Wang Chizhong

Associated Professor, Department of Ocean Science and Engineering
Phone: | +86 571 8827 3057 |
Fax: | +86 571 88273064 |
Email: | |
Office: | The DongHeng Teaching Building |
Zhejiang University, Xixi Campus
148 TianMuShan Road
Hangzhou, China 310028
Ph.D–University College London, Mechanical Engineering, 2006;
Ph.D–Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 1999;
M.S–Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Ship Hydrodynamic, 1996;
B.S–Dalian University of Technology, Ship Engineering, 1991.
Working Experience
2009-2010, Visitor scholar, National University of Singapore;
2007-2009, Research Associated Professor, Division of Hydrodynamics, China Special Vehicle Research Institute;
2000-2002, Postdoctoral/research fellow, Department. of Mechanic and Production Engineering, National University of Singapore; .
1991-1993, Assistant Engineer, The 605th Research Institute of Aviation Industry Corporation.
Research Interests
Interactions between nonlinear water waves and ocean structures;
Naval architecture and ocean engineering.
Selected publications
- Wang, C.Z. and Khoo, B.C., 2005, Finite element analysis of two-dimensional nonlinear sloshing problems in random excitations, Ocean Engineering, 32(2), pp.107-133.
- Wang, C.Z. and Wu, G.X., 2006, An unstructured mesh based finite element simulation of wave interactions with non-wall-sided bodies. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 22, pp. 441-461.
- Wang, C.Z. and Wu, G.X., 2006, Simulations of interactions between nonlinear waves and multi or an array of cylinders, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol. 18(3), Supplement 1, July , pp 127-133 (Conference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai).
- Wang, C.Z., Wu, G.X. and Drake, K.R., 2007, Interactions between fully nonlinear water wave and non-wall-sided structures. Ocean Engineering,Vol. 34, pp.1182~1196.
- Wang, C.Z. and Wu, G.X., 2007, Time domain analysis of second order wave diffraction by an array of vertical cylinders. Journal of Fluids and Structures,Vol. 23(4), pp. 605~631.
- Wang, C.Z. and Wu, G.X., 2008,Analysis of second order resonance in wave interactions with floating bodies through a finite element method. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 35, pp. 717-726.
- Wang, C.Z. and Wu, G.X., 2010,Interactions between fully nonlinear water waves and an array of cylinders in a wave tank, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 37, pp. 400-417.