Yu Zhaosheng

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanics
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Phone: | +86 571 8795 1768 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 1464 |
Email: | yuzhaosheng@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | The Twelfth Teaching Building |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Professional Activities
Member, ISRN Mechanical Engineering Editorial Board
Member, Multiphase flow and non-Newtonian flow professional committee,Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Ph.D. – University of Sydney, Australia, Rheology, 2004
M. S – Zhejiang University, Engineering Mechanics, 1999,
B.S. –Zhejiang University, Engineering Mechanics, 1996
Working Experience
2006-, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University
2005-2006, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Fluid Mechanics, IFP, France
2003 - 2004, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Applied Physics, University of Twente, Netherlands
Research Interests
Dynamics of Multiphase flow
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
Current Projects
- Studies on the mechanism of the interactions between fluids and relatively large suspended particles in pipe and duct flows
- Studies on a fictitious domain method for the fluid/elastic-body interactions and its applications
- Safety assessment of high-speed train operation under extreme weather conditions
Publication List
Recent Publications
- Shi, Y., Yu, Z., Shao, X. Combination of the direct-forcing fictitious domain method and the sharp interface method for the three-dimensional dielectrophoresis of particles. Powder Technology 210 (2011) 52-59.
- Wu, T., Shao, X., Yu, Z. Fully resolved numerical simulation of turbulent pipe flows laden with large neutrally-buoyant particles. Journal of Hydrodynamics 23 (2011), 21-25.
- Shi, Y., Yu Z., Shao, X. Combination of direct-forcing fictitious domain method and sharp interface method for dielectrophoresis of particles. Particuology 8 (2010), 351-359.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. Direct numerical simulation of particulate flows with a fictitious domain method. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 36(2010), 127-134.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X., Lin, J. Numerical computations of the flow in a finite diverging channel. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A 11(1) (2010), 50-60.
- Shao, X., Pan, D., Deng, J., Yu, Z. Hydrodynamic performance of a fishlike undulating foil in the wake of a cylinder. Phys. Fluids 22 (2010), 111903.
- Shao, X., Pan, D., Deng, J., Yu, Z. Numerical studies on the propulsion and wake structures of finite-span flapping wings with different aspect ratios. Journal of Hydrodynamics 22(2010), 147-154.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. A three-dimensional fictitious domain method for the simulation of fluid-structure interactions. Journal of Hydrodynamics 22(5) SUPPL. (2010), 178-183.
- Sun, B., Yu, Z., Shao, X. Inertial migration of a circular particle in nonoscillatory and oscillatory pressure-driven flows at moderately high Reynolds numbers, Fluid Dynamics Research 41 (2009), 05501.
- Shao, X., Yu, Z., Sun, B. Inertial migration of spherical particles in circular Poiseuille flow at moderately high Reynolds numbers. Phys. Fluids 20 (2008), 103307
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. A direct-forcing fictitious domain method for particulate flows. Journal of Computational Physics 227 (2007), 292-314.
- Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N. & Tanner, R.I. Rotation of a spheroid in a Couette flow at moderate Reynolds numbers. Physical Review E 76 (2007), 026310.
- Yu, Z., Wachs, A. A fictitious domain method for dynamic simulation of particle sedimentation in Bingham fluids. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 145 (2007), 78-91.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. & Tanner, R.I. Dynamic simulation of shear-induced particle migration in a two-dimensional circular couette device, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15 (2007), 333-338.
- Deng, J., Shao, X., Yu, Z. Hydrodynamic studies on two traveling wavy foils in tandem arrangement, Physics of Fluid 19 (2007), 113104.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. & Wachs, A. A fictitious domain method for particulate flows with heat transfer. Journal of Computational Physics 217 (2006), 424-452.
- Yu, Z., Wachs, A. & Peysson Y. Numerical simulation of particle sedimentation in shear-thinning fluids with a fictitious domain method. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 136 (2006), 126-139.
- Yu, Z. A DLM/FD method for fluid/flexible-body interactions. Journal of Computational Physics 207 (2005), 1-27.
Selected Publications
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. Direct numerical simulation of particulate flows with a fictitious domain method. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 36(2010), 127-134.
- Shao, X., Yu, Z., Sun, B. Inertial migration of spherical particles in circular Poiseuille flow at moderately high Reynolds numbers. Phys. Fluids 20 (2008), 103307
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. A direct-forcing fictitious domain method for particulate flows. Journal of Computational Physics 227 (2007), 292-314.
- Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N. & Tanner, R.I. Rotation of a spheroid in a Couette flow at moderate Reynolds numbers. Physical Review E 76 (2007), 026310.
- Yu, Z., Wachs, A. A fictitious domain method for dynamic simulation of particle sedimentation in Bingham fluids. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 145 (2007), 78-91.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. & Wachs, A. A fictitious domain method for particulate flows with heat transfer. Journal of Computational Physics 217 (2006), 424-452.
- Yu, Z., Wachs, A. & Peysson Y. Numerical simulation of particle sedimentation in shear-thinning fluids with a fictitious domain method. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 136 (2006), 126-139.
- Yu, Z. A DLM/FD method for fluid/flexible-body interactions. Journal of Computational Physics 207 (2005), 1-27.
- Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N. & Tanner, R.I. Dynamic simulation of sphere motion in a vertical tube. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 518 (2004), 61-93.
- Yu, Z. & Phan-Thien, N. Three-Dimensional rollup of a viscoelastic mixing layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 500 (2004), 29-53.
- Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N., Fan, Y. & Tanner, R.I. Viscoelastic mobility problem of a system of particles. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 104 (2002), 87-124
Full Publications
- Shi, Y., Yu, Z., Shao, X. Combination of the direct-forcing fictitious domain method and the sharp interface method for the three-dimensional dielectrophoresis of particles. Powder Technology 210 (2011) 52-59.
- Wu, T., Shao, X., Yu, Z. Fully resolved numerical simulation of turbulent pipe flows laden with large neutrally-buoyant particles. Journal of Hydrodynamics 23 (2011), 21-25.
- Shi, Y., Yu Z., Shao, X. Combination of direct-forcing fictitious domain method and sharp interface method for dielectrophoresis of particles. Particuology 8 (2010), 351-359.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. Direct numerical simulation of particulate flows with a fictitious domain method. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 36(2010), 127-134.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X., Lin, J. Numerical computations of the flow in a finite diverging channel. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A 11(1) (2010), 50-60.
- Shao, X., Pan, D., Deng, J., Yu, Z. Hydrodynamic performance of a fishlike undulating foil in the wake of a cylinder. Phys. Fluids 22 (2010), 111903.
- Shao, X., Pan, D., Deng, J., Yu, Z. Numerical studies on the propulsion and wake structures of finite-span flapping wings with different aspect ratios. Journal of Hydrodynamics 22(2010), 147-154
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. A three-dimensional fictitious domain method for the simulation of fluid-structure interactions. Journal of Hydrodynamics 22(5) SUPPL. (2010), 178-183.
- Sun, B., Yu, Z., Shao, X. Inertial migration of a circular particle in nonoscillatory and oscillatory pressure-driven flows at moderately high Reynolds numbers, Fluid Dynamics Research 41 (2009), 05501.
- Shao, X., Yu, Z., Sun, B. Inertial migration of spherical particles in circular Poiseuille flow at moderately high Reynolds numbers. Phys. Fluids 20 (2008), 103307
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. A direct-forcing fictitious domain method for particulate flows. Journal of Computational Physics 227 (2007), 292-314.
- Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N. & Tanner, R.I. Rotation of a spheroid in a Couette flow at moderate Reynolds numbers. Physical Review E 76 (2007), 026310.
- Yu, Z., Wachs, A. A fictitious domain method for dynamic simulation of particle sedimentation in Bingham fluids. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 145 (2007), 78-91.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. & Tanner, R.I. Dynamic simulation of shear-induced particle migration in a two-dimensional circular couette device, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15 (2007), 333-338.
- Deng, J., Shao, X., Yu, Z. Hydrodynamic studies on two traveling wavy foils in tandem arrangement, Physics of Fluid 19 (2007), 113104.
- Yu, Z., Shao, X. & Wachs, A. A fictitious domain method for particulate flows with heat transfer. Journal of Computational Physics 217 (2006), 424-452.
- Yu, Z. , Wachs, A. & Peysson Y. Numerical simulation of particle sedimentation in shear-thinning fluids with a fictitious domain method. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 136 (2006), 126-139.
- Yu, Z. A DLM/FD method for fluid/flexible-body interactions. Journal of Computational Physics 207 (2005), 1-27.
- Shao, X., Liu, Y. & Yu, Z. Interactions between two sedimenting particles with different sizes. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 26 (2005), 407-414.
- Lin, J., Wang, Y. & Yu, Z. The stress-microstructure relationship in an evolving mixing layer of fiber suspensions. Acta Mechanica Sinica 21 (2005), 16-23.
- Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N. & Tanner, R.I. Dynamic simulation of sphere motion in a vertical tube. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 518 (2004), 61-93.
- Yu, Z. & Phan-Thien, N. Three-Dimensional rollup of a viscoelastic mixing layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 500 (2004), 29-53.
- Shao, X. & Yu Z. Sedimentation of circular particles in Oldroyd-B fluid, Journal of Hydrodynamics 16 (2004), 254-259.
- Shao, X., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Sedimentation of a single particle between two parallel walls. Journal of Zhejiang University: Science 5 (2004), 111-116.
- Lin, J., Yu, Z. & Shao, X. Coherent structures in the mixing layers of a non-Newtonian fluid. Journal of Turbulence 5 (2004), Art. No. 039.
- You, Z., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Hydrodynamic instability of fiber suspensions in channel flows. Fluid Dynamics Research 34 (2004), 251-271.
- Lin, J., Zhang, W. & Yu, Z. Numerical research on the orientation distribution of fibers immersed in laminar and turbulent pipe flows. Journal of Aerosol Science 35 (2004), 63-82.
- Lin, J., Shao, X., Shi, X. & Yu, Z. Study on the interaction of sedimenting cylindrical particles in still fluid. Acta Mechanica Sinica 20 (2004), 32-45.
- Shao, X., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Direct numerical simulation of the motion of circular pollutant particles in Newtonian fluid. Journal of Environmental Science 15 (2003), 685-690.
- Lin, J., Shi, X. & Yu, Z. The motion of fibers in an evolving mixing layer. International Journal of Multiphase flow 29 (2003), 1355-1372.
- Shi, X., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Discontinuous Galerkin spectral element lattice Boltzmann method on triangular element. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 42 (2003), 1249-1261.
- Lin, J., Zhang, Z. & Yu, Z. Investigation of the interactions between two contact fibers in the fiber suspensions. Journal of Materials Science 38 (2003), 1499-1505.
- Yu, Z., Phan-Thien, N., Fan, Y. & Tanner, R.I. Viscoelastic mobility problem of a system of particles. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 104 (2002), 87-124.
- Lin, J., Yu, Z. & Shao, X. Numerical research on the coherent structures in a mixing layer with cross-shear. Journal of Fluids and Structures 16 (2002), 487-495.
- Lin, J., Wang, Y., Wang, W. & Yu. Z. Numerical simulation of the sedimentation of cylindrical pollutant particles in fluid. Journal of Environmental Science 14 (2002), 433-438.
- Lin, J., Shi, X., Yu, Z. & Shao, X. Three-dimensional pairing of coherent structures in a plane mixing layer. Journal of Hydrodynamics 14 (2002), 1-6.
- Shao, X., Lin, J. & Yu, Z. Research on coherent structures in a mixing layer of the FENE-P polymer solution. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22 (2001), 304-311.
- Lin, J., Shi, X & Yu, Z. Research on the effect of particle of two-dimensional shear flow. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 21 (2000), 855-860.
- Yu, Z., Lin, J. & Fan, X. Numerical simulation of interactions between rigid rod-like polymers and coherent structures in a mixing layer. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 83 (1999), 1-18.
- Yu, Z. & Lin, J. Formation and evolution of the streamwise vortices in mixing layers. Acta Mechanica Sinica 15 (1999), 15-22.
- Yu, Z. & Lin, J. Numerical research on the coherent structure in the visco-elastic second-order mixing layers. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 19 (1998), 717-723.
- Lin, J., Yu, Z. & Shao, X. Numerical flow visualization of a mixing layer. Journal of Hydrodynamics 10 (1998), 45-53.