Lin Jianzhong

Professor, Department of Mechanics
Phone: | +86 571 8795 2882 |
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Office: | The Twelve Teaching Building |
Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus
38 Zheda Road
Hangzhou, China 310027
Other Appointments
President, China Jiliang University
Professional Activities
Deputy Director, Division of Fluid Mechanics, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Member, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Member, Chinese Society of Aerodynamics
Head, Zhejiang Provincial Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, China
Standing Member, Zhejiang Provincial Association of Science and Technology, China
Ph.D. –Peking University, Fluid Mechanics, 1991
M. S – Zhejiang University, Fluid Mechanics, 1986
B. S. – Zhejiang University, Fluid Mechanics, 1982
Working Experience
1994-now, Professor, Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University
1992-1994, Associate professor, Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University
1988-1992, Lecture, Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University
1986 - 1988, Assistant professor, Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University
2006-now, President, China Jiliang University
2003 -2005, Director, Institute of Fluid Engineering, Zhejiang University
2001 –2002, President, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
1999 -2001, President, Hangzhou Institute of Applied Technology
1996-1999, Vice President, Hangzhou Institute of Applied Technology
1992 – 1996, Chairman,Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University
1994 – 1995, Vice Chairman,Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University
1992-1994, Deputy Director, Institute of Fluid Engineering, Zhejiang University
Awards and Honors
Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Advance Award, First prize, 2009
Zhejiang Province Special Expert, 2008
Zhejiang Province Middle-aged and Young Experts with Distinguish Contributions, 2007
Zhejiang Province Excellent Staff of Science and Technology, 2006
Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Advance Award, First prize, 2006
Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Advance Award, Second prize, 2004
Zhejiang Province Priority Supported Financially by “New Century 151 Talent Project”, 2002.
High Science and Technology Reward Foundation of Lu Zengqi, First prize, 2002
National Science Foundation of China, Outstanding Young Research Award, 1999
Machinery Ministry Science and Technology Advance Award, Third prize, 1999
Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Advance Award, Third prize, 1998
National First and Second Levels of “the National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project, 1997
State Education Ministry “the Trans-Century Training Program Fund for the Talents”, 1997
Zhejiang Province First Level of “the 151 Talent Project”, 1997
Zhejiang Province Natural Science Special Fund for Youth Scientists Cultivation, 1996
Zhejiang Province Young or Middle-aged Academic Leader of Colleges and Universities, 1995
National Science and Technology Advance Award, First prize, 1991
Machinery Ministry Science and Technology Advance Award, Third prize, 1989
Research Interests
Multi-Phase fluid flows
Dynamics of fiber suspensions
Micro fluid dynamics
Mucilage atomizing and the homogeneity
Particulate two-phase machinery
Turbulence and coherent structure
Current Projects
1. Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
2. Scientific Project of Zhejiang Province of China
3. Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program)
Publication List
Recent Publications
1 “Binary homogeneous nucleation and growth of water-sulfuric acid nanoparticles using a TEMOM model”, Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, Vol.53, No.4, P635-644.
2 “A LB-DF/FD method for particle suspensions”, Nie Deming, Lin Jianzhong, Communications in Computational in Physics, 2010, Vol.7, No.3, P544-563.
3 “Numerical computations of the flow in a finite diverging channel”, Yu Zhaosheng, Shao Xueming Lin Jianzhong, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2010, Vol.11, No.1, P50-60.
4 “A review of research on cylindrical particulate flows”, Lin Jianzhong, Liang Xiaoyu, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2010, Vol.36, No.2, P93-99.
5 “Nanoparitcle-laden flows via moment method: A review”, Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2010, Vol.36, No.2, P144-151.
6 “A fitting formula for predicting droplet mean diameter for various liquid in effervescent atomization spray”, Qian Lijuan, Lin Jianzhong, Xiong Hongbin, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2010, Vol.19, No.3, P586-601.
7 “Nanoparticle transport and coagulation in bends of circular cross section via a new moment method”, Lin Jianzhong, Lin Peifeng, Yu Mningzhou, Chen Huajun, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2010, Vol.18, No.1, P1-9.
8 “The central oblique collision efficiency of spherical nanoparticles in the Brownian coagulation”, Wang Yuming, Lin Jianzhong, Feng Yu, Modern Physics Letters B, 2010, Vol.24, No.14, P1523-1531.
9 “A new formula for predicting the velocity distribution in the turbulent fiber suspensions of a channel flow”, Lin Jianzhong, Shen Suhua, Fibers and Polymers, 2010, Vol.11, No.3, P438-447.
10 “A new expression for the velocity profile in the turbulent pipe flows of fiber suspension”, Shen Suhua, Lin Jianzhong, Fibers and Polymers, 2010, Vol.11, No.3, P474-480.
11 “Nanoparticle nucleation and coagulation in a mixing layer”, Lin Jianzhong, Liu Yanhua, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2010, Vol.26, No.4, P521-529.
12 “A theoretical model of turbulent fiber suspension and its application to the channel flow” Lin Jianzhong, Shen Suhua, Science China. 2010, Vol.53, No.9, P1659-1670.
13 “Rheological properties of fiber suspensions flowing through a curved expansion duct”, Lin Jianzhong, Zhang Qihua, Zhang Kai, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2001, Vol.50, No.10, P1994-2003.
14 “Particle size distribution in a planar jet flow undergoing shear-induced coagulation and breakage”, Gan Fujun, Lin Jianzhong, Yu Mingzhou, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010, Vol.22, No.4, P445-455.
15 “Characteristics of flow around an impulsively rotating square cylinder via LB-DF/FD method”, Nie Deming, Lin Jianzhong, Chinese Physics Letter, 2010, Vol.27, No.10, 104701-1-4.
16 “Numerical modeling in radio frequency suspension plasma spray of zirconia powders”, Qian Lijuan, Lin Jianzhong, Xiong Hongbing, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2010, Vol.30, No.P733-760.
17 “Vehicular exhaust gas-to-nanoparticle conversion and concentration distribution in the vehicle wake region”, Chan T L, Zhou K, Lin Jianzhong, Liu C H, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2010, Vol.11, No.8, P581-593.
Selected Publications
1. Lin Jianzhong, Lin Peifeng and Chen Huajun, “Research on the transport and deposition of nanoparticles in a rotating curved pipe”, Physics of fluids, 2009, Vol.21, 122001, P1-11.
2. Xiong hongbing, Lin Jianzhong, “Nanoparticles modeling in axially injection suspension plasma spray of zirconia and alumina ceramics”, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2009, Vol.18, No.5-6, P887- 895.
3. Nie Deming, Lin Jianzhong, “A fluctuating lattice-Boltzmann model for direct numerical simulation of particle Brownian motion”, Particuology, 2009, Vol.7, No.6, P501-506.
4. Shao Chuanping, Lin Jianzhong, “Control of vortex shedding from a plate at incidence angles in he range 00-900”, Journal of Fluids Engineering –Transactions of the ASME, 2009, Vol.131, No.11, 111202-1-9.
5. Xie Mingliang, Lin Jianzhong, “An efficient numerical solution for linear stability of circular jet: A combination of Petrov-Galerkin spectral method and exponential coordinate transformation based on Fornberg’s treatment”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2009, Vol.61, No.7, P780-795.
6. Ku Xiaoke, Lin Jianzhong, “Inertial effects on the rotational motion of a fiber in simple shear flow between two bounding walls”, Physica Scripta, 2009, Vol. 80, No.2, P025801.
7. Ku Xiaoke, Lin Jianzhong, “Effect of two bounding walls on the rotational motion of a fiber in the simple shear flow”, Fibers and Polymers, 2009, Vol.10, No.3, P302-309.
8. Lin Jianzhong, Ku Xiaoke, “Fiber orientation distributions in a suspension flow through a parallel plate channel containing a cylinder”, Journal of Composite Materials, 2009, Vo.43,No.12, P1373-1390.
9. Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, “Solution of the agglomerate Brownian coagulation using Taylor-expansion moment method”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2009, Vol. 336, Issue 1, P142-149.
10. Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, “Taylor-expansion moment method for agglomerate coagulation due to Brownian motion in the entire size regime”, Journal of Aerosol Science, 2009, Vol.40, No.6, P549-562.
11. Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, Chan Tatleung, “Numerical simulation for nucleated vehicle exhaust particulate matters via the TEMOM/LES method” International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2009, Vol.20, No.3, P399-421.
12. Shen Suhua, Lin Jianzhong, “Numerical research on the effect of fibers on the property of turbulent fiber suspension in a channel”, Modern Physics Letters B , 2009, Vol.23, No.3, P509-512.
13. Lin Jianzhong, Qian Lijuan, Xiong Hongbin, “Relationship between deposition properties and operating conditions for droplet onto surface in the atomization impinging spray”, Powder Technology, 2009, Vol.191, Issue 3, P340-348.
14. Lin Jianzhong, Qian Lijuan, Xiong Hongbin, “Effects of operating conditions on the droplet deposition onto surface in the atomization impinging spray with an impinging plate”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2009, Vol.203, No.12, P1733-1740.
15. Xie Mingliang , Lin Jianzhong, Zhou H.C.,“Temporal stability of a particle-laden Blasius boundary layer”, Modern Physics Letters B, 2009, Vol.23, No.2, P203-216.
16. Lin Peifeng and Lin Jianzhong, “Transport and deposition of nanoparticles in bend tube with circular cross-section” Progress in Natural Science,2009, Vol.19, No.1, P 33-39.
17. Xie Mingliang, Lin Jianzhong, Zhou Huaichun, “The effect of non-linear interaction between gas and particle velocities on the hydrodynamic stability in the Blasius boundary layer”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2009, Vol.44, No.1, P106-114.
18. Xiong Hongbing, Lin Jianzhong, Zhu Zefei, “Three-Dimensional simulation of effervescent atomization spray”, Atomization and Sprays, 2009, Vol.19, No.1, P75-90.
19. Wang Zhanhong, Lin Jianzhong and You Zhenjiang, “Research on the specific viscosity of semi-concentrated fiber suspensions”, Modern Physics Letters B, 2008, Vol. 22, No.29, P2857-2868.
20. Wan Zhanhong, Lin Jianzhong and Xiong Hongbin “On the non-linear instability of fiber suspensions in a Poiseuille flow”, , International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2008, Vol.3, No.10, P898-907.
21. Bao Fubing, Lin Jianzhong, “Burnett simulations of gas flow in microchannels”, Fluid Dynamic Research,2008, Vol.40, No.9, P679-694.
22. Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, Chan T.L., “A new moment method for solving the cogulation equation for particles in Brownian motion”, Aerosol Science and Technology, 2008, Vol.42, 705-713.
23. Bao Fubing, Lin Jianzhong, “Burnett simulation of gas flow and heat transfer in micro Poiseuille flow”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008, Vol.51, P4139-4144.
24. Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, Chan Tat-leung, “Effect of precursor loading on non-spherical TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis in a diffusion flame reactor”, Chenmical Engineering Science, 2008, Vol. 63, No.9, P2317-2329.
25. Lin Jianzhong, Chai Xiaochuan, Fan Xijun, “Structure and properties of concentrated fiber suspensions in a shear flow”, Modern Physics Letters B, 2008, Vol.22, No.9, P643-659.
26. Zhou Kun, Lin Jianzhong, “Three dimensional fiber orientation distribution in two dimensional flows”, Fibers and Polymers, 2008, Vol.9, No.1, P39-47.
27. Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, Chan Tatleung, “Numerical simulation of nanoparticle synthesis in diffusion flame reactor”, Powder Technology, 2008, Vol.181, No.1, P9-20.
28. Chan, T.L., Bao Fubing., Lin Jianzhong, Zhou Y., Chan, C.K., “Temporal stability of a particle-laden jet”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2008, Vol. 34, No.2, P176-187.
29. Wan Zhanhong, Lin Jianzhong, You Zhenjiang, “The effects of closure model of fiber orientation tensor on the instability of fiber suspensions in the Taylor-Couette flow”, Modern Physics Letters B, 2007, Vol. 21, No.24, P1611-1625.
30. Zhou Kun, Lin Jianzhong, “Solution of 3D fiber orientation is 2D fiber suspension flows”, Chan, T.L., Physics of Fluids, 2007, 19, 113309, P1-12.
31. Yin Zhaoqin, Lin Jianzhong, Zhou Kun, Chan Tatleung, “Numerical simulation of the formation of pollutant nanoparticles in the exhaust twin-jet plume of a moving car”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2007, Vol. 8, No.4, P535-543.
32. Lin Jianzhong, Zhang Shanliang, James A. Olson, “Effect of fibers on the flow property of turbulent fiber suspensions in a contraction”, Fibers and Polymers, 2007, Vol.18, No.1, P60-65.
33. Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong and Li Huijun, “Chaotic mixing on a micromixer with barriers embedded”, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, 2007, Vol.33, Issue 4, P1362-1366.
34. Lin Jianzhong, Chan T.L., Liu, Song, Zhou Kun, Zhou Yu and Lee S.C., “Effects of coherent structures on nanoparticle coagulation and dispersion in a round jet”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2007, Vol. 8, No.1, P45-54.
35. Lin Jianzhong, Zhang Shanliang, Olson, J. A., “Computing orientation distribution and rheology of turbulent fiber suspensions flowing through a contraction”, Engineering Computations, 2007, Vol.24, No.1, P52-76.
36. Bao Fubing, Lin Jianzhong and Shi Xing, “Burnett simulations of flow and heat transfer in micro couette flow”, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2007, Vol.43, No.6, P559-566.
37. Chan T.L., Lin Jianzhong, Zhou Kun, Chan C.K., “Simultaneous numerical simulation of nano and fine particle coagulation and dispersion in a round jet”, Journal of Aerosol Science, 2006, Vol. 37, No.11, P1545-1561.
38. Xie Mingliang, Lin Jianzhong, “Effect of Schmidt number on the stability of laminar stratified flow”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2006, Vol.7, No.2, P215-220.
39. Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, Xie Haibo, “Velocity measurement of flow in the microchannel with barriers using micro-PIV”, Journal of Visualization, 2006, Vol.9, No.2, P209-217.
40. Lin Jianzhong, Zhang Lingxin, Zhang Weifeng, “Rheological behavior of fiber suspensions in a turbulent channel flow”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2006, Vol.296, No.2, P721-728.
41. Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, “Numerical analysis on a passive chaotic micromixer with helical microchannel”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2006, Vol.6, No.1, P 190-194.
42. Ku Xiaoke, Lin Jianzhong, “Numerical simulation of the flows over two tandem cylinders by lattice Boltzmann method”, Modern Physics Letters B, 2005, Vol.19, Nos. 28-29, P1551-1554.
43. Zhang Lingxin, Lin Jianzhong, Chan T.L., “Orientation distribution of cylindrical particles suspended in a turbulent pipe flow”, Physics of Fluids, 2005, Vol.17, 093105, 1-8.
44. Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, Li Zhihua, “Study on the impacting factors of transverse diffusion in the micro-channels of T-sensors”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2005, Vol.5, No.8, P1281–1286.
45. Bao Fubing, Lin Jianzhong, “Linear Stability Analysis for Various Forms of One-dimensional Burnett Equations”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2005, Vol.6, No.3, P295-303.
46. Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, Li Zhihua, “Analysis of electro-osmotic flow characteristics at joint of capillaries with step change in ζ-potential and dimension”, Biomedical Microdevices, 2005, Vol.7, No.2, P131-135.
47. Lin Jianzhong, Chai Xiaochun and J. A. Olson, “Research on the interaction of three contact fibers in the fiber suspensions”, Journal of Material Science, 2005,Vol.40, No.5, P1183-1191.
48. Lin Jianzhong, Yu Zhaosheng, Shao Xueming, “Coherent structures in the mixing layers of a Non-Newtonian fluid”, Journal of Turbulence, 2004, Vol.5, 039, P1-18.
49. Wan Zhanhong, Lin Jianzhong, “Hydrodynamic Instability of Semi-concentration Fiber Suspensions between Two Rotating Coaxial Cylinders”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2004, Vol.5, No.3, P211-216.
50. You Zhenjiang, Lin Jianzhong, Yu Zhaosheng, “Hydrodynamic instability of fibre suspensions in channel flows”, Fluid Dynamics Research, 2004, Vol. 34, No. 4, P251-271.
51. Lin Jianzhong, Li Jun and Zhang Weifeng, “The force for cylindrical particles in an longational-shear flow”, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2004, Vol.5, No.1, P9-16.
52. Lin Jianzhong, Zhang Weifeng and Yu Zhaosheng, “Numerical research on the orientation tribution of fibers immersed in laminar and turbulent pipe flows”, J. of Aerosol Science, 2004, Vol.35, No.1, P63-82.
53. Lin Jianzhong, Shi Xing and Yu Zhaosheng, “The motion of cylindrical particles in an evolving mixing layer”, Int. J. Multiphase flow, 2003, Vol.29, No.8, P1355-1372.
54. Shi Xing, Lin Jianzhong, Yu Zhaosheng “Discontinuous Galerkin spectral element lattice Boltzmann method on triangular element”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2003, Vol.42, No.11, P1249-1261.
55. Lin Jianzhong, Shi Xing and You Zhenjiang, “Effects of the aspect ratio on the sedimentation of a fiber in Newtonian fluids”, J. Aerosol Sci. 2003, Vol.34, No.7, P909-921.
56. Lin Jianzhong, Wang Changbin and Shen Liping, “The effect of fiber additives on the turbulent ets”, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2003,Vol.4, No.3, P227-232.
57. Lin Jianzhong, Zhang Zhichao and Yu Zhaosheng, “Investigation of the interactions between two contacting fibers in the fiber suspensions”, Journal of Material Science, 2003, Vol.38, No.7, P1499-1505.
58. Shao Xueming, Lin Jianzhong, Wu Tao and Li Yulin, “Experimental Research on Drag Reduction by Polymer Additives in a Turbulent Pipe Flow”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2002, 80 (2): 293-298 .
59. Lin Jianzhong, Yu Zhaosheng and Shao Xueming, “Numerical research on the coherent structure in a mixing layer with cross-shear”, Journal of Fluid Structure, 2002, Vol.16, No.4, P487-495.
60. Lin Jianzhong and Wang Yelong, “A numerical simulation of the motion of cylindrical particle suspensions in a constrict flow”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2002, Vol.3, No.1, P55-60.
61. Lin Jianzhong, Shen Liping and Zhou Zexuan, “The effect of coherent structure in the particulate two-phase boundary layer on erosion”, Wear, 2000, 241, P10- 16.
62. Yu Zhaosheng, Lin Jianzhong and Fan Xijun, “Numerical research on interactions of the rigid-rodlike polymer and the coherent structures in a mixing layer”, J. of Nonnewtonian Fluid Mechanics, 1999,83,P1-18.
63. Song Xiangqun, Lin Jianzhong, Zhao Jianfu and Shen Tianyao, “Research on reducing erosion by adding ribs on the wall in particulate two-phase flows”, Wear, 193, 1996, P1-7.
Conference List
1 “The research on the quadruple fluctuating velocity correlation in the 2-D turbulent mixing layer and jet”, Lin Jianzhong, Zhou Peiyuan and Wei Zhonglei, ICFMTP Symposium, 1992.6, P379-380.
2 “The experimental results of 2-D free shear turbulent flows and the comparison with the theoretical computation". Zhou Peiyuan, Lin Jian zhong, Wei Zhonglei, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Refined Flow Modelling and Turbulence Measuremens.
3 “Numerical simulation of three-dimensional mixing layers via discrete vortex filaments”, Shen Liping, Lin Jianzhong and Wei Zhonglei, Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrodynamics, 94,Wuxi,China, P238-243.
4 “Research on the Motion of Two Coaxial Thin Vortex Rings”, Zhu Libing, Lin Jianzhong and Fubin, The Second International Conference on Hydrodynamics, December,16-19, 1996, Hong Kong, P821-826.
5 “Research on Nonlinear Stability of Swirling Jet Flow”, Lin Jianzhong, Zhou Zexuan, 3th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, Aug.17-20, 1998, Shanghai, China, P497-501.
6 “Dispersion of cylindrical particles in two-dimensional shear flow”, Lin Jianzhong,Shi Xing and Yu Zhaosheng, Proc.of the Fourth International Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium, Aug.22-24, 1999,Xi’an China,P438-445.
7 “Experiment research on drag reduction by polymer additives”,Shao Xueming, Lin Jianzhong, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control(ICFP’2001), Hangzhou, China, P481-484.
8 “Numerical simulation of gas-field in ball mill”,Ren Zhiyu, Lin Jianzhong, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control(ICFP’2001), Hangzhou, China, P489-492.
9 “Weakly nonlinear stability of moving jet of fiber suspensions”, Lin Jianzhong, Wang Changbin and Zhou Zexuan, Proceedingd of the 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, 2003,August 14-17, Shanghai, Shanghai University Press, P85-89.
10 “Research on the motion of cylindrical particles in the pipe”, Wang Changbin, Lin Jianzhong, Shi Xing, Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Measurement amd Control of Granular Materials, August 20-22, 2003, Shanghai, China, P190-193.
11 “Numerical simulation of two elliptical particles’ sedimentation with inertial using lattice Boltamann method”, Wang Yelong, Lin Jianzhong, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Dalian, China, July 20~23, 2004, P757-761.
12 “Hydrodynamic linear stability of fiber suspensions in Taylor-Couette flow”, Wan Zhanhong, Lin Jianzhong, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Dalian, China, July 20~23, 2004, P503-507.
13 “Research on the motion of cylindrical particles in the pneumatic conveying system”, Chen Yimin, Lin Jianzhong, Advances in Multiphase Flows, Vol.2, The 2nd International Symposium on Multiphase, Non-Newtonian and Reacting Flows’04, September 10-12, 2004, P87-90.
14 “The dispersion of cylindrical particles suspended in a turbulent shear flow”, Zhang Linxing, Lin Jianzhong, Advances in Multiphase Flows, Vol.2, The 2nd International Symposium on Multiphase, Non-Newtonian and Reacting Flows’04, September 10-12, 2004, P91-94.
15 “Analysis of electro-osmotic flow characteristics at joint of capillaries with step change in ζ-potential and dimension”, Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, Li Zhihua, International Forum on Biochip Technology (IFBT2004).
16 “Research on the diffusion in curved micro-channel flow driven by pressure”, Zhang Kai, Lin Jianzhong, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control(ICFP’2005), Hangzhou, April 5-8, 2005, P411-415.
17 “Effect of fiber additives on flow in journal bearings”, Wan Zhanhong, Lin Jianzhong, Wang Fenghui, Li Bingru, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP’2005), Hangzhou, April 5-8, 2005, P284-291.
18 “Study on the impacting factors of transverse diffusion in the micro-channels of T-sensors”, Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, Li Zhihua, 2nd International Forum on Post-Genome Technologies - Genomic Analysis and Bio-Nanoscience (2 IFPT), MAY 26-27, 2004.
19 “The Effect of temperature distribution on the mass species transport in micro-channel driven by electroosmosis”, Zhang Kai, Lin Jianzhong, Proceedings of the Coference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics-CCSH'06, 2006, July 11-14, Shanghai, P65-70.
20 “Numerical research on the hydrodynamic stability of Blasius flow with spectral method”, Xie Mingliang, Xiong Hongbing, Lin Jianzhong, Proceedings of the Coference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics-CCSH'06, 2006, July 11-14, Shanghai, P265-269.
21 “Smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of free surface flow”, Xiong Hongbing, Chen Lihua, Lin Jianzhong, Proceedings of the Coference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics-CCSH'06, 2006, July 11-14, Shanghai, P443-445.
22 “Large eddy simulation of the particles generation and coagulation along the vehicular exhaust twin jets plume”, Yin Zhaoqin, Lin Jianzhong, Zhou Kun, the 7th Inter. Conf. on Measurement and Control of Granular Materials, August 26-28, 2006, Shanghai, China, P315-318.
23 “Theoretical and experimental aanalysis of chaotic mixing efficiency of plug flow in different geometry”, Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, Proceeding of the 4’th International Forum on Post-Genome Technologies (4’ IFPT), September 25-26, 2006, Hangzhou, China, P404-407.
24 “Numerical simulation of sample diffusion in electroosmotic rectangular microchannel flows”, Gan Fujun, Lin Jianzhong and Zhang Kai, Proceeding of the 4’th International Forum on Post-Genome Technologies (4’ IFPT), September 25-26, 2006, Hangzhou, China, P264-267.
25 “Experimental research on mixing efficiency of magnetic micromixer”, Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, 2006, 1st IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Vols 1-3, P74-77
26 “Experimental and numerical research on the flow in a microchannel with barriers”, Wang Ruijin, Lin Jianzhong, Xie Haibo, 2006, 1st IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Vols 1-3, P78-82.
27 “Simulation of flow anf heat transfer in micro Couette flow”, Bao Fubing, Lin Jianzhong, 2006, 1st IEEE Inter. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Vols 1-3, P110-115.
28 “Study on the flow structures and pollutant dispersion of a moving car”, Yin ZQ, Lin JZ, Zhou K, 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Aug. 15-19, 2007, New Trends in Fluid Mechanics Research –Proceedings of the 5th Inter. Conferences on Fluid Mechanics, P175.
29 “Simulation of gas flow and heat transfer in micro Poiseuille flow”, Bao Fubing, Lin Jianzhong, Shi Xing, 2008, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineering and Molecular Systems, Vols.1-3, P99-103.
30 “Two-way coupling model for fractal-like agglomerate-laden multiphase flow”, Yu Mingzhou, Lin Jianzhong, Zhang Kai, Zhang Gaohui, Proceedings of the ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference 2009, MNHMT2009, Vol.1, P399-405.
Patent List
- “Gas particle two phase anti-wear centrifugal fans”, 1998
- “Turbulence generating device in the medium concentration Pulp pump”, 2009
- “A method determining required working conditions that the droplets deposit and attach to the substrate in the atomized impinging jet”, 2010
- “The method of calculating K number and We number using the working conditions in the atomized impinging jet”, 2010
- “The method of predicting the evolution trend of mean atomized diameteralong the axial direction in the spray nozzle”, 2010
- "A centrifugal open pump impeller based on the design criteria of fiber pulp suspensions”, 2010.