Xiong Hongbing

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2200 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 1464 |
Email: | hbxiong@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | The Twelfth Teaching Building 321 |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Other Appointments
Secretary of the Party committee, Institute of Fluid Engineering Institute
Professional Activities
Member, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
PhD & MS - Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Dec 2004
BS - Thermal Science and Energy Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, June 2000
Working Experience
2005-, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University
2004.12 – 2005.5: Research Assistant, Thermal & Fluid Process Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook, U.S.A.
Research Interests
Numerical and analytical thermal-fluid sciences with direct interests in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, chemical kinetics and high-temperature gas-dynamics.
Dynamics of micro- and nano-particulates in multiphase flow.
Heat and mass transfer in thermal spray.
Directional solidification in crystal growth.
Discrete particle method, and SPH method.
Current Projects
- National Science Foundation of China No. 11072216: Micro/nanoparticle multiphase flow modeling in suspension plasma spray.
- Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period, Subtask of No.2009BAG12A01-C03: High-speed train aerodynamics and operation safety assessment in extreme weather conditions.
H. B. Xiong, J. Zhu, Study of droplet deformation, heat-conduction and solidification using incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010, Vol. 22 (5) S1, Pages 150-153.
H. B. Xiong, J.Z. Lin, Nanoparticles modeling in axially injection suspension plasma spray of zirconia and alumina ceramics, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.18(5), 2009, p.887-895.
H. B. Xiong, J.Z. Lin, Z.F. Zhu, Three-Dimensional Simulation of Effervescent Atomization Spray, Atomization and Sprays, 2009, 19(1), 75-90.
H. B. Xiong, Y. Ma, L.L. Zheng, A modified HEM system for optical crystal growth with high melting temperature, Journal of Crystal Growth 299 (2007) 404–412.
H. B. Xiong, L. L.Zheng, and T.Streibl, A critical assessment of particle temperature distributions during plasma spraying: Numerical studies for YSZ, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2006, 26 (1), 53-72.
H. B. Xiong, Y. Ma, L.L. Zheng, Multiphase flow in directional solidification of metal matrix particulate composites, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 14 (2006) 445-463.
H. B. Xiong, L. L.Zheng, L. Li et al, Melting and oxidation behavior of in-flight particles in plasma spray process, International Journal of Heat And Mass Transfer, 2005, 48 (25-26), 5121-5133
H. B. Xiong, L. L. Zheng, S. Sampath, R. Williamson, and J. Fincke, Three-dimensional simulation of plasma spray jet: effects of carrier gas flow and particle injection on plasma jet and entrained particle, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47, 5189-5200 (2004)
Conference List
H. B. Xiong, J. Zhu, Study of droplet deformation, heat-conduction and solidification using incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method,Proceedings of the Conference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics: JUL 11-14, 2010 (EI).
H. B. Xiong, J. Zhu, Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method and Its Application, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Conference, 2009.
H.B. Xiong,Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method for Droplet Instability, Deformation and Impact, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Conference, 2007.
Xiong HB,Chen LH,Lin JZ,Smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of free surface flow,Proceedings of the Conference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics: 443-445, JUL 11-14, 2006 (EI).
H. Xiong, L. L. Zheng, J. Margolies and S. Sampath, Numerical simulation of radio frequency induction plasma spray processing, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Anaheim, California, 2004 (EI).
H. Xiong, Zheng, L.L.; Sampath, S.; Fincke, J.; Williamson, R., Three-dimensional simulation of plasma spray jet, Proceedings of the 2003 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Volume 3, 2003, p 689-697 (EI).
H. Xiong, L. Zheng, S. Sampath, and J. Fincke, Melting/oxidation behavior of in-flight particles in plasma spray processes, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, 2002 (EI).
Patent List
Invention Patent: Device of Edge-defined Film-fed Growth system for the production of polysilicon crystal (200810163362.7).