,The comparison between the Double-K Fracture Model and the Two Parameter Fracture Model,Otto Graf Journal,24(2003),131-158;
- Liming Wang and Shilang Xu,Analysis on the Cohesive Stress at Half Infinite Crack Tip,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,24(8)(2003),917-927;
- Shilang Xu, M. Krueger, Hans W. Reinhardt and J.Ozbolt,Bond properties between carbon,aramid and alkali resistant glass textiles and mortar,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE),16(4)(2004),356-364;
- Yanhua Zhao, Shilang Xu and Zongjin Li,The analysis and computation of energy dissipation along the fracture process zone in a concrete,Computers and Concrete, 1(1)(2004),47-60;
- Shilang Xu and Hans W. Reinhardt,Shear fracture on the basis of fracture mechanics,Otto Graf Journal,16(2005),21-78;
- Limin Wang, Shilang Xu and Xiqiang Zhao,Analysis on cohesive crack opening displacement considering the strain softening effect,Science in China, Series G-Physics and Astronomy,49(1)(2006),88-101;
- Shilang Xu, Yanhua Zhao and Zhimin Wu,Study on the Average Fracture Energy for Crack Propagation in Concrete,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE),18(6)(2006),817-824;
- Xiufang Zhang and Shilang Xu,Fracture resistance on aggregate bridging in concrete,Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China,1(1)(2007),63-70;
- Dianjun Zhang, Qiang Wang and Shilang Xu,Experimental Research of Structure’s Reliability Based on Smart Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science),22(3)(2007),546-550;
- Shilang Xu and He Li,Bond Properties and Experimental Methods of Textile Reinforced Concrete,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science),22(3)(2007),529-532;
- Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu and Shuang Zheng,Experimental Measurement of Double-K Fracture parameters of Concrete with small-size aggregates,Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China,1(4)(2007),448-457;
- Yanhua Zhao, Shilang Xu and Zhimin Wu,Variation of fracture energy dissipation along evolving fracture process zones in concrete,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE),19(8)(2007),625-633;
- Shilang Xu and Shuling Gao,Fracture and Tensile Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber Reinforced Cementitous Composites,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science),23(1)(2008),7-12;4292-4308;
- Shilang Xu and Xiufang Zhang,Determination of fracture parameters for crack propagation in concrete using an energy approach,Engineering Fracture Mechanics,75(15)(2008),4292-4308;
- Shilang Xu and Yu Zhu,Experimental determination of fracture parameters for crack propagation in hardening cement paste and mortar,International Journal of Fracture,157(1-2)(2009),33–43;
- Shilang Xu and Qinghua Li,Theoretical Analysis on Bending Behavior of Functionally Graded Composite Beam Crack-Controlled by Ultrahigh Toughness Cementitious Composites,Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 52(2)(2009),363-378;
- Hedong Li, Christopher K.Y. Leung, Shilang Xu and Qian Cao,Investigation on potential use of strain hardening ECC in permanent formwork with small scale flexural beams,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science),24(3)(2009),482-487;
- Hedong Li, Shilang Xu and Christopher K.Y. Leung,Tensile and flexural properties of ultra high toughness cemontious composite,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science),24(4)(2009),677-683;
- Shilang Xu and Xiufang Zhang,Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Investigation on Flexural Performance of Steel Reinforced Ultrahigh Toughness Cementitious Composite RUHTCC Beams,Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences,52(4)(2009),1068-1089;
- Qinghua Li and Shilang Xu,Experimental investigation and analysis on flexural performance of functionally graded composite beam crack-controlled by ultrahigh toughness cementitious composites,Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences,52(6)(2009),1648-1664;
- Shilang Xu, Liangli Gao and Weijun Jin,Production and mechanical properties of aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes-M140 composites,Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences,52(7)(2009),2119-2127;
- Shilang Xu, Qinghua Li and Shide Song,Durability Performance of RUHTCC Beam under Flexural Load, International Journal of Structural Engineering,1(2)(2010),172–187;
- Shilang Xu and Xinhua Cai,Mechanics Behavior of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composite after Freezing and Thawing,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science),25(3)(2010),509-514;
- Jun Zhang, CKY Leung and Shilang Xu,Evaluation of Fracture Parameters of Concrete from Bending Test Using Inverse Analysis Approach,Materials and Structures, RILEM,43(6)(2010),857-874;
- Shilang Xu and Shiping Yin,Analytical theory of flexural behavior of concrete beam reinforced with textile-combined steel,Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences,53(6)(2010),1700-1710;
- Shilang Xu and Xiangrong Cai,Experimental Study and Theoretical Models on Compressive Properties of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE),22(10)(2010),1067-1077;
- Qinghua Li and Shilang Xu,A design concept with the use of RUHTCC Beam to improve crack control and durability of Concrete structures,Materials and Structures, RILEM, 2010,DOI: 10.1617/s11527-010-9690-9;
- Qinghua Li and Shilang Xu,Experimental Research on Mechanical Performance of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites with Polyvinyl Alcohol Short Fiber and Carbon Textile, Journal of Composite Materials, 45(1)(2011),5-28;
- Xiangrong Cai and Shilang Xu, A statistical micromechanical model of multiple cracking for Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78(6) (2011),1091–1100;
- Hedong Li, Shilang Xu. Determination of energy consumption in the fracture plane of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composite with direct tension test. Engineering Fracture Mechanics,78(9) (2011),1895–1905;
- Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu. A comparative study on five approaches to evaluate double-K fracture toughness parameters of concrete and size effect analysis. Engineering Fracture Mechanics,78(10)(2011),2115-2138;
Chinese Journal:
- Test and Analysis of Concrete Fracture Toughness, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 61-66, (6), 1982, Shilang Xu
- Statistical Analysis on Probability of Concrete Fracture Toughness, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 51-58, (10), 1984, Shilang Xu
- A Study on Probability Model of Fracture Toughness of Concrete, China Civil Engineering Journal, 9-23, 21(4), 1988, Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao
- The Stable Propagation of Crack in Concrete and the Determination of Critical Crack Tip Opening Displacement, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 33-44, (4),1989, Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao
- Concrete Fracture Toughness of Huge Specimen and Criterion of Fracture Toughness for Judging Cracks in High Concrete Dam, China Civil Engineering Journal, 1-9, 14(2), 1991, Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao
- The Fracture Energy GF and Strain Field in the Front of the Notch for the Huge Compact Tension Specimens of Concrete, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 17-25, (1), 1991, Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao, Chengkui Huang, Yi Liu, Fengyi Wang, Guoli Jin
- The Investigation on the Propagating Process of a Crack in Concrete by Means of Photoelastic Coating, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 8-17, (3), 1991, Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao
- The Fracture Energy GF Concrete and its Variation Trend in Size Effect Studied by Using the Three-Point Bending Beams, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 79-86, 31(1), 1991, Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao, Yi Liu, Lida Ye
- A Double-K Fracture Criterion for the Crack propagation in Concrete Structures, China Civil Engineering Journal, 32-38, 25(2), 1992, Shilang Xu and Guofan Zhao
- Narrow Strip Model of Fracture Zone for Concrete and Its Application, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 57-64, 33(1), 1993, Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao
- A study on the Fracture Energy and Fracture Toughness of the full-scale Concrete with Large Size Aggregates, Engineering Mechanics, 51-62,(S1),1996, Guofan Zhao, Shilang Xu, Fengyi Wang
- The Fracture Toughness of Large Size Concrete Specimens, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 67-76, (6), 1997, Zhimin Wu, Guofan Zhao, Shilang Xu
- The Double-K Fracture Parameters Based On The Fictitious Crack Model, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 12-16, (7), 1999, Zhimin Wu, Shilang Xu and Jinlai Wang
- Double-K Fracture Parameter of Concrete and Its Size Effect by Using Three-point Bending Beam Method, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 35-39, (4), 2000, Zhimin Wu, Shilang Xu, Jinlai Wang, Yi Liu
- Influence of Specimen Initial Crack Length on Double- K Fracture Parameters of Concrete, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 35-39, (4), 2000, Zhimin Wu, Shilang Xu, Xijing Lu,Yi Liu
- The Effective Fracture Toughness of Concrete Based on Fictitious Crack Model, Engineering Mechanics, 99-104, 17(1), 2000, Zhimin Wu, Jinlai Wang, Shilang Xu, Yi Liu
- Character of Fracture Mechanics for a Crack Tip Near Bimaterial Interface, Journal of Composite Materials, 78-82, 17(3), 2000, Limin Wang, Haoran Chen, Shilang Xu, Guangyuan Zhao
- Softening Traction-Separation Law Of Concrete For Determining The Double-K Fracture Parameters, Journal of Tsinghua University (natural science) 110-113, 40 (S1), 2000, Zhifang Zhao, Shilang Xu
- Influence of Shape of Softening Traction-Separation Law of Concrete upon KR-curve (I)—Shape of Softening Traction-Separation Law of Concrete for Determining KR-curve, Journal of Yantai University, 210-215, 13(3) , 2000, Zhifang Zhao, Shilang Xu
- Influence of Shape of Softening traction-Separation Law of Concrete upon KR-curve (II) —Experimental Studies on Shape of Softening Traction-Separation Law of Concrete and KR-curve, Journal of Yantai University, 306-312, 13(4), 2000, Zhifang Zhao, Shilang Xu
- Strength Criterion of Concrete under Plane Stress State, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 362-363, 40(3), 2000, Yanhua Zhao, Zhimin Wu and Shilang Xu
- Influence of Maximum Aggregate Size to Double-K Fracture Parameter of Concrete, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 358-361, 40(3), 2000, Zhimin Wu, Shilang Xu, Hongyan Liu, Yi Liu
- The Double-K Fracture Parameters Determined Using the Nonstandard Three-Point Bending Notched Beams, Engineering Science, 76-81, 3(4) ,2001, Zhimin Wu, Shilang Xu, Xijing Lu, Jiayi Liu
- Influence of Specimen Size Upon New KR-Curve of Concrete, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 48-55,(12), 2001, Zhifang Zhao, Shilang Xu
- Influence of Compressive Strength of Concrete upon New -curve based on the Cohesive Force, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 11-21, (3), 2001, Zhifang Zhao, Shilang Xu
- Conservation Law and Application of J-Integral in Multi-Materials, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1097-1104, 22(10), 2001, Liming Wang, Haoran Chen, Shilang Xu.
- Researches on the Double-K Fracture Parameters and the Size Effect Using Wedge Splitting Method, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 1499-1504, 20(S2), 2001, Zhimin Wu, Shilang Xu, Hongbo Gao, Jinlai Wang.
- The Influence of Shape of Softening Traction-Separation Law on Double K Fracture Parameters of Concrete, China Civil Engineering Journal, 29-34, 34(5), 2001, Zhifang Zhao, Shilang Xu
- Fracture Behavior for Crack Vertical to the Interface of Bi-material, Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 33-36, 18(1), 2001, Limin Wang, Haoran Chen, Shilang Xu, Guangyuan Zhao, Qi Pu
- Investigation on the Crack Propagation in Concrete and the Size Effect of Double-K Fracture Parameters Using Photoelastic Coating Method, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 34-39, (4), 2001, Zhimin Wu, Shilang Xu, Jiayi Liu
- The Stress Analysis of Short Fiber Near A Crack Tip in Composites, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 200-207, 24(2), 2002, Limin Wang, Shilang Xu, Haoran Chen
- The Stresses and Deformations of a Bridging Fibre at the Middle Remote Field in Front of a Crack in Quasi-Brittle Materials, Engineering Mechanics, 132-136, 19(3), 2002, Shilang Xu, Liming Wang, Yanhua Zhao
- The Minimum J2 Fracture Criterion for a I-II Mixed Mode Crack, Engineering Mechanics, 94-98, 19 (4), 2002, Yanhua Zhao, Shilang Xu
- The Influence Of Softening Traction-Separation Law Of Concrete Upon The Double-K Fracture Parameters, Engineering Mechanics, 149-154, 19 (4), 2002, Zhifang Zhao, Shilang Xu, Hougui Zhou
- The Influnence of Span/Depth Ratio on the Double-K Fracture Parameters of Concrete,Journal of China Three Corges University(Natural Sciences),35-41, 24(1), 2002, Yanhua Zhao, Shilang Xu
- Fracture Toughness and Critical Crack Tip Opening Displacement of Concrete Based on Fictitious Crack Model, Journal of China Three Gorges University (Natural Sciences), 29-34, 24(1), 2002, Zhimin Wu, Shilang Xu, Jinlai Wang
- Crack Extension Resistance Curve of Concrete, Journal of China Three Gorges University (Natural Sciences), 19-25, 24(1), 2002, Zhifang Zhao, Shilang Xu.
- Constitutive model for concrete under plane stress, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 349-353,42(3), 2002, Yanhua Zhao, Jianjun Zheng, Shilang Xu, Wu Zhimin.
- Calculation Of Cohesive Stress Along The Fictitious Crack Zone In Concrete Materials, China Engineering Science, 53-58, 4(5), 2002, Shilang Xu, Limin Wang.
- Characteristic Curve Of Concrete And Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 580-585,42(5), 2002, Limin Wang, Shilang Xu.
- Influence of Stirrup Ratio on Limiting Value of Ratio of Axial Compression Stress to Strength for Steel High-strength Concrete Columns, China Civil Engineering Journal, 39-43, 35 (6), 2002, Jinqing Jia, Shilang Xu, Guofan Zhao
- A Practical Analytical Approach To The Determination Of Double-K Fracture Parameters Of Concrete, Engineering Mechanics ,54-61, 20 (3), 2003, Shilang Xu, Zhimin Wu, Shenggen Ding
- The Experimental Study on the Fracture Energy of Concrete Using Wedge Splitting Specimen , Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 15-22, (4), 2003, Shilang Xu, Yanhua Zhao, Zhimin Wu, Hongbo Gao
- The Experimental Study On The Ratio Of Axial Compression Stress To Strength For Circular Steel Tube High-Strength Concrete Short Columns, Journal of Building Structure, 14-19,(1), 2003, Jinqing Jia, Shilang Xu,
- Analysis on Cohesive Stress at Half Infinite Crack Tip, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 812-820,24(8), 2003, Liming Wang, Shilang Xu
- Singularity of Crack Cohesive Stress Distribution along the Fracture Process Zone of Concrete, Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 30-35, 21(1), 2004, Liming Wang, Shilang Xu
- Numerical Simulation Of Mode Ⅱ Fracture And Failure Processes In Concrete By 3-Dimensional Nonlinear FEM, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 15-21, 23 (5), 2004, Shilang Xu, Yanhua Zhao
- A Double-G Criterion for Crack Propagation in Concrete Structures, China Civil Engineering Journal, 13-18;51;91, 37(10), 2004, Yanhau Zhao, Shilang Xu, Zhimin Wu
- Boundary Effect of Specimen on Fracture Energy in Concrete, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1320-1325,36(11) , 2005, Yanhua Zhao, Shilang Xu, Yuqiang Nie
- The Calculational Analysis of Pullout Phenomena of Textile Reinforced Concrete, Journal of Railway Science and Engineering, 15-21, (2), 2005, Shilang Xu, He Li
- The Improvement on Shear-lag Theory for Stress Transfer in Short Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Engineering Mechanics, 165-169, 22(6), 2005, Dianjun Zhang, Shilang Xu
- A kind of Fredholm Type Weak Singular Kernel Integral Equation with Triangle Function as Free Term, Chinese Physics, 543-546, 55(2), 2006, Liming Wang, Chuanbo Ren, Shilang Xu, Xiqiang Zhao
- Experimental Measurement of Double-K Fracture Parameters of Concrete with Small Size Aggregate, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 26-36, 37(5), 2006, Shilang Xu, Xiufang Zhang, Shuang Zheng
- Development and Optimization of Cementitious Matrices for Textile Reinforced Concrete, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 76-80, 25(3), 2006, He Li, Shilang Xu
- Grey Relational Analysis of Fracture Parameters of Concrete, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 395-400, 46(3), 2006, Zhang Dianjun, Shilang Xu, Na Wang
- Study on Bond Property between High Performance Fine Concrete and Carbon Fiber Textile, Journal of Building Materials, 211-215, 9(2), 2006, Shilang Xu, He Li
- Experimental Study on Electric Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Mortar and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Journal of Building Materials, 347-352, 9(3), 2006, Dianjun Zhang, Shilang Xu, Jin Sun
- Study on Self-compacting Concrete of Textile Reinforced Concrete, Journal of Building Materials, 481-483, 9(4), 2006, Shilang Xu, He Li
- Experimental Study on Fracture Toughness (KIIc) of Concrete, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 68-73, 25(5), 2006, Hongbo Gao, Shilang Xu, Zhimin Wu, Dan Piao
- Experimental Study on Type II Fracture Toughness (KIIc ) of Concrete, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 20-28, 26(5), 2006, Hongbo Gao, Shilang Xu, Zhimin Wu, Dan Piao
- The New GR Crack Extension Resistance as Fracture Criterion for Complete Crack Propagation in Concrete Structure, China Civil Engineering Journal, 20-31, 39(10), 2006, Shilang Xu, Xiufang Zhang
- An Experimental Study On Double-K Fracture Parameters Of Concrete For Dam Construction With Various Grading Aggregates, China Civil Engineering Journal, 64-76, 39(11), 2006, Shilang Xu, Hougui Zhou, Hongbo Gao
- Superposition Calculation of Double-K Fracture Parameters of Concrete Using Wedge Splitting Geometry and Boundary Effect, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 868-874, 46(3), 2006, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu, Hongbo Gao
- Area Fraction and Percolation Threshold of ITZ in Concrete and Its Application(I) —— Computer Simulation, Journal of Building Materials, 266-273, 9(3), 2006, Jianjun Zheng, Xinzhu Zhou, Lu Jiang, Shilang Xu.
- Area Fraction and Percolation Threshold of ITZ in Concrete and Application(Ⅱ) —— Prediction of Elastic Modulus, Journal of Building Materials, 388-392, 9(4), 2006, Jianjun Zheng, Xinzhu Zhou, Lu Jiang, Shilang Xu
- Experimental study on seismic performance of ultra high-strength concrete short columns, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 120-126, 26(6), 2006, Jinqing Jia, Rui Jiang, Shilang Xu, Genqin Sun, Tong Hou.
- Determination of Boudnary Effect on Fracture Energy of Concrete, Engineering Mechanics, 56-61,24(1), 2007, Yanhua Zhao, Yuqiang Nie, Shilang Xu
- The Loading Capacity of Three Point Bending Beam With the Resistant Force of Cohesive Crack, Engineering Science, 9(2), 30-35, 2007, Liming Wang, Shilang Xu, Chuangbo Ren
- Experimental Study On Shear Fracture Process And Mode Ⅱ Fracture Toughness Of Joint-Grouting In Concrete Dam, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 300-305, 38(3), 2007, Shilang Xu, Changxiong Yu, Qinghua Li
- Determination of Fracture Energy of Concrete Using Wedge-splitting Test on Compact Tension Specimen, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 683-689, 38(6), 2007, Shilang Xu, Dan Bu, Xiufang Zhang
- Experimental Determination of Double-K Fracture Parameter of Concrete under Water Pressure, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 792-798, 38(7), 2007, Shilang Xu, Jianmin Wang
- Critical Concrete Crack Length Determination Using Strain Gauges, Journal of Tsinghua University (Natural Science), 47(9), 1432-1434, 2007,Shuling Gao, Shilang Xu
- Toughness Study On PVA Fibbers Reinforced Cementitious Composites Using Total Work Done By Horizontal Load, Journal of Dongnan University, 324-329, 37(2), 2007, Shuling Gao, Shilang Xu
- Fracture Toughness Investigation of Polyvinyl Alcohol Reinforced Cement Composites by Single-Notched Thin Sheet, Engineering Mechanics, 12-18, 24(11), 2007, Shuzhen Gao, Shiliang Xu
- Experimental Research On Tension Property Of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 233-239, 47(2), 2007, Shuling Gao, Shilang Xu
- A Study On Thin Concrete Plate Reinforced With Textile, Journal of Building Structure, 117-122, 28(4), 2007, He Li, Shilang Xu
- An Experimental Study on the Seismic Ductility of PVA Fiber Super-high-strength Concrete Columns with High Axial Load Ratios, China Civil Engineering Journal, 54-60, 40(8), 2007, Rui Jiang, Shilang Xu, Jinqing Jia
- Experimental Research of Mode II Fracture Based on Self-monitoring Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Journal of Building Structure, 484-487, 10(4), 2007, Dianjun Zhang, Shilang Xu
- Experimental Research On Steel Reinforced Ultra High-Strength Concrete Short Columns In Seismic Performance, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 699-706, 47(5), 2007, Shilang Xu, Rui Jiang, Jinqing Jia, Genqin Sun, Tong Hou
- An Experimental Study On The Flexural Properties Of Carbon Textile Reinforced ECC, China Civil Engineering Journal, 69-76, 40(12), 2007, Shilang Xu, Qinghua Li, Hedong Li
- Determination of Mode I Fracture Toughness of Cement Paste and Mortar, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 41-46, 39(1), 2008, Shilang Xu, Yu Zhu, Xiufang Zhang
- Correlation Between The Tension Softening Relation And Crack Extension Resistance GR In Concrete, Journal of Tsinghua University (Natural Science), 48(3), 316-320, 2008, Xiufang Zhang, Shiliang Xu
- A Study On Double-K Fracture Parameters By Using Wedge-Splitting Test On Compact Tension Specimens Of Various Sizes, China Civil Engineering Journal, 70-76, 41(2), 2008, Shilang Xu, Dan Pu, Xiufang Zhang
- Pseudo Strain Hardening Model Of Ultra High Performance Cementitious Composites Under Flexural Loading, Journal of Composite Materials, 129-134, 25(2), 2008, Xiangguo Wu, Xiangmo Han, Shilang Xu
- Determination Of Fracture Energy Of Concrete For Three-Point Bending Beams Using The Measured P-CMOD Curve, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 714-719, 39(6), 2008, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu
- A Review on Development of Researches and Engineering Applications of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites, China Civil Engineering Journal, 72-87, 41(6), 2008, Shilang Xu, Hedong Li
- Experimental Study on Fracture Parameters of Three-point Bending Beam Based on Smart Properties of CFRC, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 71-77,27(2), 2008, Dianjun Zhang, Shilang Xu, Hongman Hao
- The Influence Of Different Softening Curves On Crack Extension Resistance GR Curve, Engineering Mechanics, 18-23, 25(7), 2008, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu
- Ascertainment Of Critical Load Of Mode Ⅱ Fracture Of Joint-Grouting Material According To Electric Property, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 546-550, 48(4), 2008, Shilang Xu, Changxiong Yu,Dianjun Zhang
- A Practical Method of Improving the Bonding Behavior between Textile and Concrete, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 685-690, 48(5), 2008, Qinghua Li, Shilang Xu, He Li
- Experimental Study on Bond-slip Between Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites and Steel Bar , Engineering Mechanics, 53-61, 25(11), 2008, Shilang Xu, Hongchang Wang
- Improvement of Flexural and Cracking Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites (1): Basic Theory, China Civil Engineering Journal, 53-59, 41(12), 2008, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu
- Analysis and Criterion of Fracture Process for Crack Propagation in Concrete, Engineering Mechanics, 20-33, 25(S2), 2008, Shilang Xu, Yanhua Zhao
- Crack Propagation In A Concrete Dam Under Water Pressure And Determination Of The Double-K Fracture Parameters, China Civil Engineering Journal, 119-125,42(2), 2009, Shilang Xu, Jianmin Wang
- Influence of Different Softening Curves to Crack Extension Resistance Curve GR, Engineering Mechanics, 5-9, 26(2), 2009 , Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu
- Fracture Parameters Study And Application Of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforcement Concrete, Engineering Mechanics, 93-98, 26(3), 2009, Xiangguo Wu, Shilang Xu, Mingxi Wu
- Uniaxial Tensile Experiments on Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composite, China Civil Engineering Journal, 32-41, 42(9), 2009, Shilang Xu, Hedong Li
- An Experimental Investigation on Resisting Freezing Durability of Ultra-high Toughness Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite (UHTCC), China Civil Engineering Journal, 42-46, 42(9), 2009, Shilang Xu, Xinhua Cai, Hedong Li
- Experimental Study On Mechanical Properties Of Ultra-High Toughness Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1055-1063, 40(9), 2009, Shilang Xu, Xiangrong Cai
- Experimental Study Of Uniaxial Compression Properties Of High Performance Fine Grained Concrete,Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 919-925,49(6), 2009, Shiping Yin, Shilang Xu
- Improvement on Flexural and Cracking Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites (II), Experimental Research, China Civil Engineering Journal, 53-66, 42(10), 2009, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu
- Experimental Measurement And Analysis Of The Axial Compressive Stress-Strain Curve Of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites, China Civil Engineering Journal, 78-85, 42(11), 2009, Shilang Xu, Xiangrong Cai, Yinghua Zhang
- Influence Of Reinforcement Ratio On Flexural Behavior Of RUHTCC Beams, China Civil Engineering Journal, 16-24, 42(12), 2009, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu, Lijun Hou
- Analysis On Flexural Capacity And Ductility Of Steel Reinforced Ultrahigh Toughness Cementitious Composite Beams, Engineering Mechanics, 133-141, 26(12), 2009, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu
- A Practical Interpolation Method for Determining Cohesion Toughness of Double-K Fracture Model, Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanism 47-52, 27(1), 2010, Hongbo Gao, Shilang Xu, Zhimin Wu, Dan Pu
- Study On Corresponding Relationships Between Flexural Load-Deformation Hardening Curves And Tensile Stress-Strain Hardening Curves Of UHTCC, Engineering Mechanics, 8-16, 27(1), 2010, Shilang Xu, Xiangrong Cai
- Effect Of Hybrid Fibers On Bending Capacity Of High-Performance Concrete Deep Beams, Journal of Harbin University of Technology, 313-316, 42(2), 2010, Dongtao Xia, Shilang Xu, Guangzheng Xia
- Research On Flexural Properties And Flexural Toughness Evaluation Method Of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites, China Civil Engineering Journal, 32-39, 43(3), 2010, Shilang Xu, Hedong Li
- Analysis And Experiment Of Reinforced Ultra2high Toughness Cementitious Composite Flexural Members, Journal of Building Structure, 51-61, 31(3), 2010, Qinghua Li, Shilang Xu
- Calculation of Flexural Capacity for Crack-Control UHTCC/RC Composite Beams, Journal of Building Structure, 62-69, 31(3), 2010, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu
- Double-K Fracture Theoretical Analysis and Crack Width Calculation of Hydraulic Pressure Tunnel Lining, China Civil Engineering Journal, 114-124, 43(1), 2010, Shilang Xu, Jianqiang Liu, Xiufang Zhang
- Parametric Study On The Effect Of Beam Geometry On Flexural Behavior Of Steel Reinforced Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites (RUHTCC) Beams, Engineering Mechanics, 78-95, 27(2), 2010,Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu
- Experimental Studies On Permeability and Carbonation Properties Of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 177-183, 27(3), 2010, Shilang Xu, Xinhua Cai
- Experimental Research On Seismic Behavior Of New Beam-Column Joints By Using Cementitious Composites With Ultra High Toughness, Journal Of Earthquake Engineering And Engineering Vibration, 59-63, 30(2), 2010, Jun Su, Shilang Xu, Hui Bi
- Study on Stability of CFRM Strain Measure System, Chinese Journal Of Sensors And Actuators, 286-290, 23(2), 2010,Yafeng Tian, Shide Song, Shilang Xu
- Effective Method to Improve Anti-flaking Capacity of Cover Concrete to Textile, Journal Of Building Materials, 468-473,13(4), 2010, Shiping Yin, Shilang Xu
- Experimental Measurement And Evaluation Indexes Of Toughness Properties For UHTCC Under Uniaxial Compression, Engineering Mechanics, 218-239, 27(5), 2010, Xiangrong Cai, Shilang Xu
- Experimental Study On The Flexural Performance Of Concrete Beam Strengthened With Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites, China Civil Engineering Journal, 17-22, 43(5), 2010, Shilang Xu, Nan Wang, Qinghua Li
- Theoretical Analysis Of Flexural Performance Of Plain Concrete Composite Beams Strengthened With Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composite, China Civil Engineering Journal, 51-62, 43(7),2010, Xiufang Zhang, Shilang Xu, Hedong Li
- Theoretical Analysis On Flexural Behavior Of Reinforced Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composite Members, Engineering Mechanics, 92-102, 27(7), 2010, Qinghua Li, Shilang Xu
- Experimental Study On Seismic Behaviors Of UHTCC New Beam-Column Joints With High Axial Compression, Journal Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. (Natural Science Edition), 53-61, 38(7), 2010, Jun Su, Shilang Xu
- Investigation On Crack Resistance Of Flexural RC Beam Strengthened With Textile-Reinforced Concrete, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 833-840, 41(7), 2010, Shilang Xu, Shiping Yin, Xinhua Cai
- Application Of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites In Flexural Members, Engineering Mechanics, 235-239, 27(S2), 2010, Qinghua Li, Shilang Xu
- Drying Shrinkage Behavior Of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites And Its Influence On Anti-Cracking Capacity, Journal Of Hydraulic Engineering, 1491-1496, 41(12), 2010, Shilang Xu, Zhifeng Liu
- Experimental And Theoretical Investigation On The Flexural Behavior Of Fine Grained Concrete Beam Reinforced With Textile-Combined Steel, Engineering Mechanics, 87-95, 28(1), 2011, Shiping Yin, Shilang Xu
- Study On Fracture Process Of Concrete Three-Point Bending Beams Retrofitted With UHTCC, Engineering Mechanics, 69-77, 28(3), 2011,Yu Zhu, Shilang Xu
Peer reviewed International conference papers
- Experimental study on fracture behavior of UHTCC overlay/concrete interfaces under mixed-mode loading. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 97-101: 1277-1281, Manufacturing Science and Engineering I. Wang Bing , Dai Jianguo, Xu Shilang.
- Experimental determination of mode II fracture toughness KIIC for joint-grouting material by using electric properties. In: 7th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-7), May 23-28, 2010, Jeju, Korea. Qinghua Li, Shilang Xu, Changxiong Yu.
- A Study on the Crack-Controlled Layer of UHTCC in Functionally-Graded Composite Beams, Advanced Materials Research, 2009, the special volume of Multi-Functional Materials and Structures II, 79-82:1293-1296,Qinghua Li and Shilang Xu
- Ultra high performance cementitious hybrid and flexural analysis of the UHPCC-NC hybrid structure with full shear connection,Key Engineering Materials,405-406,2009,Wu Xiangguo, Xu Shilang. International Symposium on Ultra-High-Pumpability and High Performance Concrete Technology, APR 22-23, 2008 Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
- Ductility and Durability Enhancement in Steel Reinforced Members through Introduction of UHTCC with Strain-hardening Tension Characteristic, International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, NOV 26-27, 2008, Xiufang Zhang and Shilang Xu.
- Four Point Bending Experimental Investigation on Reinforced Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composite Beams, Key Engineering Materials,400-402:395-401, 2009,Qinghua Li and Shilang Xu. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Structures, JUN 19-21, 2008 Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA.
- A study on flexural performance of RC beam strengthened with UHTCC for improved durability,Key Engineering Materials, 400-402:43-54, 2009,Shilang Xu, Xiufang Zhang, and Christopher K. Y. Leung. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Structures, JUN 19-21, 2008 Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA.
- An Experimental Study on Bending Behavior of Cementitious Composites Reinforced in Combination with Carbon Textile and Short-Cut PVA Fiber,Advances in Construction Materials 2007,237-251, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,Shilang Xu and Qinghua Li.
- Fracture Parametric Study on Cement-based Materials from Tree-Point Bending Test. Engineering Structural Integrity: Research, Development and Application, Proceeding of Ninth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment(Editors, S. J. Wu, P. E. J. Flewitt, B. Tomkins, Z. Zhang, J. Sharples, H. Y. Luo.), 2007, Beijing, China Machine Press, (ISBN 978-7-111-05002-5), 308-311, Shilang Xu and Yu Zhu
- Determination of Fracture Energy of Cement Paste and Mortar Using Tree-Point Bending Test. Engineering Structural Integrity: Research, Development and Application, Proceeding of Ninth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment(Editors, S. J. Wu, P. E. J. Flewitt, B. Tomkins, Z.Zhang, J. Sharples, H. Y. Luo.), 2007, Beijing, China Machine Press, (ISBN 978-7-111-05002-5), 273-276, Yu Zhu and Shilang Xu.
- The Experimental Determination of Double-K Fracture Parameters of Concrete under Water Pressure,Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Vol. 1, New Trends in Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, A. Carpinteri et al (eds), 2007 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 978-0-415-44065-3), 279-284, J Wang, X Zhang and S Xu
- The Experimental Determination of Double-K Fracture Parameters of Concrete under Water Pressure,Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Vol. 1, New Trends in Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, A. Carpinteri et al (eds), 2007 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 978-0-415-44065-3), 271-278, S Xu, B Da, H Gao, S Yin and Y liu
- Fracture properties of cement paste and mortar: an experimental investigation,Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Vol. 1, New Trends in Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, A. Carpinteri et al (eds), 2007 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 978-0-415-44065-3), 249-255, Y Zhu, S Xu and Y Zhao
- An Experimental Study on Bending Behavior of Cementitious Composites Reinforced in Combination with Carbon Textile and Short-Cut PVA Fiber,Advances in Construction Materials 2007,237-251, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,Shilang Xu and Qinghua Li
- Experimental research of structure's reliability based on smart properties of carbon fiber reinforced concrete. Proceedings of 6th international symposium on test and measurement, 2005,vols 1-9, 8457-8463, Dianjun Zhang, and Shilang Xu.
- Self-compact concrete for textile reinforced elements, 1st International Symposium on Design, Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete, RILEM Publication S. A. R. L., Bagneux, 2005,687-494,He Li, and Shilang Xu.
- Study on fracture properties of self-compacting concrete using wedge splitting test,1st International Symposium on Design, Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete, RILEM Publication S. A. R. L., Bagneux, 2005,421-428,Yanhua Zhao, Jianxin Ma,Zhimin Wu,Shilang Xu,Hongbo Gao
- Pore structure simulation of self-compacting concrete and application, 1st International Symposium on Design, Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete, RILEM Publication S. A. R. L., Bagneux, 2005,413-420,Zheng, J. J., Jiang, L., and Xu, S. L
- A quasibrittle model for the service life prediction of self-compacting concrete structures, 1st International Symposium on Design, Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete, RILEM Publication S. A. R. L, Bagneux, 2005,549-556,Zheng, J. J., Zhou, X. Z., and Xu, S. L.
- Double-K parameters and the cohesive-stress-based KR curve for the negative geometry. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Li et al (eds), 2004 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 0 87031 135 2) ,pp.423-430, Shilang Xu, Hans W. Reinhardt
- Determination of double-G energy fracture criterion for concrete materials. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Li et al (eds), 2004 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 0 87031 135 2) ,pp.431-438, Zhao Yanhua, Xu Shilang.
- On fracture behavior of cracked body with a fine short fiber. ICCM-13, Beijing, June 2001 ID 1201. Limin Wang, Shilang Xu and Haoran Chen.
- The influence of the shapes of softening curves on the new KR curves based on the cohesive force. Zhao, Zhifang and Shilang Xu. The Proceedings of 2000 National Congress of Post Doctoral Researchers of China. Shanghai, 2000, 8 pages
- The influence of different softening curves on the double-K fracture parameters using the means of three-point bending tests. Zhao, Zhifang and Shilang Xu. The proceedings of the first civil and environmental engineering symposium of post doctoral researchers. Beijing, 1999, 6 pages.
- Numerical Studies on the Double-Edge Notched Mode II Geometry., J. Ozbolt, H.W. Reinhardt and S. Xu, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo), Aedificatio Publishers, Germany, Vol. 1, 1998. -- 10 pages (773-782)
- Numerical Experiments and Characteristics of the New KR-Curve for the Complete Fracture Process of Three-Point Bending Beams., H.W. Reinhardt and S. Xu , Ibid, Vol. 1, 1998. -- 10 pages (399-408)
- Determination of the Double-K Fracture Parameters in Standard Three-Point Bending Notched Beams., S. Xu and H.W. Reinhardt., Ibid, Vol. 1, 1998. -- 10 pages (431-440)
- Analytical Solution of the Fictitious Crack and Evaluation of the Crack Extension Resistance for a Griffith Crack., S. Xu and H.W. Reinhardt., Ibid, Vol. 1, 1998. -- 12 pages (409-420)
- Study of Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy by Means of Wedge Splitting Test Specimens., Zhao Guofan, Jiao Hui and Xu Shilang, Brittle Matrix Composites 3(edited by A.M.Brandt), Eisevier Applied Science, The Netherlands, 1991. -- 8 Pages.
- Study on Fracture Behavior with Wedge Splitting Test Method ., Zhao Guofan, Jiao Hui and Xu Shilang , Fracture Process in Concrete, Rock and Ceramics (edited by J.G.M. van Mier, J.G.Rots and A. Bakker), E & FN Spon, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall, London, 1991. -- 10 pages (789-798)
- Research on Application of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete to Dam Engineering. Zhao Guofan and 8Xu Shilang , Workshop Notes, Application of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete to Dam Engineering (edited by F.H.Wittmann), Locarno, Switzerland, September 17 to 18, 1990. -- 5 Pages (56-60)
- The Size Effect on Fracture Energy of Concrete., Quan Qao, Guofan Zhao and Shilang Xu, The Theories and Practices of Hydraulic Structures, The Press for literature of Science and Technology, Beijing, 1991. -- 7 Pages
- The Law of Size Effect on the Fracture Energy of Concrete. , Xu Shilang and Gao Quan, The Proceedings of Fourth National Rock and Concrete Materials Symposium, Changsha, 1989. -- 10 Pages (145-154)
- A Study on Fracture Energy of Concrete in Direct Tension ., Xu Shilang and Liu Xudong, Ibid, 1989. -- 5 Pages (186-190)
- The Determination of the Fracture Toughness and the Fracture Energy of Concrete, Xu Shilang and Zhao Guofan, Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy-Test Methods for Concrete and Rock (edited by H.Mihashi et al.), A.A.Balkema Publishers, The Netherlands, 1989. -- 7 Pages (145-154).
- A Study on Fracture Process Zones in Concrete by Means of Laser Speckle Photography. , Xu Shilang and Zhao Guofan, Brittle Matrix Composites 2(edited by A.M.Brandt), Eisevier Applied Science, The Netherlands, 1989. -- 9 Pages (333-341).
- The Criterion of K Resistance Curves and a Double-K Fracture Criterion for the Crack Propagation in Concrete Structures. Xu Shilang and Zhao Guofan, The Proceedings of The Fifth National Reactor Structural Mechanics Symposium, Chengdu, 1988. -- 6 Pages (IV31-36)
- Development of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete in China ., Xu Shilang, Chen Shiming and Zhao Guofan, Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy of concrete (edited by Wittmann F.H.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1986.-- 12 Pages (363-374).
- A Study on the Probability Distribution and the Size Effect on the Fracture Toughness of Concrete. Xu Shilang and Zhao Guofan, Ibid (edited by Wittmann F.H.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1986. -- 5 Pages (337-341)
Patents List
Invention Patents:
- Non-metallic fibre-textile and short-fibre jointly reinforced cementitious composites, national invention patent no. ZL200510046878.x, Shilang Xu, Hedong Li and Qinghua Li
- A fabrication method of an ultra-high strength mortar, national invention patent: ZL200710158900.9, Shilang Xu, Liangli Gao
- A textile reinforced self-compacting concrete method,, national invention patent: ZL200510046304.2, Shilang Xu, He Li
- A strengthening method of building structures by using textile and fine concrete, national invention patent: ZL200910010259.3, Shilang Xu, Shiping Yin and Qinghua Li.