Shao Xueming

Professor, Department of Mechanics


Phone: +86 571 8795 1768
Fax: +86 571 8795 1464
Office: 410, 12th Building

Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027



Ph.D. –Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China, Fluid Mechanics, 03/1996 ~ 03/1999
M. S –Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, P. R. China, Fluid Mechanics in Ship Engineering, 09/1993 ~ 03/1996
B.S. –Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, P. R. China, Ship Engineering, 09/1989 ~ 07/1993

Working Experience

2010, Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania (2010.7~2010.9)
2007- Executive Editor, Journal of Hydrodynamics
2006- Professor, Department of Mechaics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
2003 Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of HongKong, HongKong (2003.6~2003.9)
2001-2002 Research Associate, ITC, The HongKong Polytechnic University, HongKong
2001-2005 Associate Professor, Department of Mechaics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
1999-2000 Lectuer, Department of Mechaics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou


Research Interests

The focus of my research is on understanding and modeling of multiphase flows, specifically, the motion of solid particles in different complex flows. Over the years, we have been developing highly efficient direct numerical methods for simulating motion of solid particles in two- and three-dimensional flows of solid-fluid mixtures. The developed DNS method has been used to study some fundamental physical phenomena regarding particle-particle interactions, particle migration in various flows, particle induced flow structures, and particle- turbulence interactions.
I have also worked on a number of other projects. They include: (a) hydrodynamics of cavitation flow. (b) numerical study on hydrodynamics of fish swimming. (c) the viscous heating and structure deformation of throttle valve; (d) numerical simulation and model test of gas-particle flow in the denitrification device of coal-fired thermal power plant; (e) development of coal fly ash conveyor and sorting system in thermal power plant; (f) effect of polymer additives on coherent structures in mixing layer and pipe flow.

Publication List

Selected Publications

  1. Wu Tenghu, Shao Xueming, Yu Zhaosheng, Fully resolved numerical simulation of tuirbulent pipe flows laden with large neutrally-buoyant particles, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011, Vol.23(1): 21-25.
  2. Xueming Shao, Dingyi Pan, Jian Deng, and Zhaosheng Yu, Hydrodynamic performance of a fishlike undulating foil in the wake of a cylinder, Physics of Fluids, 2010, Vol.22: 111903.
  3. SHAO Xue-ming, PAN Ding-yi, DENG Jian, YU Zhao-sheng, Numerical studies on the propulsion and wake structures of finite-span flapping wings with different aspect ratios, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010, Vol.22(2): 147-154.
  4. Yang Shi, Zhaosheng Yu, Xueming Shao, Combination of direct-forcing fictitious domain method and sharp interface method for dielectrophoresis of particles, Particuology, 2010, Vol.8: 351-359.
  5. Direct numerical simulation of particulate flows with a fictitious domain method, Yu ZS, Shao XM , International Journal of Multiphase flow, 2010, Vol. 36( 2 ): 127-134.
  6. Zhao-sheng YU, Xue-ming SHAO, Jian-zhong LIN, Numerical computations of the flow in a finite diverging channel, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng), 2010, Vol.11(1): 50-60.
  7. J Deng, X-M Shao, An investigation of the temperature distributions inside a spool valve owing to a viscous heating effect, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science,2009, Vol. 223(11): 2571-2581.
  8. Deng J, Shao XM, Fu X, Evaluation of the viscous heating induced jam fault of valve spool by fluid-structure coupled simulations, Energy Conversion and Management, 2009, Vol. 50(4): 947-954.
  9. Sun B, Yu ZS, Shao XM, Inertial migration of a circular particle in nonoscillatory and oscillatory pressure-driven flows at moderately high Reynolds numbers, Fluid Dynamics Research, 2009, Vol. 41, No.5.
  10. Xueming Shao, Zhaosheng Yu, Bo Sun, Inertial migration of spherical particles in circular Poiseuille flow at moderately high Reynolds numbers, Physics of Fluids, 2008, Vol.20: 103307.
  11. Deng Jian, Shao Xue-ming, Ren An-lu, Vanishing of three-dimensionality in the wake behind a rotationally oscillating circular cylinder, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2007.12, V0l.19(6): 751-755.
  12. Deng J, Ren AL, Shao XM, The flow between a stationary cylinder and a downstream elastic cylinder in cruciform arrangement, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2007, Vol.23 (5): 715-731.
  13. Jian Deng, Xue-Ming Shao, Zhao-Sheng Yu, Hydrodynamic studies on two traveling wavy foils in tandem arrangement, Physics of Fluids, 2007.12, Vol.19: 113104.
  14. Zhaosheng Yu, Xueming Shao, A direct-forcing fictitious domain method for particulate flows, Journal of Computational Physics,2007, Vol.227(1): 292-314.
  15. Yu Zhaosheng, Shao Xueming, Roger Tanner, Dynamic Simulation of Shear-induced Particle Migration in a Two-dimensional Circular Couette Device1, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007, Vol.15(3): 333-338.
  16. Deng Jian, Shao Xue-ming, Ren An-lu, Numerical study on propulsive performance of fish-like swimming foils, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2006, Vol.18(6):681-687.
  17. Jian Deng, Xue-Ming Shao, An-Lu Ren,A new modification of the immersed-boundary method for simulating flows with complex moving boundaries. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2006, Vol.52(11): 1195-1213.
  18. Yu Z, Shao X, Wachs A, A fictitious domain method for particulate flows with heat transfer. Journal of Computational Physics, 2006.9, 217 (2): 424-452.
  19. Shao Xueming, Cheng Xiaoyin, Yu Zhaosheng, DLM/FD simulation of channel flow with FENE polymer chain suspension, Journal of hydrodynamics, 2005, Vol.17(6): 677-680.
  20. Shao Xueming, Liu Yang, Yu Zhaosheng, Interactions between two sedimenting particles with different sizes, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2005, Vol.26(3):407-414.
  21. Lin JZ, Yu ZS, Shao XM, Coherent structures in the mixing layers of a non-Newtonian fluid, Journal of turbulence, 2004, Vol.5:039.
  22. Shao Xueming, Yu Zhaosheng, Sedimentation of circular particles in Oldroyd-B fluid, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2004, Vol.16(3):254-259.
  23. Shao Xueming, Lin Jianzhong, Yu Zhaosheng, Sedimentation of a single particle between two parallel walls, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, 2004, Vol.5 (1): 111-116.
  24. Lin JZ, Shao XM, Shi X, Yu ZS, Study on the interaction of sedimenting cylindrical particles in still fluid, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2004, Vol.20 (1): 32-45.
  25. Shao Xueming, Liu Xiaoling, Li Yulin, Experimental Study of Influence of the Impeller Spacing on Flow Behavior of Double-Impeller Stirred Tank, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2003.12, Vol.81(6):1239-1245.
  26. Shao Xueming, Lin Jianzhong, Yu Zhaosheng, Direct numerical simulation of motion of circular pollutant particles in Newtonian fluid, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2003.9, Vol.15(5):685-690.
  27. Shao Xueming, Direct numerical simulation of particulate flows, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2003, Vol.15(3):89-95.
  28. Shao Xueming, Lin Jianzhong, Wu Tao and Li Yulin, Experimental research on drag reduction by polymer additives in a turbulent pipe flow, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2002, Vol.80(2):293-298.
  29. Lin Jianzhong, Shao Xueming, Ni Limin, Wavelet analysis of coherent structures in a three-dimensional mixing layer, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2002, Vol.18 (1): P42-52.
  30. Shao Xueming, Lin Jianzhong, Yu Zhaosheng, Research on Coherent Structures in a Mixing Layer of the FENE-P Polymer Solution”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2001, Vol.22(3): 304-311.