Shan Guorong

Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Ph.D Supervisor
Phone: | +86 571 8795 1334 |
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Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Other Appointments
Deputy Director, The Institute of Polymerization and Polymer Engineering
Ph.D. –Zhejiang University, 1997
M. S –Tsinghua University, 1993
B.S. –Zhejiang University, 1990
Working Experience
2004~present, PH.D Supervisor, Zhejiang University
2002~presient, Professor, Zhejiang University
1999~2002, Associate Professor, Zhejiang University
Awards and Honors
The Second Prize, National Award for Progress in Science and Technology
Research Interests
● Control for the kinetics of heterogeneous polymerization, structure and properties of its polymer
● Control for the kinetics of homogeneous polymerization, structure and properties of its polymer
● Control for the structure and properties of functional polymer
Current Projects
● Mechanism and Kinetic Model of miniemulsion polymerization with Hydrolysis-condensation Reaction (Supported by Outstanding Youth Foundation of Zhejiang Province)
● Multi-scale and Multi-factor Mechanism of Droplet Formation in the Process of Aqueous Two-phase Polymerization (Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China)
● Control of Phase Behavior, Polymerization Kinetics, Polymer structure and properties in the Process of heterogeneous polymerization (Supported by New Century Excellent Talent Project of Education Ministry of China)
● Application of Novel Peroxide in the Polymerization
Publication List
Recent Publications
- Z H Cao, G R Shan, G Fevotte, N Sheibat-Othman, E Bourgeat-Lami. Miniemulsion copoly-merization of styrene and γ-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane: kinetics and mechanism , Macromolecules , 2008, 41(14): 5166-5173
- K F Ni, G R Shan, Z X Weng. Synthesis of Hybrid Nanocapsules by Miniemulsion (Co)polymerization of Styrene and γ -Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane, Macromolecules , 2006, 39(7): 2529-2535
- K F Ni, N Sheibat-Othman, G R Shan , G Fevotte, E Bourgeat-Lami. Kinetics and Modeling of Hybrid Core-Shell Nanoparticles Synthesized by Seeded Emulsion (Co)polymerization of Styrene and γ -Methacryloxypropyltrime -thoxysilane, Macromolecules , 2005, 38(22): 9100-9109
- K F Ni, G R Shan , Z X Weng, N Sheibat-Othman, G Fevotte, F Lefebvre, E Bourgeat-Lami. Synthesis of Hybrid Core-Shell Nanoparticles by Emulsion (Co)polymerization of Styrene and γ -Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane, Macromolecules , 2005, 38(17): 7321-7329
- Z H Cao, G R Shan. Synthesis of polymeric nanocapsules with a crosslinked shell through interfacial miniemulsion polymerization, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry , 2009, 47(6): 1522-1534
- W C Sheng, G R Shan , Z M Huang, Z X Weng, Z R Pan. Decomposition of 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(2-ethylhexanoyl -peroxy)hexane and its use in polymerization of styrene and methyl methacrylate, Polymer , 2005, 46(23): 10553-10560
- Shan Guorong, Cao Zhihai. A new polymerization method and kinetics for acrylamide: Aqueous two-phase polymerization, Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 2009, 111(3): 1409-1416
- Z. H. Cao, G. R. Shan, N. Sheibat-Othman, J.-L. Putaux, E. Bourgeat-Lami. Synthesis of Oily Core-Hybrid Shell Nanocapsules Through Interfacial Free Radical Copolymerization in Miniemulsion: Droplet Formation and Nucleation, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry , 2010, 48: 593-603
9. Guo-Rong Shan, Zhi-Hai Cao. Miniemulsion polymerization technology (Ed by V Mittal) Chapter 5. Polymeric nanocapsules by interfacial miniemulsion polymerization,2010. 97-138. Scrivener Publishing LLC (ISBN 978-0-470-62596-5)
- Ting Lv, Guorong Shan. Modeling of Two-Phase Polymerization of Acrylamide in Aqueous Poly(ethylene glycol) Solution. AIChE J, 2011 (In Press)
Conference List
Luyi Wang, Shuai Tian, Guorong Shan. Double Network Hydrogels of Polyacrylamide with High Mechanical Properties. 2010 International Soluble-Water Polymer Conference
Patent List
1. Guorong Shan, Zhihai Cao, Liang Zhao, Zhiming Huang, Zhixue Weng. A Method to prepare soluble-water polymer or copolymer with two-phase polymerization. Pat No. ZL 200410067860.3
2. Guorong Shan, Zhihai Cao, Liang Zhao, Zhiming Huang, Zhixue Weng. A Method to prepare soluble-water polymer or copolymer with two-phase polymerization at complex dispersion. Pat No. ZL 200410089586.X
3. Guorong Shan, Weilin Chen, Zhixue Weng. A method to prepare solution-free UV-cured PUA with low viscosity. Pat No. ZL 200510049161.0
4. Guorng Shan, Kefan Ni, Zhixue Weng. A method to prepare oily core organic-inorganic hydrid nanocapsules. Pat No. ZL 200510049230.8
5. Guorong Shan. A method to prepare reused high oil absorption resin. Pat No. ZL 200610051830.2
6. Guorong Shan. A method to prepare heat resistant resin with uniform copolymer composition. Pat No. 200510061324.7
7. Guorong Shan, Zhicao Liang. A method to prepare organic silicon coating for PC. Pat No. ZL 200710068478.8
8. Guorong Shan, Zhihai Cao. A method to prepare oily core nanocapsules with temperature sensitivity. Pat No. ZL 200710069316.6
9. Guorong Shan, Zhihai Cao. A method to prepare organic-inorganic hydrid nanocapsules with temperature sensitivity. Pat No. ZL 200710069317.0
10. Guorong Shan, Zhihai Cao. A method to prepare inorganic nanocapsules with temperature sensitivity. Pat No. ZL 200710160376.9