Meng Hua

Professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Phone: +86 571 8795 2990
Office: Room 322, The Fifth Teaching Building

Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027


Other Appointments


Professional Activities

Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Member, International Association of Hydrogen Energy (IAHE)



Ph.D. – Pennsylvania State University, Mechanical Engineering, 2001
M.S. – Dalian University of Technology, Power Mechanical Engineering, 1993
B.S. – Dalian University of Technology, Power Mechanical Engineering, 1990

Working Experience

2005 -, Professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University
2001 - 2005, Research Associate, Electrochemical Engine Center, Penn State University
2001 - 2001, Postdoctoral Scholar, Propulsion Engineering Research Center, Penn State University

Awards and Honors

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2005-2008 Most Cited Article
Chemical Engineering Science 2003-2006 Most Cited Paper Award
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2002-2005 Most Cited Article


Research Interests

Supercritical Heat Transfer
Renewable and Alternative Energy
Combustion and Power Engineering


Current Projects

  1. Supercritical Heat Transfer of Hydrocarbon Fuels with Endothermic Cracking Chemical Reactions
  2. Studies on Two-Phase Transport Phenomena in PEM Fuel Cells and Computational Software Development


Publication List

Selected Publications
Hsiao, G.C., Meng, H., and Yang, V., “Pressure-Coupled Vaporization Response of n-Pentane Fuel Droplet at Subcritical and Supercritical Conditions” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33, 1997-2003, 2011

Meng, H., and Ruan, B., “Numerical Studies of Cold-Start Phenomena in PEM Fuel Cells: A Review”, International Journal of Energy Research, 35, 2-14, 2011

Wang, Y.-Z., Hua, Y.-X., and Meng, H., “Numerical Studies of Supercritical Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer of Cryogenic-Propellant Methane”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 24, 490-500, 2010

Meng, H., “Numerical Studies of Liquid Water Behaviors in PEM Fuel Cell Cathode Considering Transport across Different Porous Layers”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35, 5569-5579, 2010

Hua, Y.-X., Wang, Y.-Z., and Meng, H., “A Numerical Study of Supercritical Forced Convective Heat Transfer of n-Heptane inside a Horizontal Miniature Tube”, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 52, 36-46, 2010

Meng, H., “Multi-dimensional Liquid Water Transport in the Cathode of a PEM Fuel Cell with Consideration of the Micro-porous Layer (MPL)”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 5488-5497, 2009

Meng, H., “Numerical Analyses of Non-Isothermal Self-Start Behaviors of PEM Fuel Cells from Subfreezing Startup Temperatures”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33, 5738-5747, 2008

Meng, H., “Numerical Studies of Cold-Start Phenomenon in PEM Fuel Cells”, Electrochimica Acta, 53(22), 6521-6529, 2008

Meng, H., “A PEM Fuel Cell Model for Cold-Start Simulations”, Journal of Power Sources, 178(1), 141-150, 2008

Lafon, P., Meng, H., Yang, V., and Habiballah, M., “Vaporization of Liquid Oxygen (LOX) Droplets in Hydrogen and Water Environments under Sub- and Super-critical Conditions”, Combustion Science and Technology, 180, 1-26, 2008

Meng, H., “Numerical Investigation of Transient Responses of a PEM Fuel Cell using a Two-Phase Non-Isothermal Mixed-Domain Model”, Journal of Power Sources, 171(2), 738-746, 2007

Meng, H., “A Two-Phase Non-Isothermal Mixed-Domain PEM Fuel Cell Model and Its Application to Two-Dimensional Simulations”, Journal of Power Sources, 168(1), 218-228, 2007

Meng, H., “A Three-Dimensional Mixed-Domain PEM Fuel Cell Model with Fully-Coupled Transport Phenomena”, Journal of Power Sources, 164(2), 688-696, 2007

Meng, H., “A Three-Dimensional PEM Fuel Cell Model with Consistent Treatment of Water Transport in MEA”, Journal of Power Sources, 162(1), 426-435, 2006

Meng, H., “A Simplified Method for Solving Anisotropic Transport Phenomena in PEM Fuel Cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 161(1), 466-469, 2006

Meng, H., and Wang, C.Y., “Multidimensional Modeling of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells under a Current Density Boundary Condition”, Fuel Cells, 5(4), 455-462, 2005

Meng, H., and Wang, C.Y., “Model of Two-Phase Flow and Flooding Dynamics in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 152(9), A1733-A1741, 2005

Meng, H., Hsiao, G.C., Yang, V., and Shuen, J.S., “Transport and Dynamics of Liquid Oxygen Droplets in Supercritical Hydrogen Streams”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 527, 115-139, 2005

Ju, H., Meng, H., and Wang C.Y., “A Single-Phase, Non-Isothermal Model for PEM Fuel Cells”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48, 1303-1315, 2005 (2002-2005, 2005-2008 Most Cited Article)

Meng, H., and Wang, C.Y., “Large-Scale Simulation of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells by Parallel Computing”, Chemical Engineering Science, 59(16), 3331-3343, 2004 (2003-2006 Most Cited Paper Award)

Meng, H., and Wang, C.Y., “Electron Transport in PEFCs”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 151(3), A358-A367, 2004

Zong, N., Meng, H., Hsieh, S.Y., and Yang, V., “A Numerical Study of Cryogenic Fluid Injection and Mixing under Supercritical Conditions”, Physics of Fluids, 16(12), 4248-4261, 2004

Meng, H., and Yang, V., “A Unified Treatment of General Fluid Thermodynamics and Its Application to a Preconditioning Scheme”, Journal of Computational Physics, 189 (1), 277-304, 2003