Qu Shaoxing

Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2024 |
Fax: | +86 571 8795 2570 |
Email: | squ@zju.edu.cn |
Office: | The 12th Teaching Building |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Other Appointments
Associate Director, Institute of Applied Mechanics
Professional Activities
Secretary, the Disciplinary Appraisal Panels (Mechanics) under the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council
Ph.D. – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mechanical Engineering, 2004
M. S – Tsinghua University, Solid Mechanics, 2000,
B.S. – University of Science & Technology of China, Theo. & Appl. Mech., 1997
Working Experience
2006 -, Associate professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Zhejiang University
2008 - 2009, Visiting Scholar, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
2004 - 2006, Postdoc, Division of Engineering, Brown University
Awards and Honors
Zhejiang Provincial Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2010
New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education of China, 2008
Award for excellence in teaching, Zhejiang University, 2007
New Century 151 Talents Grade 3rd, Zhejiang Province, 2007
Research Interests
Dislocation and Plasticity
Mechanics of multiferroics
Fracture, deformation
Soft materials, active materials
Current Projects
Publication List
Selected Publications
- Shaoxing Qu, Haofei Zhou, 2010. Hardening by twin boundary during nanoindentation in nanocrystals. Nanotechnology, 21, 335704.
- Haofei Zhou, Shaoxing Qu, Wei Yang, 2010. Toughening by nano-scaled twin boundaries in nanocrystals. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 18, 065002.
- L.Y. Chen, Q. Ge, S. Qu, J.Z. Jiang, 2008. Stress induced softening and hardening in a bulk metallic glass. Scripta Materialia, 59, 1210-1213.
- L.Y. Chen, Q. Ge, S. Qu, Q.K. Jiang, X.P. Nie, J.Z. Jiang, 2008. Achieving large macroscopic compressive plastic deformation and work-hardening-like behavior in a monolithic bulk metallic glass by tailoring stress distribution. Applied Physics Letters, 92, No211905.
- D. H. Warner, W.A. Curtin, and S. Qu, 2007. Rate dependence of crack-tip processes predicts twinning trends in f.c.c metals. Nature Materials, 6, 876-881.
- S. Qu, V. Shastry, W.A. Curtin, and R.E. Miller, 2005. A finite-temperature dynamics coupled atomistic/discrete dislocation method. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 13, 1101-1118.
- Y. Huang, S. Qu, K.C. Hwang, M. Li, and H. Gao, 2004. A conventional theory of mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity. International Journal of Plasticity, 20, 753-782.
Full Publications
- Shaoxing Qu, Guimin Wang, Haofei Zhou, Zhilong Huang. Can nanoscale twin boundaries serve as dislocation sources in single crystals? Computational Materials Science. Accepted
- 刘强,周浩淼,曲绍兴。磁电多铁性复合材料磁电耦合性能有限元分析。材料科学与工程学报。接受
- Shaoxing Qu, Haofei Zhou, 2010. Hardening by twin boundary during nanoindentation in nanocrystals. Nanotechnology, 21, 335704.
- 江五贵,Yan C, 曲绍兴,2010。摩擦因素对不同形状压头微压痕测试的影响。力学季刊,31(2),236-242。【Jiang Wu-gui, Yan C, Qu Shao-xing, 2010. Friction Effect on Micro-indentation Measurement with Different Indenters. Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics, 31(2),236-242.】
- Hui Yang, Xuefu Shang, Zhenhua Li, Shaoxing Qu, Zhiqi Gu, Yabo Xu, Miao Wang. 2010. Synthesis of large-area single-walled carbon nanotube films on glass substrate and their field electron emission properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 124, 78-82.
- Haofei Zhou, Shaoxing Qu, Wei Yang, 2010. Toughening by nano-scaled twin boundaries in nanocrystals. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 18, 065002.
- Q.P. Cao, J.W. Liu, K.J. Yang, F. Xu, Z.Q. Yao, A. Minkow, H.J. Fecht, J. Ivanisenko, L.Y. Chen, X.D. Wang, S.X. Qu, J.Z. Jiang, 2010. Effect of Pre-existing shear bands on the tensile mechanical properties of a bulk metallic glass. Acta Materialia, 58, 1276-1292.
- Haofei Zhou, Shaoxing Qu, 2010. Molecular dynamics simulation of the interaction between nanoscale twin boundaries and partial dislocations. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 7(10), 1931-1934.
- X.F. Shang, J.J. Zhou, P. Zhao, Z.H. Li, S. Qu, Z.Q. Gu, Y.B. Xu, M. Wang, 2010. The enhanced field-emission properties of screen-printed single-wall carbon nanotube film by electrostatic field. Applied Surface Science, 256, 2005-2008.
- Haofei Zhou, Shaoxing Qu, 2010. The effect of nanoscale twin boundaries on fracture toughness in nanocrystalline Ni. Nanotechnology, 21, 035706.
- Q.P. Cao, F. Xu, J.W. Liu, L.Y. Chen, X.D. Wang, J.Z. Jiang, A. Minkow, K.J. Yang, H.J. Fecht, J. Ivanisenko, S.X. Qu, 2009. Initiation and evolution of shear bands in bulk metallic glass under tension—An in situ scanning electron microscopy observation. Journal of Materials Research, 24, 2924-2930.
- Z.H. Li, X.F. Shang, S. Qu, Y.B. Xu, M. Wang, 2009. A novel method to produce large amount single-walled carbon nanotubes by arc discharging. Inorganic Materials, 45, 495-497.
- J. Qin, S. Qu, X. feng, Y. Huang, J. Xiao, K.C. Hwang, 2009. A numerical study of indentation with small spherical indenters. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 22, 18-26.
- G. Feng, S. Qu, Y. Huang and William D. Nix, 2009. A quantitative analysis for the stress field around an elastoplastic indentation/contact. Journal of Materials Research, 24, 704-718.
- Tiefeng Li, Shaoxing Qu?, Zhenhua Li, Weiming Tao, Miao Wang, 2009. Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of the Ni-P-CNTs Coated Copper Composite Materials: Experiments and Modeling. Materials Science and Engineering A, 500, 182-187.
- L.Y. Chen, Q. Ge, S. Qu, J.Z. Jiang, 2008. Stress induced softening and hardening in a bulk metallic glass. Scripta Materialia, 59, 1210-1213.
- L.Y. Chen, Q. Ge, S. Qu, Q.K. Jiang, X.P. Nie, J.Z. Jiang, 2008. Achieving large macroscopic compressive plastic deformation and work-hardening-like behavior in a monolithic bulk metallic glass by tailoring stress distribution. Applied Physics Letters, 92, No211905.
- X.F. Shang, M. Wang, S.X. Qu, P. Zhao, J.J. Zhou, Y.B. Xu, M.Q. Tan, Z.H. Li, 2008. A model calculation of the tip filed distribution for a carbon nanotubes array and the optimum intertube distance. Nanotechnology, 19, 065708.
- X.F. Shang, M. Wang, S. Qu, Y.P. Ma, M.Q. Tan, Y.B. Xu, and Z.H. Li, 2007. A model calculation of the tip field distribution for a single carbon nanotube. Journal of Applied Physics, 105, No 054301.
- D. H. Warner, W.A. Curtin, and S. Qu, 2007. Rate dependence of crack-tip processes predicts twinning trends in f.c.c metals. Nature Materials, 6, 876-881.
- G. Feng, S. Qu, Y. Huang, W.D. Nix, 2007. An analytical expression for the stress field around an elastoplastic indentation/contact. Acta Materialia, 55, 2929-2938.
- F. Zhang, Y. Huang, K.C. Hwang, S. Qu, and C. Liu, 2007. A three-dimensional strain gradient plasticity analysis of particle size effect in composite materials. Materials and Manufacturing processes, 22, 140-148.
- F. Zhang, R. Saha, Y. Huang, W.D. Nix, K.C. Hwang, S. Qu, M. Li, 2007. Indentation of a Hard Film on a Soft Substrate: Strain Gradient Hardening Effects. International Journal of Plasticity, 23, 25-43.
- S. Qu, Y. Huang, G.M. Pharr, and K.C. Hwang, 2006. The indentation size effect in the spherical indentation of iridium: a study via the conventional theory of mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity. International Journal of Plasticity, 22, 1265-1286.
- S. Qu, V. Shastry, W.A. Curtin, and R.E. Miller, 2005. A finite-temperature dynamics coupled atomistic/discrete dislocation method. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 13, 1101-1118.
- B. Liu, H. Jiang, Y. Huang, S. Qu, M.-F. Yu, K.C. Hwang, 2005. Atomic-scale finite element method in multiscale computation with applications to carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 72, 035435.
- S. Qu, T. Siegmund, Y. Huang, P.D. Wu, F. Zhang, and K.C. Hwang, 2005. A study of particle size effect and interface fracture in aluminum alloy composite via an extended conventional theory of mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity. Composites Science and Technology, 65, 1244-1253.
- S. Qu, Y. Huang, H. Jiang, C. Liu, P.D. Wu, and K.C. Hwang, 2004. Fracture analysis in the conventional theory of mechanism-based strain gradient (CMSG) plasticity. International Journal of Fracture, 129, 199-220.
- S. Qu, Y. Huang, W.D. Nix, H. Jiang, F. Zhang, and K.C. Hwang, 2004. The indenter tip radius effect on the Nix-Gao relation in micro- and nanoindentation in hardness experiments. Journal of Materials Research, 19, 3423-3434.
- Y. Huang, S. Qu, K.C. Hwang, M. Li, and H. Gao, 2004. A conventional theory of mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity. International Journal of Plasticity, 20, 753-782.
- B. Liu, Y. Huang, H. Jiang, S. Qu, and K.C. Hwang, 2004. The atomic-scale finite element method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193, 1849-1864.
- B. Chen, M. Gao, J.M. Zuo, S. Qu, B. Liu, and Y. Huang, 2003. Binding energy of parallel carbon nanotubes. Applied Physics Letters, 83, 3570-3571.
- Z. Zhuang, S. Qu, and Y. Guo, 2000. The bridging analysis of dynamic crack propagation in fiber reinforced PE pipelines. Fracture and Strength of Solid, K.S. Han etc. editors, Key Engineering Materials, 183-187, Trans. Tech. Publications, Switzerland, 1111-1116.
- 庄茁,郭永进,曲绍兴,董亚民,2000。纤维增强PE材料增韧效果的研究,工程力学,17,67-73。【Z. Zhuang, Y. Guo, S. Qu, Y. Dong, 2000. The Study of toughness for fiber composite PE pipes. Engineering Mechanics (in Chinese), 17, 67-73.】