Cheng Jiawang

Title: | Instructor |
Proffesion: | Ocean Technology and Engineering |
Gender: | Male |
Phone: | +86 0571 88208856 |
Fax: | +86 0571 88208891 |
Email: | |
Address: | Room 422 of Ocean building,866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province,China |
Postal Code:310058
Other Appointments
Assistant to the Dean of Zhejiang Marine development research Institute(2011)
Professional Activities
Member of the Ocean energy professional committee of Chinese Renewable Energy Society
Post Doctor-the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission & Control, Zhejiang University; Research on Ocean Resource Investigation and Exploitation, especially on the deep sea pressure-tight sampling technology,2010
Ph.D.-Jilin University, major in geological engineering, reseaching on the multiple processes DTH hammer drilling mainly,2007 (No M.S)
B.S.- Jilin University, major in Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying engineering,2002
Working Experience
1.2010.1 up to now , Instructor, Department of Ocean Science and Engieering,Zhejiang University,
Research on Deep Sea technology equipment include deep sea oil/water separator technology, seabed sediment pressure-tight sampling technology , halobios sampling technology and ocean drilling technology.
2.2007.7-2010.1, Post Doctor, the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission & Control, Zhejiang University; Research on Ocean Resource Investigation and Exploitation, especially on the deep sea pressure-tight sampling technology.
Research Interests
1.Deep sea oil/water separator technology;
2.Deep-sea halobios pressure-tight sampling technology;
3.Deep-sea pressure-tight sediment sampling theory
4.Liquid /air/oil pressure driven drilling theory
5.Ocean energy conversion technology
6.Underwater vehicle
Current Projects
1.Deep sea sediment pressure tight sampling technology (core length longer than 20 meters)
2.Deep sea halobios pressure tight sampler technology
3.Ocean upwelling development and research
4.Underwater vehicle development and research
Publication List
1.Effects of hydraulic locking on performance of liquid-jet hammer, Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science),2009,5(33):75-79
2.The analysis on self-compressibility of sealing materials under high pressure in deepsea,China Mechanical Engineering,2010,12(21):1481-1484.
3.Effect of cone dimensions of forced vortex on performance of dynamic hydrocyclone, The Ocean Engineering ,2011,29(1):89-93,99
4. Research on the active hydrocyclone oil-water separation in deep-water, submitted
Conference List
Numerical Simulation of the performance of the SC-89 jet impact system,Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC2009-2561), 2009.10.12-14, California, USA ( Presentation)
Patent List
1.Deep sea integrated drive brushless DC motors,201010546356.7
2.Active deep-sea water booster,201010546368.X
3.No bolt gravity-piston pressure tight long sediment core sampler ,200910101692.8
4.Long gravity- piston pressure tight core sediment sampler through the hydrate BSR interface,200910101693.2
5.Components of the hydraulic drive for columnar samples of seabed sampling, 200910096876.X
6.Hydraulic driven multi-tube cylindrical samples of marine halobios and sealing system, 200910096874.0
7.Seabed halobios sampling and sealing components,CN101413845,2009.04