Cai Yuanqiang

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Phone: | +86 571 8820 8774 |
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Office: | Room A411 |
Anzhong Building
Zijingang Campus,Zhejiang University
388 Yuhangtang Road
Hangzhou, China 310058
Other Appointments
Deputy manager, the Environmental and Geotechnical Division of the Rock Mechanics and Engineering Council of Zhejiang Province
Professional Activities
The National First-Grade Registered Structure Engineer
The National Registered Civil Engineer (Geotechnical Engineering)
Evaluation expert, the Engineering and Material Division of the National Science Foundation Council
Editorial committee member, Journal of Rock Engineering,
Journal of Rock and Soil Engineering
Journal of Vibration Engineering
Journal of Zhejiang University Science (A) (SCI)
Executive committee member, the Engineering Safety and Defense Division
Committee member, the Soil Dynamics Division of the Vibration Engineering Council
Committee member, the Geotechnical Mechanics Division of the Hydrology Council
Committee member, the Construction Vibration Council
Committee member, the Geotechnical Mechanics Division of the Mechanics Council
Ph.D. – Zhejiang University, Geotechnical Engineering, 1998
M. S – Zhejiang University, Geotechnical Engineering, 1989,
B.S. – Zhejiang University, Civil Engineering, 1987
Working Experience
1998.7, promotion to be a professor of Zhejiang University
1999, promotion to be a doctor advisor
1996.5~2002.9, Deputy Head and Chief Engineer, Construction Division, Zhejiang University
2001.12~2002.1, Senior Visiting Scholar, National Public Construction Research Institute, Spain
2004.4~2004.5 Senior Visiting Scholar, Nottingham University funded by the Pao Yu-Kong International Foundation for Scholars and Scientists
2002.9~2006.5, President, Zhejiang University Press
2006.6~2008.3, Vice President, Wenzhou University
2008.3~, President, Wenzhou University
Awards and Honors
- National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2010
- First Prize, the MOE Scientific and Technology Progress Award, 2009
- First Prize, the MOE Scientific and Technology Progress Award, 2008
- Second Prize, the Provincial Scientific and Technology Progress Award of Zhejiang Province, 2007
- Second Prize, the Provincial Scientific and Technology Progress Award of Zhejiang Province, 2000
- Second Prize, the National Scientific and Technology Progress Award, 1996
- Second Prize, the Provincial Scientific and Technology Progress Award of Zhejiang Province, 1996
- First Prize, the Provincial Scientific and Technology Progress Award of Zhejiang Province, 1994
Research Interests
Soil Dynamics
Soil Improvement
Geotechnical Engineering
Current Projects
- National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (Grant No. 51025827)‘Dynamics Research of Saturated Soil and Its Applications’
- General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50979096)‘Dynamic Response and Laboratory studies of saturated soft ground under the loads of shallow-located and near-field earthquakes’
- General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50778136)‘Dynamic Response Analysis of the line road system and the underlying saturated ground under high speed moving train loads’
- National People Air Defense Office Foundation (Grant No. 113202- E80802)‘Dynamic Response, defense and vibration isolation measures research of the underground structure under explosion loads’
- Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions (Grant No. 81067)‘Dynamic Properties and Engineering Application Studies of Composite Ground’
Publication List
Selected Publications
- Peng Wang, Yuanqiang Cai, Changjie Xu, Honglei Sun and Lizhong Wang. Rocking vibrations of a rigid circular foundation on poroelastic half-space to elastic waves, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011,31: 708-715.
- Zhigang Cao, Yuanqiang Cai, Honglei Sun and Changjie Xu. Dynamic responses of a poroelastic half-space from moving trains caused by vertical track irregularities, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2011, 35:761-786.
- Yuanqiang Cai and Xiuqing Hu. Vertical vibrations of a rigid foundation embedded in a poroelastic half space, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2010, 13(3): 390-398.
- Yuanqiang Cai, Zhigang Cao, Honglei Sun and Changjie Xu. Effects of the dynamic wheel-rail interaction on the ground vibration generated by a moving train, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010, 47: 2246-2259.
- Wohua Zhang,Yuanqiang Cai. Continuum Damage Mechanics and Numerical Applications. Zhejiang University Press and Springer, 2009
- Yuanqiang Cai, Guangya Ding, Changjie Xu, Peng Wang. Vertical amplitude reduction of Rayleigh waves by a row of piles in a poroelastic half-space. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanic, 2009, 33(16): 1799-1821.
- Yuanqiang Cai, Zhigang Cao, Honglei Sun, Changjie Xu. Dynamic response of pavements on poroelastic half-space soil medium to a moving traffic load, Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36(1-2): 52-60.
- Yuanqiang Cai, Honglei Sun and Changjie Xu. Response of railway track system on poroelastic half-space soil medium subjected to a moving train load, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, 45(18-19): 5015-5034.
- Y. Q. Cai, Y. M. Cheng, S. K. Alfred Au, C. J. Xu, X. H. Ma, Vertical vibration of an elastic strip footing on saturated soil, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,2008,32(5):493-508.
- Yuanqiang Cai, Honglei Sun and Changjie Xu. Steady state responses of poroelastic half-space soil medium to a moving rectangular load, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44(22-23): 7183-7196.
- Yuanqiang Cai, Gang Chen, Changjie Xu, Dazhi Wu, Torsional response of pile embedded in a poroelastic media, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2006,26(12): 1143-1148.
Patent List
- A Model Test Device of Studying Laws of the Dynamic Responses and Long-term Sediments Induced by High-speed Railway Loads (Patent No. CN201010108077.2), 2010
- A Grouted Gravel Pile with Double Ability of Compression and Uplift Resistance (Patent No. CN200910250685.4), 2010
- A Spur Dike Composed of Rocks and Reinforced Concrete Sheet Piles (Patent No. CN201010108077.2), 2010
- Solidification of Disposed Mud Fluid Using Polypropylene Acetamide (Patent No. CN200910157903.X), 2009
- A Composed Solidification Agent of Cement Slurry (Patent No. CN200910157904.4), 2009
- A Composition of Rubber and Cement Soil Used for Reinforcing the Near-sea Corrosive Soft Clay (Patent No. CN200810147027.8), 2009
- A Composition of Rubber and Cement Soil Used for Reinforcing the Soft Clay (Patent No. CN200810147026.3), 2009
- A Nonlinear Analysis Program for the Non-steady Dynamic Responses of Saturated Soil Embankment, Version 1.0 (No. 2009SR035047), 2009
- A Nonlinear Analysis Program for the Steady Dynamic Responses of Saturated Soil Embankment, Version 1.0 (No. 2009SR035046), 2009